REGULAR MEETING February 20, 2014 7:00 p.m. The Regular Meeting of the PORTA Community Unit School District #202, Board of Education, Petersburg, Illinois was held in the Board Room of the Superintendent’s office at the Jr.-Sr. High School on February 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. President Churchill called the meeting to order and requested a roll call. Upon a call of the roll the following members were found to be present: Bettis, Bumgardner, Chalmers, Churchill, Kuehl, and McCurdy. Member Burris arrived at 7:10 p.m. Also present were Matthew Brue, Superintendent; Darren Hartry, High School Principal; Doug Elledge, Assistant High School Principal/Athletic Director/Transportation Director; Eric Kesler, PORTA Central Principal; Anita Wankel, Petersburg Elementary Principal; Sally Ames and Suzanne Conklin, PORTA Central teachers; and Rachel Frost, PORTA Pool Manager. CONSENT AGENDA Member McCurdy made a motion to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Member Kuehl seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS PRESENT President Churchill welcomed everyone that was present for the meeting. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS PRINCIPALS PRESENT RtI REPORT PORTA Central Principal, Eric Kesler and Petersburg Elementary Principal Anita Wankel presented a power point presentation to the Board of the Response to Intervention (RtI). RtI is a problem-solving process that identifies students who are struggling with basic academics or show signs of behaviors that begin to interfere with their academic performance. Struggling students are then provided interventions that are based on research for a period of time. Screenings that monitor each student’s progress identify students who need additional or different assistance. Data from monitoring a student’s progress determine the interventions that will be used and further educational decisions. SAPCO YEARLY AGREEMENT APPROVED Member Bumgardner made a motion to approve the yearly SAPCO (food co-op) agreement as presented. Member Bettis seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. SPECIAL COMMON CORE/ILLINOIS STATE STANDARDS PUBLIC MEETING REMINDER Superintendent Brue reminded the Board and everyone present of the upcoming public meeting regarding Common Core/Illinois State Standards. It will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the PORTA High School Library. CONSOLIDATION EVENTS UPDATE Superintendent Brue spoke to the Board and everyone present briefly regarding different meeting/events that have taken place regarding the current consolidation effort. $250,000 BEQUEST TO PORTA DISTRICT FOR MUSIC/CHOIR AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Superintendent Brue announced that the PORTA district Music/Choir, and Science Departments were the beneficiaries of a rather large bequest. Each area will receive $125,000 to improve their current departments. CHANGE DATE FOR MARCH BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING President Churchill declared a change in the date of the March Board of Education meeting. The March meeting will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL TO BEGIN BID PROCESS FOR POOL WALL RECONSTRUCTION Member Bettis made a motion to allow Superintendent Brue to begin the bid process for reconstruction of two pool walls at the PORTA pool. Member Chalmers seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. APPROVE PRAIRIE STATE PLUMBING AND HEATING FOR YEARLY HVAC MAINTENANCE Member Bumgardner made a motion to approve Prairie State Plumbing and Heating as low bid of $12,948 for the yearly HVAC maintenance agreement. Member Burris seconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll the following members voted AYE: Bettis, Bumgardner, Burris, Chalmers, Churchill, Kuehl, and McCurdy. NAY: None. President Churchill declared the motion carried. HIGH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR HIGH GRADUATION DATES SET In light of all of the snow/emergency days used this year, the Board has agreed upon the following dates for High School and Junior High graduation. High School graduation will be on Friday, May 30, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. and Junior High graduation will be on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. PRINCIPAL REPORTS High School Principal, Darren Hartry addressed the Board and everyone present regarding the possibility of PORTA becoming a satellite site for Lincoln Technical. This is all very much in the planning stages right now, but PORTA is hopeful that everything will fall into place with the outcome being a positive one for students of Menard County Schools. CLOSED SESSION Member Bumgardner made a motion to go into Closed Session. Member Bettis seconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll the following members voted AYE: Bettis, Bumgardner, Burris, Chalmers, Churchill, Kuehl, and McCurdy. President Churchill declared the motion carried. Member Chalmers made a motion to come out of Closed Session. Member Bettis seconded the motion. Upon a call of the roll the following members voted AYE: Bettis, Bumgardner, Burris, Chalmers, Churchill, Kuehl, and McCurdy. President Churchill declared the motion carried. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF CODY TRIGG Member Chalmers made a motion to accept the resignation of Cody Trigg effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year. Member McCurdy seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. EMPLOY KEITH JOHNSON AS HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR Member McCurdy made a motion to employ Keith Johnson as High School Guidance Counselor beginning the end of July 2014. Member Bettis seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. EMPLOY BRETT LEISCHNER AS VOLUNTEER ASSISANT BASEBALL COACH Member McCurdy made a motion to employ Brett Leischner as a Volunteer Assistant Baseball Coach. Member Chalmers seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. EMPLOY HANNAH KYES AS JUNIOR HIGH CHEER COACH Member Bettis made a motion to employ Hannah Kyes as Junior High Cheer Coach. Member Kuehl seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. EMPLOY MICAH SERVIS AS VOLUNTEER JUNIOR HIGH ASSISTANT VOLLEYBALL COACH Member Burris made a motion to employ Micah Servis as a Volunteer Junior High Assistant Volleyball Coach. Member Bettis seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. EMPLOY MARK VANDERWERF AS VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT JUNIOR HIGH WRESTLING COACH Member Burris made a motion to employ Mark Vanderwerf as a Volunteer Assistant Junior High Wrestling Coach. Member McCurdy seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. APPROVE LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MARY KATE SMITH Member Chalmers made a motion to approve a leave of absence for Mary Kate Smith beginning May 9, 2014. Member Kuehl seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. UPHOLD SUSPENSIONS Member Chalmers made a motion to uphold student suspensions as presented. Member McCurdy seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the motion carried. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS President Churchill read a statement to the Board and everyone present regarding Superintendent Brue’s evaluation. She stated that Mr. Brue has met all goals set for him by the Board during the past year at a distinguished level. She further stated that his contract would be discussed and decided upon following the outcome of the March 18, 2014 election results. ADJOURN Member Bumgardner made a motion to adjourn. Member Burris seconded the motion. All members present voted AYE. President Churchill declared the meeting adjourned. ________________________________________ Secretary, Board of Education Approved by: ________________________________________ President, Board of Education