Wednesday, September 9, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 5:37 President Dave Lannetti
Those in attendance: Dave Lannetti (President), Cassandra Newby-Alexander (1st Vice President), Marcelo Siles (2nd
V. President), Janis Weisberg (Past President), Gerry Roth (Treasurer), Rob Shapiro, Executive Director, Charlene
Christopher, Mizuki Hamada, Marshall McCorkle, Cheryl McGarrigle, Regula Meier, Jennifer Priest, Catherine
Scherer, Peter Shaw, Ann Schwarz-Miller, Alok Verma, Xiushi Yang.
Those not attending/not signed in: Brenda Andrews, Wayne Buck, Allan Bull (ex-officio), Diana Chappell-Lewis,
Michael Coleman, Breck Daughtrey (ex-officio), Brenda Duda, Gloria Hagans, Marc Hoecker, Shannon Kendrick,
Sarah McCoy, Art Moye, Anna Nagorniuk, Ralph Nahra, Brian Payne, Craig Reilly, Paige Snell.
President’s RemarksThe Board was welcomed by President Dave Lannetti, who opened the meeting by stressing the importance of Board
attendance at meetings. Even if Board members are not Committee Chairs, they are strongly encouraged to attend the
Council of Chairs meetings. Ann Schwarz-Miller and Regular Meier firmly concurred.
Secretary’s Report –
May and July Board retreat Minutes were circulated and approved by the board.
Treasurer’s Report –
Approved as presented by Gerry Roth.
Executive Director’s Report Rob Shapiro thanked the Board for his time as Executive Director. He will be leaving later in the month. It was noted
that bonus will be determined by the Board review and all were encouraged to complete the form and to return to
Marcelo Siles. Dave moved into Executive Session to determine that Cathy Scherer will lead the search committee.
Jennifer Priest will be extended a ninety-day interim contract at the current payment structure.
City Committee Action Items
Kitakyushu, Japan Sister City Committee (Mizuki Hamada) –Written report included. Xiushi noted that there is a
visiting professor in the School of Business who may want to get involved.
Wilhelmshaven, Germany Sister City Committee (Paige Snell) - no report
Norfolk County, England Sister City (Gerry Roth)– no report
Toulon, France Sister City Committee (Brenda Duda) – location for next year’s Soiree en Blanc has been received
Kaliningrad, Russia Sister City Committee (Anna Nagorniuk) – Written report included.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Sister City Committee (Wayne Buck) – Written report included. Jennifer will resend
Halifax tour information.
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines Sister Committee (Cheryl McGarrigle) – no report
Kochi, India Sister City Committee (Ann Schwarz-Miller) – Kochi City officials have an interest in an educational
exchange concerting climate change. Kochi Committee will present the next YGC program at Richard Bowling
Elementary on October 28-29.
Tema, Ghana Sister City Committee (Diana Chappell-Lewis) – no report
Ningbo, China Sister City Committee (Xiushi Yang) – There will not be a youth delegation this fall. Xiushi Yang
reported that Ningbo is concerned that there hasn’t been any follow up from the last City Manager’s Meeting from
earlier this year. No one from NSCA is aware of this visit. Dave will make an inquiry with the City Manager’s office.
Standing Committees
Annual International Luncheon & Silent Auction (Gloria Hagans) – date will be January 10, 2016 at Norfolk
Yacht & Country Club
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Board (and Advisory Committee) Development (Cassandra Newby-Alexander) – Board was reminded to take a
quick moment and confirm their intention to serve an additional term if they aren’t at term limits. A call to all Board
members to share information on new member prospects was issued.
By-Laws (Peter Shaw) – No report
Community Partnerships / PR (Charlene Christopher) – No report
Corporate Sponsorship
Finance (Gerry Roth) – covered under Treasurer’s Report
Grant Writing
Hospitality (Brian Payne) – No report
Membership (Jennifer Priest) – Membership is down 28% from May 2014. Letters have been mailed to lapsed
Personnel (Marcelo Siles) – No report
Scholarship (Regula Meier) – No report
Young Artist Showcase
Young Global Citizens (Cathy Scherer) – see written report
Old Business
Soiree en Blanc – site for next year secured but final report is not yet complete.
New Business
PassPORT 2016 – Janis Weisberg confirmed that the date is April 7, 2016 and we will again use the Waterside
Sheraton. We need to build our committee now. We need to look earnestly for new event leadership. Ann suggested
Anupama Keats. Cheryl said that the CdO Committee will help too.
TowneBank Banking Resolution Gerry Roth moved that NSCA accept the bank resolutions as provided by
TowneBank. Peter Shaw seconded. The resolutions are standard for the bank and outline the terms under which we
agree to maintain our deposit relationship. Motion passed.
Strategic Planning retreat proposed restructure of Standing Committees approved in concept. Peter Shaw and Dave
will review the NSCA Bylaws to determine what, if anything, needs to be changed to support the restructuring.
Gerry asked about incomplete paperwork for a hole sponsor in support of the Visit Norfolk golf tournament.
Background was provided and the expense was approved unanimously.
Jennifer asked about taking an ad in the VMA annual book if we can secure a rate of $308. Dave approved if we can
get the discount. Jennifer also asked about Board members coming together to purchase a table at the Economic State
of the Region meeting on October 6. Dave agreed, but only if people commit.
Meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.
Next Executive Committee Meeting: Monday, October 5, 2015, 5:30 pm
Next NSCA Council of Chairs Meeting: Wednesday, October 14, 5:30 p.m.
Next Board of Directors Meeting: Wednesday, November 11, 5:30 p.m.
Location: Visit Norfolk (Convention & Visitor’s Bureau)
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
September 2015 Halifax Committee Report
The Halifax Committee continues to prepare for the arrival of HMCS Halifax. The City of Halifax through their
economic development arm the, Halifax Partnership, are sponsoring a Business and Military Networking Reception
onboard during the evening of 18 Sep. The expected attendance is 200 with about half of the audience being local
businesses. Nancy Phillips and David Gough will fly down to represent Halifax as the Mayor is unable to make the trip.
A representative of Irving Shipbuilding will also be in attendance. The theme of the reception is shipbuilding and ship
maintenance and the invitees have been tailored to represent the theme. Note that this event is happening in
partnership with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and both sister city committees.
Also this week there are twelve Hampton Roads companies visiting Halifax to attend DEFSEC and to look for
The RSVP date is 11 Sep and naval station access information will be sent after that date.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
2016 Summer Educational Cultural Exchange Program: Kitakyushu Committee
Kitakyushu committee conducted the youth summer educational and cultural exchange
program between June 29 and July 9th. The delegation was formed with 11 Japanese language
students in public schools in Hampton Roads and 2 chaperones. They visited our sister city
Kitakyushu, and also Miyazaki (Virginia Beach’s sister city), Hiroshima, Kyoto and Tokyo during the
Japan tour.
The departure day to Japan was very nice and smooth start. Their first visit of middle and
high school in Miyazaki was unique learning opportunity for our students not only for experiencing
the Japanese traditional culture but also finding how the small country school deals with their
pristine environment. Our students had chance to experience the Japanese traditional culture such
as calligraphy and authentic tea ceremony which they were never able to experience in the US.
July 7th is known as Star Festival in Japan and many places decorate “make a wish” paper strips
on a bamboo branch. Therefore, students had opportunities to join in this event throughout the trip.
The second city, Kitakyushu, started with a cool breeze and we enjoyed walking to the city
hall from Kokura station. After we arrived in the city hall we had an opportunity to talk with the
mayor informally after official greeting. Mayor Kitahashi welcomed us with his usual friendly smiles
and kindly offered the memorable gifts to us. Surprisingly, he gave his personal collection of
manga books to our students after he found out many students had great interests in Japanese
comic books. Actually, Kitakyushu is famous for producing great number of anime artists. I
appreciated the mayor to provide the time for our students in such a friendly way.
The second day in Kitakyushu was a free time with host families. The students had various
activities and everyone told me how kind and caring the host families were. I hope they made a lot
of fun memories and keep the relationship for many years to come. The third day was exchange
program planned by Virginia Kai (Society) which was organized with people who had visited
Virginia through the exchange program in past. They planned many culture-related activities,
language art, and dance. Antoine Prince Jr. from Norfolk (Maury High School) presented about the
city of Norfolk, especially public schools in Norfolk. It was another great occasion to test their
language skills to communicate with native Japanese. I am sure they needed to use their five
senses continuously which made them exhausted.
After visiting of 3 nights in Kitakyushu, they visited Hiroshima city and a dedicated the paper
cranes for praying the world peace in Peace Memorial Park. Reflecting the past historical facts and
having chance to witness the artifacts in the Peace Museum afforded the learning opportunity to
realize the importance of people to people relations of the world. Providing the students with their
critical thinking how best they could contribute to the world peace was very invaluable. Their brief
trip to Miyajima Shrine, world heritage site was also very meaningful as they enjoyed the ancient
beauty and tranquility in the Seto inland sea.
The visit of Kyoto and Tokyo was another dimension of this study-tour to get to know about
real Japan. The balanced harmony of ancient capital and contemporary modern cities with various
architectural designs fascinated the participants while they were impressed by the superbly
efficient mass transit system of the Bullet train.
It was a very short and intensely coordinated trip but the memories were life-long, lifechanging experience for all participants. What they learnt in their trip will carry them to build their
educational future as they opened their gate toward greater brilliance. We wish to express our
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
deep thanks to all people both in Japan and US who helped this international youth exchange
program achieve great success and most memorable for all our students.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Kaliningrad Committee report:
September 9, 2015
We are currently working with the Chrysler Museum on the possible community/membership event at
the museum during the Saints & Dragons exhibition of Byzantine and Russian icons. This exhibition
runs from 10/1/15 through January 2016. The tentative time for the NSCA event would be late
November - first two weeks of December. The Chrysler suggests an evening event on the third
Thursday of November or December, or any weekend afternoon during the tentative timeframe. The
Museum has an exclusive catering agreement with Cuisine & Company, who also operate their café, so
we will have to use them. We are also in talks with the Tunes of Russia group that performed at
Passport 2015, to have them perform at the membership event. Depending on what discount/fee
waiver we'll be able to negotiate with the Chrysler, there will be a (hopefully, small) charge for the
Thank you.
Anna Nagorniuk
Chair, Kaliningrad Sister City Committee
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Young Global Citizens Report to the Board
September 9, 2015
Attended Sister City state conference in Richmond in late May – presented the YGC
program to attendees. Great interest in the concept followed by request for materials. Invited to
speak at the conference in Alexandria in 2016.
Have developed partnerships with NPS and Horizon Hampton Roads. Will be working with
several international students organizations at ODU to find resource people and to assess interest
in forming a YGC club on campus.
Have now had four YGC events – two French programs, one German program and one
concert sponsored by CdO with Rudolph Golez at Horizons Hampton Roads. We have now
reached approximately 200 students.
India program will be held at Richard Bowling Elementary on October 28 – 29. Board
members are invited to attend.
China students coming later this fall. Xiushi – will we be able to get them to take part in a
China program at NPS school?
Approached by Rotary Club of Norfolk to assess possibility of creating an exchange
program with Tema. In discussions. Have crafted an outline for large grant and working on
Discussions with Paige regarding establishment of a YGC club at Maury. Will also assess at
Granby. May work with existing language clubs.
Taped TV interview show on YGC and exchanges with Leslie Cook (Wilhelmshaven
exchange student) WTVZ. Will be shown three times in October.
TV interview with Rob taped by TV 47 was shown at convocation of all NPS teachers at
Scope last week.
Delivering keynote presentation at TCC International Service Luncheon on September 24.