Student Application Information 2015 CSE RoPro College Challenge Camp The University of Texas at Arlington Computer Science and Engineering Department (CSE@UTA) The RoPro College Challenge Camp is for students who are entering 11th grade, 12th grade or who have just graduated high school in May/June 2015. The schedule for the RoPro College Challenge Camp is Thursday, July 2 and Friday, July 3, 2015 8:30am to 5:30pm both days. The fee for the RoPro Camp in 2015 will be $40. Instructions for completing the application packet: We anticipate that the number of applications will exceed the program limit of 20 students. It is therefore important that you provide a complete application packet by the submission deadline of May15th. Please follow these instructions: Complete your Student Application Form (please type both pages). Have one of your mathematics or science teachers complete the evaluation form and return it to you in a sealed envelope with the teacher’s signature across the seal. Obtain a copy of your transcript or cumulative record from your school counselor or from the school office of records. There are two ways to submit applications: 1) Mail these three items as a single application packet. The packet must be postmarked by May15th. Send the complete application packet to: UTA College of Engineering RoPro College Challenge Camp c/o Dr. Carter Tiernan Box 19014 Arlington, TX 76019-0019 2) Carefully scan your documents and e-mail the application and transcripts as attachments to: with the subject line: " Application - RoPro CCC, Last Name" where "Last Name" is the last name of the student who is applying. Make sure the teacher submits their evaluation directly to us. Both paper and electronic applications will be acknowledged with an e-mail when they are received. Do NOT send any money at this time. You will be notified when you are accepted for the RoPro Camp. For additional information, contact: Dr. Carter Tiernan. CSE Director of Outreach Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, College of Engineering 817-272-0113 phone or (preferred) Feel free to copy and distribute the RoPro camp application materials. Student Application Form CSE RoPro College Challenge Camp The University of Texas at Arlington Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department Student: Please supply all requested information. Please print or type. You are welcome to attach a small photo of your student with this application. Last Name _____________________________First ______________________M. I. ___ Address_________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP ___________________________________________________________ Please provide at least one of the following contact methods: Home Phone ______ - _________________ Work Phone ______ - _________________ Cell _____ - __________________ E-mail_____________________________________ School Currently Attending __________________________________________________ Age _____ Current Grade _____ School District__________________________________ Name of Teacher Providing Evaluation_________________________________________ Please list your current class subjects Please describe any extracurricular activities Please describe any awards and honors Parent/Guardian: Name __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone ______ - _________________ Work Phone ______ - _________________ Cell _____ - __________________ E-mail_____________________________________ I acknowledge that he/she has my permission to attend the UT Arlington CSE RoPro College Challenge Camp. I understand that he/she will be subject to the rules and program requirements of the RoPro Camp program. Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________ Student Application Form (continued) CSE RoPro College Challenge Camp The University of Texas at Arlington Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department Student: Please print or type your answers to the following questions and statements. Please include the question along with your answer. Your Name ________________________________________________________ (1) What do you know about robotics? (2) What colleges are you considering attending and where have you already applied (if any)? (3) Why do you want participate in the CSE RoPro College Challenge Camp? These responses are my own work and have not been edited by others. I understand that I must attend and participate in all scheduled classes and events throughout the duration of the program (unless unable to do so because of an excused absence such as illness). I agree to abide by the rules and program requirements of the RoPro Camp program. Signature ________________________________________________________ Date_______________________