General Instructions for Recertification The Application for Recertification document is broken into 3 parts. PART 1: Information and Policies related to Recertification PART 2: Application for Recertification To submit your Application for Recertification please complete the following steps: STEP 1: Read the Recertification Requirements and CEC Guidelines document STEP 2: Complete Application for Recertification Form Payment Form Sign the Statement of Understanding STEP 3: To Submit, either: 1. (Preferred) Send by email as PDF to (You then DO NOT need to mail your application into BCCDA). Save your Application for Recertification form and scan your signed Statement of Understanding and completed Payment Form. 2. Print the documents and complete by hand (please print), and mail the documents to the BCCDA. Checklist and Instructions for Submitting Application for Recertification Here is what should be included in your PDF document and emailed to the BCCDA Registrar before the expiry of your certification: Part 2 – Application for Certification form – completed in full (starting on Page 6). When completing the form, delete Part 1 from the document before saving. This is information for you to retain, we don’t need it sent back to us. Save your Word document as a PDF for emailing. Here is what needs to be printed and mailed to the BCCDA office before the expiry of your certification: The Recertification Statement of Understanding The CCDP Recertification Payment Form Send your documents and non-refundable payment to: Registrar’s Office BC Career Development Association Suite 728 - 510 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1L8 PART 1 INFORMATION AND POLICIES RELATED TO RECERTIFICATION Here is what you need to retain for one year after submitting your application for Recertification: Professional Association Membership - Proof of individual membership in good standing in a BCCDA recognized professional association for the entire certification period. A full copy of the CCDP Application for Recertification form that was submitted to BCCDA. Evidence of all of the CE credits that you claimed when you completed your Log. (see p.5 for list of accepted evidence/documents) If you have questions about your Application for Recertification, please email BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 2 of 14 PART 1 INFORMATION AND POLICIES RELATED TO RECERTIFICATION How to Maintain Certification To maintain certification, the CCDP is required to: Obtain a minimum of 100 CE credits addressing a minimum of three (3) categories of the six (6) continuing education (CE) categories during their certification period. Continuing Education Credits will only be awarded for activities completed during the certification period and that can be shown to relate to work related skills/abilities/knowledge. NOTE: Ensure that each continuing credit activity addresses one or more of the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners competencies. In total, an application must address at least 2 Core and 2 Areas of Specialization from the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners. Have been an individual member in good standing in the BCCDA or BCCDA recognized professional association throughout their certification period. Submit your Application for Recertification on or before the expiry date of your current certification period. Applications are to be submitted by EMAIL as a PDF document. (Print and mail if necessary, but emailed saved/scanned documents preferred) Applications should be sent in no more than 60 days prior to the expiry of current certification. Submission prior to your expiry date does not change your original certification period. You DO NOT need to mail this application form into BCCDA. You must retain your supporting documentation proving the Continuing Education activities you are claiming for one year after your submission. (You will not submit these with your application but will keep them for possible audit at a later date) Audit The Certification Review Committee will randomly select CCDP Applications for Recertification to verify documentation for continuing education credits/activities claimed as part of the application. The BCCDA Registrar will email the candidate informing them they have been randomly selected for audit, and backup documentation will be required to support their recertification process. Audited candidates must submit documents (hard or electronic copy) verifying Continuing Education activities within the timeframes specified by the Audit Committee. BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 3 of 14 PART 1 INFORMATION AND POLICIES RELATED TO RECERTIFICATION Revoking Certification A CCDP could have their certification revoked in a few ways: 1. Not Filing an Application for Recertification If a CCDP does not submit an application for recertification by the required date, the Registrar’s office will issue notice to the individual indicating that their certification will be revoked in 30 days. A CCDP who does not submit the Application for Recertification within the time prescribed in the notice will be removed from the active certification database and will no longer be considered CCDP certified. 2. Being denied recertification by the Certification Review Committee A CCDP may be denied recertification after a review of their Application for Recertification. This could happen due to an insufficient number of credits being deemed eligible by the Committee. If this occurs, the Committee will communicate with the CCDP within 30 days of the decision by the Committee. The CCDP has the right to appeal the decision to the Appeals Committee. 3. Failing to maintain an up-to-date individual membership in the BCCDA or an association recognized by the BCCDA throughout the certification period. (They are connected - being certified means being a member of a career development association and fulfilling on-going certification requirements & activities) 4. By engaging in activities that are against the Code of Ethics of the BCCDA or the profession such as: Being proven to have breached the Code of Ethics of my professional association and those of the BCCDA Being convicted of a criminal offence Being proven to have performed actions or inactions that cause or can be seen to cause harm to the profession Providing false or misleading information Appeals to Revoking of Certification Applicants dissatisfied with a decision of the Certification Review Committee may appeal that decision to the Appeals Committee in writing to the Registrar within 60 days of issuance of the Certification Review Committee decision. Appellants are required to pay a non-refundable fee of $50 + HST to cover the administrative costs of their appeal. Applicants wishing to launch an appeal should contact the Registrar for more information about the appeal process. BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 4 of 14 PART 1 INFORMATION AND POLICIES RELATED TO RECERTIFICATION Reference Guide for Continuing Education (CE) Credits To be eligible for recertification, you must obtain a minimum of 100 CE credits addressing a minimum of three (3) categories of the six (6) continuing education (CE) categories during your certification period. Each professional development activity must address one or more of the Canadian Standards and Guidelines competencies. The following categories are suitable for claiming Continuing Education Credits: Career Development & Related Conferences Association and membership involvement Research and development in career development Continuing formal education in career development and related areas Informal professional learning activities Training days, workshops, lectures, seminars, and webinars For each activity please list: Type of activity/category Number of CEC’s claimed Quantity of the activity (i.e. number of hours, number of meetings) Content of the activity or topic Name of the agency or institution that delivered the professional development activity Date(s) the applicant attended and/or completed the professional development activity Which standards and guidelines competencies does this support? Examples of accepted documentation include, but are not limited to: Receipts Certificates of attendance Transcripts Conference agendas Programs Course outlines Notes taken at conferences / workshops, summary or notes written by the CCDP about books/articles read Clippings of CCDP published articles and letters of support and/or reference. The Certification Review Committee reserves the right to request that the applicant provide detailed documents to substantiate the information recorded on the Application for Certification forms. Please keep your substantiating documentation for one year after submission. BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 5 of 14 PART 2 APPLICATION FOR RECERTIFICATION Application for Recertification This Application for Recertification is to be submitted to BCCDA by the expiry of your current Certification period. You can add additional pages to this form as necessary. SECTION 1: PERSONAL CONTACT INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Previous Name (if applicable): Home Address: City/Province: Postal Code: ___ Email Address: Phone: (w) (h) (c) It is the responsibility of CCDPs to promptly submit and keep current their contact information to the BCCDA including change of name, address, e-mail and phone number. NOTE: CCDP Certification Number: Certification Date: Expiration Date: BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 6 of 14 PART 2 APPLICATION FOR RECERTIFICATION SECTION 2 – PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP During my certification period, I have been an individual (voting) member in good standing with... Please be sure to indicate which membership will cover you beyond your recertification date. Professional Association Membership # Membership Expiry Date or Period Covered Type of Proof of Membership Available Upon Request Proof of membership can include a copy of membership card, confirmation letter, receipt or on-line registration confirmation but it must state the applicant’s name and a membership expiry date. This is to be available in case of audit of your Application for Recertification. NOTE: BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 7 of 14 PART 2 APPLICATION FOR RECERTIFICATION Recertification Continuing Education Credit Claim Summary for CCDP certifications granted up to February 28, 2011 Name: CCDP Certification Number: Certification Date: Expiration Date: STEP 1 Indicate the number of CE credits you are claiming per year per category. You must cbc rdio cbcindicate a total of at least 100 hours of CE credits to be eligible for recertification. Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Credits Career Development Conferences Association and Membership Involvement Research & Development in Career Development Formal Education in related areas Informal Learning Activities Training days, workshops, lectures, seminars, and webinars TOTAL CREDITS CLAIMED STEP 2 Indicate the Competency areas that your CE credits address. You must address at least 2 Core Competencies and 2 Areas of Specialisation through your CE credits to be eligible for recertification. Above claimed credit hours addressed learning in the following competency areas from the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners: Area(s) of your competency developed by this activity: (put an X beside all that apply) C.1 Professional Behaviour S.2 Facilitated/Individual Group Learning C.2 Interpersonal Competence S.3 Career Counselling C.3 Career Development Knowledge S.4 Information/Resource Management C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.5 Work Development S.1 Assessment S.6 Community Capacity Building BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 8 of 14 PART 2 APPLICATION FOR RECERTIFICATION Recertification Continuing Education Credit Claim Summary for CCDP certifications and recertifications granted on or after March 1, 2011 Name: CCDP Certification Number: Certification Date: Expiration Date: STEP 1 Indicate the number of CE credits you are claiming per year per activity. You must indicate a total of at least 100 hours of CE credits to be eligible for recertification. You may claim more than 100 CEC’s if you are unsure whether some activities are not considered relevant. Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Credits Career Development Conferences Association and Membership Involvement Research & Development in Career Development Formal Education in related areas Informal Learning Activities Training days, workshops, lectures, seminars, and webinars TOTAL CREDITS CLAIMED STEP 2 Indicate the Competency areas that your CE credits address. You must address at least 2 Core Competencies and 2 Areas of Specialisation through your CE credits to be eligible for recertification. Above claimed credit hours addressed learning in the following competency areas from the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners: Area(s) of your competency developed by this activity: (put an X beside all that apply) C.1 Professional Behaviour S.2 Facilitated/Individual Group Learning C.2 Interpersonal Competence S.3 Career Counselling C.3 Career Development Knowledge S.4 Information/Resource Management C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.5 Work Development S.1 Assessment S.6 Community Capacity Building BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 9 of 14 PART 3 FORMS FOR SUBMISSION BY MAIL Statement of Understanding I certify that all information provided in this Application for Recertification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information will result in immediate withdrawal of my credential. I understand that the BC Career Development Association (BCCDA) has the right to confirm or validate any information submitted as part of the application. I understand my credential may be revoked if I: am proven to have breached the Code of Ethics of my professional association and those of the BCCDA am convicted of a criminal offence am proven to have performed actions or inactions that cause or can be seen to cause harm to the profession provide false or misleading information fail to maintain an up-to-date individual membership in an Association recognized by the BCCDA I have read the Canadian Standards and Guidelines Code of Ethics and agree to abide by these standards while providing career development services. If I am granted this recertification by the BC Career Development Association (BCCDA), I may advertise said credential (CCDP) to promote my work, but this by no means holds the BCCDA liable for my work. I hereby release the BCCDA from any and all liability and/or claim that may arise from my work. I understand that all material submitted with my application becomes the property of the BC Career Development Association upon receipt and that neither originals nor photocopies will be returned to me. I understand that all material submitted in this application and any discussions related to this application are governed by the BC Career Development Association Privacy Policy. Print Name Date Signature BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 10 of 14 PART 3 FORMS FOR SUBMISSION BY MAIL CCDP Recertification Payment Form Complete the following information to pay your CCDP recertification fees. Please view our privacy policy at for more information. CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Mailing Address: City: Postal Code: Province: Telephone: E-Mail Address: TYPE OF CCDP FEE ASSOCIATED Standard Renewal of Certification Fee ($150 + $18 HST = $168) And if needed to join/renew: BCCDA Membership ($100 + $12 HST = $112) PAYMENT OPTIONS To pay by cheque: Attach cheque and this form to your Statement of Understanding Form and mail to: Registrar BC Career Development Association 728 – 510 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1L8 To pay by Credit Card: PLEASE CIRCLE THE CREDIT CARD TYPE: Visa MasterCard Amex Name of Cardholder: _____________________________________________________ Card Number: ___________________________________________________________ Expiry Date: _____________________________________________________________ I authorize payment on the above mentioned credit card information. ________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Please print and attach this form to your Recertification Statement of Understanding. BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 11 of 14 PART 3 CEC Category Career Development Conferences FORMS FOR SUBMISSION BY MAIL Professional Development Activity & Date(s) Competencies Developed (put an X beside all that apply) Year 1 Credits Year 2 Credits Year 3 Credits Year 4 Credits Year 5 Credits Total Credits C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment Association & Membership Involvement C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 12 of 14 PART 3 CEC Category Research & Development in Career Development FORMS FOR SUBMISSION BY MAIL Professional Development Activity & Date(s) Competencies Developed (put an X beside all that apply) Year 1 Credits Year 2 Credits Year 3 Credits Year 4 Credits Year 5 Credits Total Credits C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment Continuing Formal Education in Career Development C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 13 of 14 PART 3 CEC Category Informal Learning Activities FORMS FOR SUBMISSION BY MAIL Professional Development Activity and Date(s) Competencies Developed (put an X beside all that apply) Year 1 Credits Year 2 Credits Year 3 Credits Year 4 Credits Year 5 Credits Total Credits C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment Training Days, Workshops, Lectures & Seminars C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment C.1 Professional Behaviour C.2 Interpersonal Competence C.3 Career Development Knowledge C.4 Needs Assessment and Referral S.1 Assessment Total CEC Hours Required = 100 BC Career Development Association – Application for Recertification As at June 2012 Page 14 of 14