
Mayling’s story
Mayling is ten and lives in
a remote village in
Nicaragua, Central
America. Some of the
poorest people in the
country live in this area.
Finding food is a big
problem. Droughts,
heavy rains and pests
make it difficult to grow
food, and many people
don’t have enough to eat
because they don’t have
much money.
When Mayling was very young, her dad left to find work in another country, and
her mum is not well enough to look after Mayling. She now lives with her
grandmother, Marta. Thanks to love and encouragement from Marta, Mayling has
grown into a kind, intelligent and thoughtful girl.
Marta has arthritis, which is an illness of the bones. She is often in a lot of pain.
Mayling’s grandfather works in another country picking coffee. He sends the
money he earns back to Marta and Mayling. They rely on this money to buy food
to eat. Some days they only eat two tortillas no bigger than the palm of your
hand. Mayling sometimes feels unwell because her grandmother can’t afford
enough healthy food to give them both.
CAFOD helped women in the area learn how to keep bees and gave them some
bee hives. Along with other families, Marta now looks after the bees.
Mayling loves the honey because it’s sweet and tasty, and it also gives her
energy to concentrate at school. When there is some honey left over, Mayling
and Marta can sell it to buy food.
And another great thing: sometimes, when she’s looking after the bees, Marta
gets stung. Ouch! But what are bee stings good for?