Halls Update – Building for our Future
In mid-September we brought a project update to the Congregation. This summarised all the work done since 2009 and a preferred solution based on our needs and affordability. Some more information and a copy of the presentation are on our website – http://www.eldersliekirk.org/new-halls/.
Our funding shortfall in September was £151,000 and we asked for support and commitment to address the gap in the form of:
One off donations
Regular giving via Bankers Order & gift aid
Personal fundraising projects
Ideas for grant funding opportunities
An information pack (A5 white envelope containing Building for our Future leaflet, Finance Convenors
Funding appeal letter, Standing Order Mandate & Gift Aid Forms) was distributed with the Autumn Church
Magazine and also to each member of the Girls & Boys Brigade. If you didn’t get one or have misplaced it a copy is in this magazine and should soon available to download from the website http://www.eldersliekirk.org/new-halls/ or ask someone – please don’t be shy.
At the Youth Organisations Dedication Service in October we asked everyone to consider if there is a way that they could help.
Any amount large or small, one off or regular payment,
time to identify funding opportunities or running a fundraising event.
If you can help in any way (e.g. organising a cash for clothes collection, co-ordinating a Gumtree sale http://www.gumtree.com/for-sale/paisley, counting coppers, anything else?), please, do not hesitate to contact Anne Turner (Tel 01505 ???? email) or Sandy Ross (01505 351309, sandy.ross@live.co.uk).
Our key challenge now is to identify and apply for grant funding. We seek assistance investigating other grant funding opportunities and starting to prepare applications. Many of the grant opportunities identified have information and applications on line. Would you be able / prepared to spend a few hours researching funds and starting to fill in application forms? If so please contact David Dickie (01505 3?????, email dickie139@btinternet.com), Anne Turner (01505 3????
At the end of October our position has seen:
An increase in regular giving pledges
Donations of £6,200
Grant of £10,000
Gift Aid £4,500 reducing our shortfall to £125,000. A really positive step - thank you very much.
Halls Update – Building for our Future
A Planning Application was registered by Renfrewshire Council in October. The Architect reports that there have to date been no issues raised. The Building Warrant application will be submitted in November. We anticipate that Approvals will be granted in February with building starting in summer 2014 if funding permits.
Detached Hall
The main body of the hall has had a new roof installed which appears to have stopped water ingress to the main hall. We managed to find a replacement part for the pump in the heating system and are monitoring performance of the heating. While there are other aspirations for improving the hall our next step is likely to be décor which we hope to implement using work parties to do some painting and minor repairs.
If you have any questions about either project please contact David Bruce (Tel 01505 322066, email david.bruce@lifetech.com
Sandy Ross, Anne Turner, David Bruce, David Dickie