Iredell-Statesville Schools Middle School Choral Performance Rubric I: Superior (90-100%) III: Average (65-79%) II: Excellent (80-89%) IV: Below Average (50-64%) Tone Quality 10 points Balance and Blend 10 points Intonation 10 points Expression and Phrasing 10 points Superior Excellent Average Below Average The tone is uniform, consistent and well controlled throughout, with minor lapses. There are a few tone problems. Occasional lapses in tone are caused by extremes of range/volume. There is an understanding of tone but the extremes of volume and pitch are often out of control. The ensemble achieves a pyramid balance in dynamics and ranges throughout the performance. A particular section rarely overpowers another section. The ensemble achieves an excellent blend most of the time with occasional balance problems. Tone quality has some harshness and/or distortion at extended ranges/volume levels. There are some inconsistencies in the tone quality. The ensemble has a proper blend. There are some lapses when sections are overpowering other sections. The ensemble performs in tune in all dynamics and ranges throughout the performance. There may be rare lapses in intonation. The expression is accurate. Great attention is paid to the shaping of phrases. The ensemble is well tuned most of the time with occasional pitch problems that occur are due to range and dynamic extremes. The expression is accurate most of the time. Most of the phrases have a musical shape. The ensemble is mostly in tune but inconsistent. There are some attempts to correct the problems. The ensemble is somewhat in tune. When problems occur minor attempts are made to correct them. The expression is accurate some of the time. There is basic attempt to shape phrases. There is little expressive interpretation of the music. There is a slight attempt to shape phrases. At times, the ensemble achieves proper balance. The ensemble often has members that are singing either too loud or too soft. Dynamics and Style 10 points Rhythm, Precision, Tempo, and Note Accuracy 20 point Diction 20 points Posture and Overall Effect 10 points The performance is stylistically accurate. The ensemble displays an appropriate range of dynamics throughout the performance. The performance is stylistically accurate most of the time. The ensemble displays an appropriate dynamic range throughout most of the performance. Rhythms are vertically aligned and tempos are accurate most of the time. Problems only occur in the most difficult sections. Notes are accurate most of the time. The performance is stylistically accurate some of the time. Dynamic variation is apparent, but the differences between dynamic levels are limited. There is little stylistic interpretation of the music. The ensemble attempts few dynamic changes. Rhythms are vertically aligned and tempos are accurate some of the time. The ensemble has trouble staying together. Notes are accurate some of the time. Pronunciation is clear, appropriate, and consistent. Pronunciation is proper and consistent with only minor problems. Correct pronunciation is performed some of the time. Correct singing posture is correctly demonstrated. Facial expression and focus is correctly demonstrated. Correct singing posture, facial expression, and focus are demonstrated with only minor problems. Correct singing posture, facial expression, and focus are seldom demonstrated. Rhythms are seldom vertically aligned and tempos are uneven throughout the performance. There is little sense of rhythmic accuracy and rhythms are often weak in fast or difficult sections. Notes are inconsistent. Correct pronunciation is rare- words are not understandable by the audience. Correct singing posture, facial expression, and focus are rare. Rhythms are vertically aligned and tempos are accurate throughout the performance. Rhythmic interpretation is appropriate for the music. Notes are accurate. Point analysis: Out of 10 points: Out of 20 points: Superior 9 or 10 Excellent 8 Average 6 or 7 Below Average 5 or 6 18, 19 or 20 16 or 17 14 or 15 10, 11, 12 or 13