Southern Connecticut State University Department of Information and Library Science Syllabus of Fall 2011 1. Course Number, Section, Academic Section, and complete course title ILS 650: Preservation of Library Materials 2. Instructor Dr. Josephine Sche, Professor, ILS Department. Office hours (online): Mondays: 3pm-5pm; Wednesdays: 10am-12am; Thursdays: 4pm-5pm Special on-campus Appointments in Buley Library Building, Room 408, can be arranged through email to ( Office Telephone number: (203) 392-5710; ILS Office Fax number: (203) 392-5780 3. Location and Class dates Online course via eLearning/Blackboard system. 4. Pre-requisite/Co-requisite requirements ILS 501 and ILS 503 5. Course Description: The fundamentals of materials preservation and conservation in libraries and archival institutions. Preservation continuing education, disaster recovery and planning, reformatting and digitization projects are explored. 6. Required texts Balloffet, Nelly and Jenny Hille. Preservation and Conservation for Libraries and Archives. (Chicago: American Library Association, 2005) Textbooks for Supplemental Reading: (1). Harvey, Ross. Digital Curation: A How-To-Do-It Manual. (New York: Neal-Schuman, 2010) ISBN: 978-1-55570-694-4 (2). Preservation; Issues and Planning. Edited by Paul N. Banks and Roberta Pilette. (Chicago: American Library Association, 2000). 7. Online resources (1) Library Preservation and Conservation Tutorial. Collaborative project of the Council on Library and Information Resources and Cornell University Library. (2) The Care and Handling of Recorded Sound Materials. By Gilles St-Laurent. (3) National Media Lab. Disaster recovery. (4) Conservation Online; Resources for Conservation Professionals. Preservation Department of Stanford University. (5) Digital Preservation Tutorial. Department of Preservation and Collection Maintenance. Cornell University. (6) IFLA Core Activity on Preservation and Conservation (PAC) 8. TK20 requirement Students in this elective course are currently not required to purchase Tk20 accounts. 9. Course objectives/learner outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: (1) recognize the preservation needs and methods for library materials (2) plan a program for preserving or/and conserving special library collections (3) analyze and recommend treatment of materials in need of preservation (4) design the disaster planning program for preventing deterioration of library materials. 10. ALA competencies 2D. Concepts, issues, and methods related to the maintenance of collections, including preservation and conservation. 7A. The necessity of continuing professional development of practitioners in libraries and other information agencies. 11. Mode of Instruction Students will read weekly lectures, participate in online Discussions, Email questions, and Reading and making comments on shared/published Assignments. 12. Evaluation and methods of assessment Extensive reading and writing to satisfy the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Two Case studies One program planning project One term paper Paper Presentation (upload for class review and discussion) Read papers from classmates and make comments 25% 25% 30% 10% 10% 13. Course Outline See details in the Attachment: Weekly Course Topics with Reading and Assignments Schedule for ILS 650-S70, Fall 2011 14. Current bibliography Most bibliography are cumulated by the CoOL (Conservation Online) (; and many resources are available from: (1) websites of many National Libraries including the United States, e.g. Library of Congress Preservation Directorate ( (2) IFLA Core Programme for Preservation and Conservation (PAC) (; and (3) websites of various State Libraries, preservation Associations, and large research libraries in the U.S. 15. Library resources 16. Accommodation for disabilities “Southern Connecticut State University seeks to provide appropriate academic adjustments for all individuals with disabilities. Southern is committed to fully supporting all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing appropriate academic adjustments to afford equal educational opportunity. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office location and office hours are listed on the first page of this syllabus. In addition, there are a variety of resources available to you through the University’s Disability Resources Office located in Engleman Hall, ENC 105A: (203) 392-6828; (203) 392-6131 TDD.” 17. Academic honesty statement Proscribed Conduct (from Student Handbook) Academic misconduct - including all forms of cheating and plagiarism. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to providing or receiving assistance in a manner not authorized by the instructor in the creation of work to be submitted for academic evaluation including papers, projects and examinations; and presenting, as one's own, the ideas or words of another person or persons for academic evaluation without proper acknowledgment. Disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed by the University include expulsion from all universities within the CSU System. In cases of academic misconduct, faculty member may fail the student on the work or the course. Ability to take action extends beyond the semester in which the course was taken. Statement from School of Graduate Studies 2010-2011 Catalog: The integrity of scholarship is the cornerstone of the academic and social structure of the University. It is the expressed policy of the University that every aspect of graduate academic life, related in whatever fashion to the University, shall be conducted in an absolutely and uncompromisingly honest manner. Violations of academic honesty are grounds for a failing grade and may result in dismissal from the School of Graduate Studies. 18. Submission of course work Exercises and Term Project should be submitted online via the eLearning “Assignments Submissions” by the Due Date for each assignment, as stated in the Attachment: Reading and Assignments Schedule for the ILS 650-S70, Fall 2011. 19. Late submissions policy (1) Submison by Cut-off date (one week after the due date), with acceptable reasons, no impact on the grade of the assignment. (2) Students who could not finish the entire assignments (Exercises and Term Project) required for the course, by the end of this Fall semester, will get an Incomplete (I) final grade. (3) The Incomplete final grade can be changed by the instructor to a regular final grade, if the missing assignment(s) will be submitted within the first month of the next semester. (4) The Registrar’s Office will change the Incomplete (I) to the Fail (F) grade automatically, if the Incomplete final grade has not been changed, by the end of the first month, in the next semester. 20. Class cancellations N/A for online courses Attachment: Weekly Course Topics with Reading and Assignments Schedule for ILS 650-S70 in Fall 2011 Southern Connecticut State University Department of Information and Library Science ILS 650 Preservation of Library Materials Fall 2011 Dr. Sche Weekly Course Topics with Reading and Assignment Schedule Unit 1: Conservation and Preservation; an Introduction (August 29, 2011) Balloffet & Hille Foreword, Preface, and Introduction, Section 1: The Basics of Preservation p.xi-xix p.1-29 Child, Margaret, “Programs, Priorities, and Funding,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 4, p. 63-81 Library of Congress “Collections Care and Conservation,” in Preservation Directorate ( IFLA IFLA Core Programme for Preservation and Conservation (PAC) ( Unit 2: Preservation Program Planning - Library Materials (Sept. 6, after Labor Day) Morrow, Carolyn C. “Defining the Library Preservation Program: Policies and Organization,” In Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 1, p. 1-27. Merrill-Oldham, Jan. “The Conservation of General Collections,“ in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 13, p.225-247. Preservation Education for Public Libraries ( Announce Guidelines for Exercise 1, (paper due September 26) * Select and post individual paper topics of Ex.1 (due Sept. 12) Unit 3: Determination / Destruction Problems (Sept. 12) Balloffet & Hille, “Environment”, p.2-11 Preservation Education on Disaster Resources ( Banks, Paul “Environment and Building Design,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 7, p.114-144. Select and post individual paper topics for Ex.1 (due Sept. 12) Unit 4: Materials Storage and Preventive Maintenance (Sept. 19) Balloffet & Hille, “Storage Methods,” p.20-27 Strassberg, R. “Library and Archives Security,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 10, p.166-184. Unit 5: Book Preservation and Restoration (Sept. 26) Balloffet & Hille Balloffet & Hille Storage Methods, p.20-31 Book Conservation Techniques, p.94-148 Merrill-Oldham and Schrock “ The Conservation of General Collections,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chap. 13, p. 225-247. Exercise 1 paper due (for submission and posting) (Sept. 26) Individual Comments and Discussion on selected papers of Exercise 1 (Sept. 27-Oct.3) Announce Guidelines for Exercise 2 (paper due October 17) Unit 6: Document and Manuscript Preservation and Restoration (October 3) Balloffet & Hille Balloffet & Hille Simple Preservation Techniques, p.54-74 Paper Conservation Techniques, p.75-93 Select and post individual topics for doing Exercise 2 by Oct. 3) Unit 7: Conservation of General Collections, Photographs, and Digital Imaging in Libraries (October 10) Merrill-Oldham, Jan and Nancy Schrock, “The Conservation of General Collections,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 13, p.225-247 “Motion Picture Film Preservation” CoOL website: ( Unit 8: Conservation of Sound Recordings, Microfilming and Photocopying (October 17) “Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections” from Association of Research Libraries: ( “Audio Preservation” CoOL website: ( Usovicz and Lilley, “Preservation Microfilming and Photocopying,” In Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 15, p.265-284. Exercise 2 paper due Oct. 17 Announce Exercise 3 Guidelines (paper due Nov.7) Unit 9: Preservation and Conservation of Digital Materials (Oct. 24) Graham, Peter, “Issues in Digital Archiving,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 6, p.97-113. Harris, Carolyn, “Selection for Preservation,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 12, p.206-224 Publications from the National Archives of Australia Are arranged by title, topic and format, available from websites of National Archives of Australia, - under “Records Management” section, then click “publications”: ( The following are selected titles from NAA’s web publications that are related to Digital Records, e.g: “An Approach to the Preservation of Digital Records,” NAA, December 2002 “Digital Preservation: Illuminating the Past, Guiding the Future,” “Making, Keeping and Using Digital Records,” “Digital Recordkeeping Guidelines for Creating, Managing and Preserving Digital Records” Unit 10: Administrative and Management Consideration for Conservation (Oct. 31) Reed-Scott, Jutta, “Planning for Preservation in Libraries,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 5, p. 82-96 Balloffet & Hille Suppliers, Conservation Binders, and Salvage Companies, p.192195 Sources of Help and Advice, p.196-198 Balloffet & Hille Stewart, Eleanore, Special Collections Conservation,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chapter 16, p.285-306 OCLC “Preservation Services ” ( Announce Guidelines of Term Project (paper due Nov. 21) Select and post your Term Project topics by Nov. 15 Unit 11: Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Planning (November 7) Balloffet & Hille Disaster Planning and Response, p.12-19 Buchanan, Sally A. “Preservation Management: Emergency Preparedness,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, chapter 9, p.159-165. Exercise 3 paper due Nov.8 Unit 12: Conservation and Preservation Development Trends (November 14) De Stefano, Paula “Digitization for Preservation and Access”, in Preservation Issues and Planning. Chap. 17, p.307-322, Stewart and Banks, “Preservation of Information in Nonpaper Formats,” in Preservation Issues and Planning, Chap. 18, p. 323-342. OCLC “Digital Collection and Preservation – Useful Connections” ( Unit 13: Presentation and Discussion of Preservation Term Projects (November 21-28) Term Project Papers (submission and publishing to share with classmates) due Nov. 21. Individual Comments/Discussion on shared Term Project Papers (Nov. 2228)