11.13.14 Deans` Council Headlines

Deans’ Council Headlines
November 13, 2014
DRAFT: November 13, 2014
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Lilly Anderson, Laurie Chesley, Dan Clark, John Cowles, Deb DeWent, Bill Faber, Fiona
Hert, Tina Hoxie, Pat Ingersoll, Ann Isackson, Vicki Janowiak, Amy Koning, Donna Kragt,
Eric Mullen, Jeremy Osborn, Julie Parks, Mike Passer, Diane Patrick, Raynard Ross, David
Selmon, Paula Sullivan, Patti Trepkowski, Mike Vargo
Amy Koning
Katie Daniels
9:00 – 10:47 a.m.
Arthur Johnson
Sneden Hall/108 Multi-Purpose
 10.23.14 Deans’ Council Headlines
New Programs:
 Computer Support Specialist
Teaching and Learning Quality Model (TLQM) Reports:
Graduation Requirements (with changes)
Closing CAP:
 Pathways to Employment
New AQIP Project:
 Understanding the Needs of Part Time Students
New Program Approval
Summary: Patti Trepkowski spoke about the new program approval process and its connection
to the work of the college. We need to approach this work from a business case model and that
the work we are doing makes curricular sense.
Computer Support Specialist
Fiona Hert introduced and gave a brief history of the Computer Support Specialist program
intent. Amy Koning spoke to the specifics of the Computer Support Specialist and combining
certificates into degree programs. Katie Daniels spoke about implementing process changes as
a means of clarification. Katie asked Deans’ Council members to review program proposals in
Curriculog and look at the information provided to determine if the information is helpful. Fiona
and Julie Parks spoke to the viability of programs based on data and the vetting. Dan Clark
asked that environmental scanning data, validation with companies, advisory committees,
etc…be included. Donna Kragt indicated that this work is pilot to determine if this process is
working or not. Eric Mullen indicated that this content would benefit recruitment efforts. Diane
Patrick asked where the program discontinuation information will be stored. Katie indicated that
discontinued information will be documented in Curriculog. Amy indicated that there will be a
teach-out plan for discontinued programs. Ann Isackson asked if there will be any
implementation of programs before Winter 2015. Amy indicated that the target is Fall 2015. Ann
asked if the credit hours have been defined. Amy noted that the curriculum has not been
developed. Patti asked about the 18-week program and the need for this intent. What will
happen with the 18-week program? Julie indicated that this is in program review. Dan asked
that articulation with high schools/tech centers be captured. Fiona indicated that we do have
but not sure where it should be located. There was a discussion regarding whether or not the
information that is provided is valuable. Mike Vargo asked that a rubric be developed to assist
members in reviewing program proposals. Eric asked if there is any intent to develop programs
into transfer programs to obtain a bachelor’s. Julie asked Patti what she meant by business case
Deans’ Council Headlines
November 13, 2014
DRAFT: November 13, 2014
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model for new programs. Patti indicated that this means that there are faculty, equipment,
resources, etc…systems to support the program. Vicki Janowiak asked about capacity around
room scheduling, room utilization. Mike stated that there is not enough information to make a
decision to approve. Katie spoke about the challenges and resources that go into developing
curriculum and the impact that has on this process. Amy suggested that members brainstorm
about this process at a future meeting. Patti, Bill, and Katie will meet to review the concerns
expressed. The Computer Support Specialist program was approved.
Medical Assistant Program
Paula Sullivan gave an overview of the Medical Assistant program intent and the stages of
development. There are no concerns regarding facilities, faculty, or accreditation. This is a go to
work program. The non-credit program will be discontinued which will require hiring a full time
faculty member and a part time lab coordinator. Katie spoke to the Fall 2015 beginning date
and the allocation of institutional resources to move forward with this program. Fiona indicated
that they are using a business model, differential tuition, and speaking with Lisa Freiburger. The
non-credit program has been approved for financial aid for Winter 2015 but this will have to be
resubmitted for credit financial aid approval. Ann spoke to the process and concerns regarding
submitting programs for financial aid review and approval. Diane spoke about the need for
veterans. Laurie Chesley questioned what the tuition model will be. Is that going to be an
expectation for programs moving forward? Where has that discussion been? Patti responded
that this is a non-credit program that is not breaking even and that is where the concerns lie. Fall
2015 may not be realistic. Laurie wants a better understanding on what Deans’ Council is voting
on. Don’t commit on something that can’t be delivered. Katie spoke about curriculum and
catalog start date. Paula asked where the college discussion is regarding differential tuition.
Laurie responded that the ad-hoc budget committee is reviewing this issue. Donna said that if
the program is approved and the differential tuition does not move forward, we are moving
forward with a program that could lose money. Fiona indicated that the program will not
operate at a loss. Donna said that there is a need to run programs that support the community
even at a loss to the college. Patti said that the decision we are making is to move from a noncredit to credit program. This will give students the ability to move along a career pathway. This
approval triggers the curriculum development. Dan asked about externships, why the move
from a non-credit to credit program, and where this program will be housed (which
department). Fiona indicated that Dr. Ender and community employers have requested this
change. There was a motion to postpone for a future date no later than the deadline to meet
the Winter 2016 implementation date. Fiona asked for areas of concern, Deans’ Council
members responded: cost of program, ability to break even, recruit students, pending
differential tuition, department this is a part of, staffing, and start-end dates. Motion to postpone
was approved.
Next Steps: Patti, Bill, and Katie will meet to discuss the concerns regarding Curriculog.
Graduation Requirements (TLQM)
Summary: Diane Patrick provided an overview of the Graduation Requirements TLQM report.
Diane spoke to changes, improvements, and recommendations as outlined in the report. Diane
reviewed process measures and the data included in the tables. There was a discussion
regarding the process of automatic awarding of MACRAO/MTA credentials. PS110 and wellness
credits for reverse transfers. The bridge between PS and MyDegreePath is not supported by the
vendor. Mike Passer indicated that the source code will be provided to resolve this issue for now.
Diane talked about recommendations for next year.
Next Steps: Approved with changes.
Deans’ Council Headlines
November 13, 2014
DRAFT: November 13, 2014
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Closing Pathways to Employment CAP
Summary: Tina Hoxie presented the closing of Pathways to Employment CAP and highlighted
content and key findings as outlined in the report. This CAP has evolved into CAP 2.2.1 where the
work will continue and progress. Tina spoke to challenges and possible solutions.
Next Steps: Approved
New AQIP Project: Understanding the Needs of Part Time Students
Summary: Donna Kragt spoke to the development of the project. This is also connected to Dan
Clark’s CAP. Two-thirds of GRCC students are part-time and our college services were designed
for full-time students. Donna reviewed the project stages and intent.
Next Steps: Approved.
Diane – Thank you for attending the Veteran’s Ceremony