Hot Issues in Executive Compensation 2014

Hot Issues in Executive Compensation 2014
New York City and Live Webcast - September 12, 2014
Program Schedule (9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
Morning Session 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Morning Session: 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Pay Trends
 Pay design, popular metrics
 Stock plan design
 International trends
Speakers: Aaron Boyd, Bindu M. Culas, Carla M. Oliveira
Compensation Challenges in Corporate Transactions
 Change in Control Severance Arrangements
 Restructuring Existing Arrangements in Light of 409A
 Treatment of Equity Awards in all Cash and Mixed Consideration Transactions
 Special Issues in Spin-Offs, Split-Offs and Initial Public Offerings
 Golden Parachute Say on Pay
Speakers: Elizabeth E. Drigotas, Jeannemarie O'Brien, Marc R. Trevino
11:00 Break
Hot Topics for Employment Contracts
 Hiring and succession planning
 Legal and enforcement developments in restrictive covenants
 Implementing clawbacks
Speakers: Henry I. Morgenbesser, Victoria S. Reese, Adam J. Shapiro
12:15 Luncheon Keynote
Prof. Charles M. Elson,
Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. Chair in Corporate Governance; Professor of Finance
Director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance, University of Delaware
Afternoon Session: 1:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Legal Issues in Managing Global Compensation: What US-Based Managers Need to Watch Out For
 Putting global employees on a US platform
 Global equity compensation programs
 Modifying terms and conditions of employment
 Relocating global employees including ex-pat issues
 Employees in transactions
 Global restructuring
Speakers: Alfred Giardina, Robin M. Quittell, Erica Schohn
Corporate Governance & Compensation
Implementation of the remaining Dodd Frank rulemaking
o Pay ratios and hedging
o Implementing clawbacks in the absence of rulemaking
 Movement in Delaware law
 The director’s role in the shareholder engagement process
 The interplay of risk oversight and compensation
 CEO succession planning
 Board composition and director qualifications
 Splitting the Chairman and CEO Roles
o Increase in Executive Chairmanships
o Lead Director Role
 Compensation at Emerging Growth Companies
Speakers: Prof. Charles M. Elson, Robert J. Jackson, Jr., Linda E. Rappaport
3:15 Break
Tax Developments
 409A and 162(m) developments
 IRS enforcement initiatives and status
Speakers: Robert J. Neis, Regina Olshan, Andrew L. Oringer, Thomas D. Scholz (Invited)
Ethical Considerations When Counseling Boards, Compensation Committees, Companies and
 Who is the client and related dilemmas
 Adviser independence
 Privilege
 Delaware law developments
Speakers: Robert W. Rachal, Charmaine L. Slack, Martha N. Steinman
5:30 Adjourn