Data Presentation HFS@home Wednesday 12th February 2014

Data Presentation HFS@home Wednesday 12th February 2014
During this evening we explored the types of data HFS use to track progress and attainment for the children and to benchmark our performance with other
schools. We are very proud of the results we achieve and the teachers and school leadership will be able to share that with you all in appropriate times and
places. Thank you especially to Kate for her tireless work on understanding, sharing and embedding these systems.
All of the acronyms in this were explained on the night so if you have queries please ask those who attended first and if you are still in doubt please ask at
school or pop a note in your child’s bag.
Type of
Internal assessment (half termly)
National (annual)
Local (annual)
Socio-economic and based on past
performance and top 25th percentile
performing schools (annual)
Source of
SIMS (KS1 and 2)
Internal summary reports and
action plans per class
Hertfordshire Improvement Plan
Fischer Family Trust (FFT) – selfevaluation booklet and prediction
SIMS and EAZmag show
attainment based on national
expected levels
Phonics screening
KS1 results (Year 2)
KS2 results (Year 6)
KS1/2 results include reading,
writing, maths and science
Shows % attaining or surpassing
expected level as well as Average
Points Score (APS)
Phonics screening
KS1 results (Year 2)
KS2 results (Year 6)
Shows % at each level/sublevel so
we can compare to local and
national averages
KS1 results (Year 2)
KS2 results (Year 6)
Shows % at each level/sublevel
SIMS and EAZmag show progress
based on national expected levels
Shows progress (expected
progress from KS1 to KS2 is 2
Shows value added (VA) which is
progress made from starting point
Shows progress and Value Added
for KS2
Shows progress and Value Added for
EYFS to KS1 and KS1 to KS2
Discussions are then held between
teacher and Kate to identify areas
FSM Gap Analysis at KS2
Valued Added:
of concern and action plan created
per child to ensure adequate
support and challeng
SIMS can create reports for sub
groups, individuals, subjects etc
Absence and exclusions
Closing the Gaps (FSM and CLA)
FFT Value added and estimates at
KS1 – KS2
Five strongest areas
Five weakest areas
Background information (context)
KS1 estimates- shows Type A, B, D
estimates (we use type D as sets
most challenging targets)
Type A – average (age, gender,
Type B – local (FSM and
Type D – progress of schools in 25th
percentile (high achieving)
Looks in detail at Reading, Writing,
Maths for each sub group
at present
More reports will become available
with more historic data as the
school grows
KS2 data as we don’t have Year 6
children yet
Only takes into account children
we had at end of 2013 and
significant changes since (Year 2
and 3 have approximately doubled)
Types of data from school:
parent evenings (Autumn and spring)
report (summer)
weekly highlights per class in Voice
personal feedback (verbal/ email/ home school link book) should be fortnightly
KS2 data
Only takes into account children
we had at end of 2012/13 and
significant changes since (Year 2
and 3 have approximately doubled)
We can’t access VA information
because we don’t have 3 years data
Only takes into account children we
had at end of 2012/13 and significant
changes since (Year 2 and 3 have
approximately doubled)
blogs (Chicks, Year 3, Director of Learning and expanding to other years once piloted successfully in these areas)