Facilitated Agenda and Meeting Preparations

Forging a Comprehensive Initiative to Improve Birth Outcomes
and Reduce Infant Mortality in [State]
Prior to the meeting, identify (at a minimum) the following roles:
 Primary meeting host (State Leader e.g. Title V Director): This individual could welcome
the group, describe the meeting purpose and objectives, and share reflections throughout
the meeting. This individual should be familiar with the contents of the compendium and
how it is structured, including its domains and alignment with the Health Impact Pyramid.
This individual may have also chosen to tailor the slides in the template deck to examples
that would specifically speak to stakeholders in the particular region.
 Collective impact expert: This individual should be comfortable with the five pillars of
collective impact and be able to identify and explain them. This person could be the same
person filling the meeting host role.
 Data analyst: This individual will have conducted or been involved in the analyses to be
presented during the meeting. He or she should be able to speak to how the analyses were
completed, notable findings, and any limitations to the findings. He or she will present at
various times during the group exercises.
 Exercise Facilitators: These individuals will be responsible for facilitating the report-outs
from the group exercises.
 Note-takers: Dialogue will move quickly, and facilitators will want to capture the nuance of
the comments. It is recommended that two note-takers be identified for the daylong meeting.
 Recorders: In addition to the note-takers, during the report-outs from the exercises, it is
recommended that two individuals be prepared to write major ideas or contributions on flipchart paper. Having two individuals prepared to serve in this role will ensure no content or
idea is missed as paper fills up or ideas shift to other subjects.
Meeting room set-up
 Round tables, with a maximum of 8
individuals per round. Consider
assigning tables to facilitate networking
across disciplines or locales
 A laptop/computer
 Projector
 Projector screen or plain white wall
 Registration table
Meeting Supplies
 Name badges
 Colored dot stickers or other means to
mix up different types of individuals or
roles at tables
 Sign-in sheet or other record of
 Folders* for organizing handouts
 AMCHP birth outcomes compendiums
Consider whether the room will require
microphones to hear speakers and
participants reporting out from their
Each round table should have its own
flip chart and easel
Two flip charts and easels should be
arranged at the front of the room
Flip charts, easels, and flip chart
Print-outs of exercises and supporting
data packet for each exercise. *For each
exercise, print off the slides from the
analysis PowerPoint presentation that
relate to that particular exercise.
Facilitators may wish to wait to hand out
the packets until they reach the
respective part of the agenda.
Arrivals and check-in with registration desk
Welcome, Introductions, and Icebreaker
[State Leader, e.g. Title V Director]
 Housekeeping announcements (restrooms,
refreshments, etc).
 Who’s in the room/at my table and why?
 Come up with team name.
Setting the Stage and Context
[State Leader, e.g. Title V Director]
 Introductions of meeting organizers and facilitators
 Presentation of meeting goals and objectives
 How did we get here? Why the inventory?
 How will inventory results be used?
ACTIVITY: Vision of Victory
Ideas for facilitation
 Set up registration table with name badges
 Sign-in sheet and name badges will indicate the table
 Place folders with handouts/packets and compendium at
 Set up two flip charts at the front and one by each table
 Ensure tables/groups have sufficient participants based
on no shows or non-registered guests
 Participants should already be at their assigned
table/group based on name badge
 Participants will have five minutes to come up with team
name – facilitators to circulate and nudge teams along
Before starting the vision of victory, ask if there are any
questions about what we hope to achieve in the meeting.
Vision of Victory:
 Review meeting goals
 If we achieve these goals by the end of the day, what
do you hope will be different for your organization,
your region, or the state?
One of the recorders to take notes on flip chart paper at front
of room; hang in visible place for rest of day
[Region] Programs and Services (Exercise 1)
[Exercise Facilitator and/or Data Analyst]
Each participant will receive the first handout with summary
statistics from the inventory. Groups will discuss answers to
questions for 15 minutes, and then report out to the larger
Meeting Agenda Template
Each team will have a facilitator assigned to them
Each team will designate one team member as the
Data analyst will walk participants through graphs
Each team will be assigned graphs to summarize
Meeting facilitators may wish to document key
observations from group discussion on flip chart paper
AMCHP Birth Outcomes Compendium Tools
Collective Impact and Critical Partnerships (Exercise 2)
[Exercise Facilitator and/or Data Analyst]
Each participant will receive the second handout with
summary statistics from the inventory. Groups will discuss
answers to questions for 15 minutes, and then report out to
the larger group.
12:00 – 12:45
[Invited guest to share a national or state-wide initiative
relevant to all stakeholders or a novel community model]
Leveraging Programs/Services in the [Region] (Exercise
[Exercise Facilitator and/or Data Analyst]
Each participant will receive the third handout with summary
statistics from the inventory. Groups will discuss answers to
questions for 30 minutes, and then report out to the larger
[Region] Reflection, Roles, and Partnerships
[Exercise Facilitator]
There is no handout for this activity. Participants will work as a
large group to bring roles and relationships together.
Community Action: Opportunities and Strategies
(Exercise 4)
[Exercise Facilitator]
Each participant will receive the fourth handout with
discussion questions. Groups will discuss answers to
questions for 10-15 minutes, and then report out to the larger
Community Action Plan, Decisions, and Reflections
[State Leader, e.g. Title V Director]
 How might we do our work differently as a result of this
Meeting Agenda Template
Ideas for facilitation
Each team will have a facilitator assigned to them
Each team will designate one team member as the
● Data analyst will walk participants through graphs
● Each team will be assigned graphs to summarize
● Meeting facilitators may wish to document key
observations from group discussion on flip chart paper
This guest presentation would feature a national, state, or
local program or initiative of relevance to participants and the
meeting goals.
Each team will have a facilitator assigned to them
Each team will designate one team member as the
Data analyst will walk participants through graphs
Meeting facilitators may wish to document key
observations from group discussion on flip chart paper
Recorders should take note of ideas on flip-chart paper
State leader to provide reactions to content
Recorders should take note of ideas on flip-chart paper
State leader to provide reactions to content
● Each individual will be encouraged to write what they will
do differently as a result of this meeting—considering
partnerships/services within their own county and across
AMCHP Birth Outcomes Compendium Tools
 How will you reach out to new partners or change your
relationships with existing partners?
 What do you need to do this work?
 Do you feel empowered to do this work?
Ideas for facilitation
the region.
To conclude the event, the State Leader will also:
 Recap group exercises, commitments, new/expanded
partnerships: city, county, regional
 Describe and re-emphasize how the findings and
meeting outputs fit into the state initiatives, priorities,
and the Title V MCH Block Grant
 Field questions about process
Meeting Agenda Template
AMCHP Birth Outcomes Compendium Tools