CLARK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION SPILL REPORT The tenant is responsible for the clean-up and proper disposal of its spill. The tenant must immediately call the Airport Control Center (702-261-5125). The tenant must complete this form in its entirety and return or FAX (702-261-5096) a copy to the Department of Aviation within 24 hours of the spill. Refer to the Department of Aviation Environmental Management System for more information on reporting and cleaning up spills. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY; IF EXTRA SPACE IS REQUIRED ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL PAGE TO THIS REPORT. Person making report: Company: Responsible party for spill: ☐Jet A Fuel Material Spilled: Contact Phone #: Date/Time of Spill: ☐Unleaded Estimated Spill Quantity: ☐Diesel ☐Hydraulic Fluid ☐Gallons* ☐ Quarts ☐Blue Juice Estimated Quantity recovered: ☐Air Cargo ☐A ☐B ☐C ☐D ☐E ☐Gate: Location of Spill: Date/Time Spill Clean-up Completed: Other: ☐Gallons* ☐ Quarts ☐Atlantic ☐Signature ☐Holding Pad# ☐RON ramp ☐Taxiway ☐Runway ☐Other: Source: ☐Commercial Aircraft ☐Private Aircraft ☐Hydrant System ☐P-cart ☐Fuel truck ☐Lavatory vehicle ☐Other: Aircraft registration Number Fueling vehicle permit number: Other: 1. Cause and circumstance of spill: 2. What is being done to ensure that such a spill will not recur? 3. Were proper clean up procedures used: ☐Yes ☐No 4. Source of clean up materials: 5. Type of absorbent material or devices used: ☐Granular Absorbent ☐Booms ☐Socks ☐Pads ☐Other: 6. Method and location of disposal of absorbent material or devices: 7. Unusual circumstances or other pertinent data: Signature: Date: Email: * If any spill is 25 gallons or more, the tenant is responsible for contacting the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection at 888-331-6337 within the next business day following the spill. NDEP Report number: (Required for spills 25 gallons or more only) FAX or Send copy to: DOA Environmental Section P.O. Box 11005 Las Vegas, NV 89111 Call (702) 261-5125 FAX (702) 261-5096 Safety Environmental Copy Reporting Agency MIA Only – Spill Report Copy Responsible Party Revised: 01/20/2016