Experiment No.4 Flow measurement by Notched Weirs Weirs allow hydrologists and engineers a simple method of measuring the volumetric flow rate in small to medium-sized streams or in industrial discharge locations. Since the geometry of the top of the weir is known and all water flows over the weir, the depth of water behind the weir can be converted to a rate of flow. The calculation relies on the fact that fluid will pass through the critical depth of the flow regime in the vicinity of the crest of the weir. If water is not carried away from the weir, it can make flow measurement complicated or even impossible. A weir functions by causing water to rise above the obstruction in order to flow over it. The height of water above the obstruction correlates with the flow rate, so that measurement of the height of the flowing water above the top of the weir can be used to determine the flow rate by the use of an equation, graph or table. The top of the weir, which is used as the reference level for the height of water flowing over it, is called the crest of the weir. Weirs are typically classified as being either sharp-crested or broad-crested. This course is devoted to the more widely used sharp-crested weir. The major important is on the calculations used for flow rate over various types of sharp-crested weirs. 1 Objective In this experiment, two types of Notched weir are used to determine the discharge of water. The relation of flow rate over the weir to the head is used to figure out the discharge coefficient, Cd 2 Experiment Apparatus The experiment apparatus for this experiment consists of a Hydraulic Bench , weir tank and hook gauge , stop watch , Rectangular notch ( U-Notch ) and Triangular notch ( V – Notch ). Figure1 Experiment Apparatus 3 Theory A weir is a barrier across a river designed to alter the flow characteristics. In most cases, weirs take the form of a barrier, smaller than most conventional dams, across a river that causes water to pool behind the structure (not unlike a dam) and allows water to flow over the top. Weirs are commonly used to alter the flow regime of the river, prevent flooding, measure discharge and help render a river navigable. Weirs are structures consisting of an obstruction such as a dam or bulkhead placed across the open channel with a specially shaped opening or notch. The weir results an increase in the water level, or head, which is measured upstream of the structure. The flow rate over a weir is a function of the head on the weir. Common weir constructions are the rectangular weir, the triangular or v-notch weir, and the broad-crested weir. Weirs are called sharp-crested if their crests are constructed of thin metal plates, and broadcrested if they are made of wide timber or concrete. Water level-discharge relationships can be applied and meet accuracy requirements for sharp-crested weirs if the installation is designed and installed consistent with established ASTM and ISO standards. 3.1 Common standards and specification for weir flow measurement Rectangular weirs and triangular or v-notch weirs are often used in water supply, wastewater and sewage systems. They consist of a sharp edged plate with a rectangular, triangular or v-notch profile for the water flow. Broad-crested weirs can be observed in dam spillways where the broad edge is beneath the water surface across the entire stream. Flow measurement installations with broad-crested weirs will meet accuracy requirements only if they are calibrated. Other available weirs are the trapezoidal (Cipolletti) weir, Sutro (proportional) weir and compound weirs (combination of the previously mentioned weir shapes).There are 2 type of Notched Weir such as rectangular notched Weir ( U – Notched ) and triangular Notched Weir ( V – Notched ). Figure2 Type of Notched Weir V-Notched and U-Notched 3.2 Sharp Crested Rectangular Weir Background Figure3 Sharp Crested Rectangular Weir Background (King, H. W. 1954) General background on the sharp crested weir is given in the article, "Open Channel Flow Measurement 4: the V Notch Weir." The diagram at the left summarizes some terminology and parameters used in connection with sharp crested weirs. The diagram at the right shows figures of the two types of rectangular weirs to be covered in this article, a suppressed rectangular weir, which has the weir opening across the entire channel width, and a contracted rectangular weir, which has a weir opening that is shorter than the channel width. Equations for calculating the water flow rate over a suppressed rectangular weir and over a contracted rectangular weir will be covered in the next two sections. 3.3 Suppressed Rectangular Weir Equation Figure4 Suppressed Rectangular Weir ( Kindsvater and Carter1957) The suppressed rectangular weir in the picture at the left is being used to meter flow of water in an open channel. The equation recommended by the Bureau of Reclamation in their Water Measurement Manual, for use with a suppressed rectangular weir is Q = 3.33BH3/2, where Q is the water flow rate in ft3/sec, B is the length of the weir (and the channel width) in ft, and H is the head over the weir in ft. Use of this equation is subject to the condition that H/P < 0.33 and H/B < 0.33. Note from the diagrams above that P is the height of the weir crest above the bottom of the channel, and B is the channel width. For S.I. units the suppressed rectangular weir equation becomes Q = 1.84 B H3/2, where Q is the water flow rate in m3/sec, B is the length of the weir (and the channel width) in m, and H is the head over the weir in m. The same condition for H/P and H/B apply. Figure5 Contracted Rectangular Weir (Kindsvater and Carter1957) Both images in this section show a contracted rectangular weir being used to meter flow in an open channel. The equation recommended by the Bureau of Reclamation in their Water Measurement Manual, for use with a fully contracted rectangular weir is Q = 3.33(L - 0.2H)H3/2, where Q is the water flow rate in ft3/sec and H is the head over the weir in ft. Use of this fully contracted rectangular weir equation is subject to the conditions that H/L < 0.33, B - L > 4 Hmax, and P > 2Hmax. L is the weir length, Hmax is the maximum head over the weir, and H, B, & P are as identified above. For S.I units the fully contracted rectangular weir equation is: Q = 1.84(L - 0.2H)H3/2, where Q is the water flow rate in m3/sec, and H is in m. This weir equation is subject to the same conditions given above. (Kindsvater, C. E. and R. W. Carter. 1959) Figure6 Rectangular Weir (Replogel, 1998) The term weir has several meanings. The term rectangular weir refers to a specific type of weir with a rectangular notch cut in the top edge. This notch can be used by engineers to calculate the rate of flow of the body of water, providing valuable information that can be used for environmental management programs, flood management, further dam construction and civil engineering projects. Generally the term refers either to a structure consisting of pens or fences in a body of managing water depth and flow. A weir is different from other types of dam in that water generally flows over the top rather than through spillways or hydroelectric plants like in other dams. The flow rate measurement in a rectangular weir is based on the Bernoulli Equation principles and can be expressed as: ππ‘β = 2 √2π 3 bπ» 1 2 (1) where Q = flow rate (m3/s) H = head on the weir (m) b = width of the weir (m) g = 9.81 (m/s2) - gravity cd= discharge constant for the weir - must be determined cd must be determined by analysis and calibration tests. For standard weirs - cd - is well defined or constant for measuring within specified head ranges. The Francis Formula - Imperial Units. Flow through a rectangular weir can be expressed in imperial units with the Francis formula 3 Q = 3.33(π − 0.2)β2 where q = flow rate (ft3/s) h = head on the weir (ft) b = width of the weir (ft) (2) Figure7 Graph is shown the relationship between h/p and discharge coefficient (Kindsvater, C. E. and R. W. Carter. 1959) Figure8 Graph is shown the relationship between b/B and Kb (Kindsvater, C. E. and R. W. Carter. 1959) 3.4 Triangular or V-Notch Weir Figure9 Triangular or V-Notch Weir (Replogel, 1998) V-Notches or Sharp Crested Weirs are generally used for measuring small discharges like seepage from drains and gallery of masonry dam or toe drains. V-Notches can measure discharge from 1 lit/sec to 120 lit/sec maximum. For low discharges, VNotches are superior to Flumes because head over the crest is large and thus flow remains unaffected by surface tension and viscosity. V-Notches have their own limitation and not suitable for discharge measurements in field channels due to obstruction of silt. The Indian Standards Institute (ISI) has drawn specifications for manufacture of V-Notches. Ni-Plast make V-Notches confirm to Indian Standards IS: 9108-1979. Mechanical and Electronic recorders are available with Ni-Plast VNotches these enable automatic data recording of discharge measurements. Periodic discharge measurements at preset time intervals are logged in a data logger that is housed in the electronic recorder unit. The data logger can be connected to a desktop PC to download the data for further processing and generate reports like water seepage, water discharge during a given period of time, water accountability etc. For a triangular or v-notch weir the flow rate can be expressed as: 8 √2π 15 ππ‘β = tanπ2π» 2.5 (3) where θ = v-notch angle Formula Q = πΎπ» π πΈ πͺπ = πΈ ππππππ ππππππ Cd = Discharge coefficient (4) (5) Qactual = Discharge from experiment Qtheory = Derive from Bernoulli’s equation U – Notched ππ‘βππππ¦ = 2 3 √2πππ»1.5 2 ππππ‘π’ππ = ππ 3 √2πππ»1.5 2 K = πΆπ 3 √2ππ (6) (7) (8) V – Notched ππ‘βππππ¦ = 8 15 π √2π tan 2 π» 2.5 8 π ππ‘βππππ¦ = πΆπ 15 √2π tan 2 π» 2.5 8 π K = πΆπ 15 √2π tan 2 (9) (10) (11) 3.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of weirs Advantages which are capable of accurately measuring a wide range of flows, tends to provide more accurate discharge ratings than flumes and orifices easy to construct, can be used in combination with turnout and division structures and can be both portable and adjustable Disadvantages which are relatively large head required, particularly for free flow conditions. This precludes the practical use of weirs for flow measurement in flat areas, the upstream pool must be maintained clean of sediment and kept free of weeds and trash, otherwise the calibration will shift and the measurement accuracy will be compromised. 4. Experiment Procedure 4.1Measure the size of each weir, thoroughly. 4.2Insert the weir into the hydraulic bench and fit it tightly. 4.3Turn on the pump and open the valve, wait until water discharge over a weir. Then, close the valve and turn the pump off and allow water to drops until water flow over the weir stops. 4.4Be sure that the water surface is in the same level as the weir crest (for U-notch) or the lower tip of weir (for V-notch). Adjust the Hook gauge to touch the water surface. Set and record the reading to be the zero gauge reading, so that the bottom of the notch is taken as the datum. 4.5Turn on the pump and open the valve again. 4.6Adjust the Hook gauge to touch water surface. Read the scale as the Gauge reading and minus it by the Zero gauge reading to get the water height, H. Record H in your data sheet. 4.7Measure the discharge by the Weight time measurement method. Record Q in your data sheet. 4.8Adjust the valve again to get totally 8 points of data for each type