OUR PROMISE Red Shed Preschool program was developed to support our students in reaching their highest developmental, social and academic potential. We create a fun, safe and nurturing environment where our students and families feel welcome and comfortable. Our goal is to have your child “kindergarten ready” in all aspects and begin building the foundation in becoming the best little person they can be! We will use experiential learning as the core foundation of our curriculum where we play with a purpose! We also recognize the uniqueness in every child and understand the importance of meeting his/her needs. We advocate an active partnership between home and school and welcome parental involvement. When you walk through the doors at Red Shed Preschool, you are a part of our family! ADMISSION POLICIES Child must be 3 years old by September 1 to enter 3s program, 4 years old by September 1 to enter Pre-K program. Must provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate at registration. Child must be toilet trained. Child must have physical examination and all required immunizations before the first day of school. Please have medical forms completed and signed by first day of school. The forms may not be dated earlier than 6 months prior to enrollment. Examinations must be completed every 2 years. PRESCHOOL TUITION & FEES Tuition has been divided into equal payments September-May. Annual family registration/technology fee (non-refundable) of $100 3s 8:30-11:00am or 12:00-2:30pm (T/TH) $120/month Pre-K 8:30-11:00am or 12:00-2:30pm (M/W/F) $150/month September tuition will be paid at registration. Tuition is due the 1st of every month. Checks can be made payable to Red Shed Preschool. There is a $20 NSF charge for any returned checks. A delinquent charge of $1 per day will be charged for every day late. If your tuition becomes 1 month delinquent, your child will be unable to attend until payment is received. Your child will be released from Red Shed Preschool if tuition is 2 months delinquent. If your child misses preschool because of a vacation, illness, etc. the tuition fees still must be paid to cover that period of time. We understand that unfortunate circumstances can occur and we will do our best to accommodate in those situations. DAILY SCHEDULE Our daily program is developed to meet the needs of each child in a fun and exciting way! Our students will be given opportunities within our activities to develop their cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills. We incorporate teacher directed activities as well as free choice center activities. We encourage exploration throughout our art, writing, technology, drama, reading, math/blocks, house and science centers. Language/literacy and writing skills will also be promoted with our Jolly Phonics and Handwriting Without Tears programs. We will develop large motor skills daily and will be outside, weather permitting. AM 8:30-8:45 8:45-9:00 theme/letter) 9:00-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:50 10:50-11:00 PM 12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 Arrival/Table Time activities Circle Time (calendar, weather, STAR, 12:30-1:30 1:30-1:45 1:45-2:00 2:00-2:20 2:20-2:30 Creative Play Centers/Project/Literacy Groups Outside/Large Motor/Music Snack Story/Jolly Phonics/Journal Closing Activities/Dismissal SCHOOL CALENDAR & CLOSINGS We follow the Roscoe/Rockton school district calendar. There will be NO SCHOOL on the following holidays: Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Break Christmas & New Years Break Martin Luther King Jr. Day Casmir Pulaski Day Good Friday Spring Break Memorial Day 1 Teacher Professional Development Day (TBA) Parent/Teacher Conferences (TBA) A monthly calendar will be provided with specific dates & reminders. Weather cancellations will coincide with the district cancellation. Listen to local radio, television and our Facebook page for updates. We will notify you if roads/conditions become too dangerous for travel for afternoon sessions. WITHDRAWAL POLICIES In the unfortunate circumstance that you need to withdraw your child from Red Shed Preschool, the following conditions apply: You must give 2 weeks notice. If you withdraw your child after registration, you will lose your annual registration fee. If you withdraw before May 1, you lose half of September tuition. If you withdraw after May 1, you lose all of September tuition. If you fail to notify us about your child’s withdrawal, you forfeit that month’s tuition. DISCIPLINE & DISCHARGE PROCEDURES Our main objective is to help children take more responsibility for owning and solving their problems. The Love and Logic theory by Charles Fay is the foundation of our behavioral approach. We strongly believe in the use of positive reinforcement. When we observe a child displaying good behavior, we praise them. If we observe a child displaying negative behavior, we use gentle reminders and re-direct them. Choices are offered encouraging children to make appropriate decisions and to take responsibility for their actions. If that fails, a logical consequence will occur or if there isn’t a logical consequence then a time-out or quiet time will be used. Disciplinary concerns will always be discussed with parents. Your child may be discharged from our program if: If the director/teacher feel that our program is not compatible with your child’s needs and all attempts have been made to accommodate the individual needs of the child. The child’s presence has been demonstrated to be detrimental to the group. COMMUNICATION Communication between parents and teachers is very important. We will keep you informed and up-to-date in the following ways: Monthly Newsletter/Calendar Parent Bulletin Board Open communication before & after pick up Progress reports Conferences in February (can request more if needed) Please visit our website at redshedpreschool.com and “like” us on Facebook. ARRIVAL & DISCHARGE PROCEDURES You must escort your child to & from the door at arrival & departure times. Green Frog sign will indicate doors open for arrival at 8:30am & dismissal at 10:50am for morning session and 12:00pm & 2:20pm for afternoon session. You must sign your child IN and OUT on attendance sheet to verify attendance. Your child will drop off coats, bags, boots in cubby room. Your child will enter and find their name, wash hands and find a seat at Table Time until all children arrive for circle time. Doors will be locked for safety at 8:45 and 12:15. Children will NOT be allowed to leave the building with anyone other than their parent unless there is written parental confirmation or a phone call made in emergencies. When a child is picked up by anyone other than his/her parent, we WILL ask for identification. (Please warn family/friends that we will ask for this information and our intent is not to offend anyone, safety is our main concern). LATE DISMISSAL POLICY Pick up times are 11:00am and 2:30pm SHARP! Parents are responsible for picking their child up ON TIME. First, parents will be contacted if 10 minutes late (11:10 and 2:40) Next, the emergency contacts will be called. Finally, if after all attempts are made and there is no one to pick up your child, we will ask for Police assistance to contact you. For every 10 minutes that you are late, a $5 fee will be assessed. It is important we have your cooperation with the pick up time. We have a limited amount of time between sessions to set up for the next class. We understand that emergencies can occur, but we also need to enforce this policy. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. ILLNESS POLICIES For the health and well being of your child and others at school, please keep your child home for the following reasons: Fatigue or lethargic behavior A fever (a child should remain at home for 24 hours after the fever is gone and/or prescribed antibiotics administered for 24 hours before a child returns to school). Sore throat Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (child should remain at home 24 hours after the last episode) Red, crusty, itchy eyes (pink eye is very contagious). The child must be kept at home for 48 hours while being treated with antibiotics and should only return to school if there is no discharge from the eyes. A runny nose if there is colored nasal mucous A parent or a person on the emergency contact list must always be available by phone during school hours. It is the parent’s responsibility to have someone available who can come to the school for emergencies if a child is sick. Please call us if your child has a communicable illness or infestation, such as chicken pox, pin worms, pink eye, fifth’s disease, mites or head lice so we can exercise additional control methods and notify other parents. Your child’s identity will be protected. MEDICATION POLICIES When medications of any kind are necessary, you must sign a medication authorization form. Prescriptions must be labeled appropriately and dosage instructions indicated. Over the counter medications require parent written permission with dosage instructions included. All medications will be kept in a locked cabinet for the safety of your child and distributed by the Director. CLEANING POLICIES Red Shed Preschool will maintain a clean, safe and sanitary environment. Major cleaning shall not be done while children are present. Any pesticides used for rodent control on the premises shall be conducted by licensed exterminators and used when children are NOT present. A record of pesticides and chemicals will be maintained at the school. Openings to the outside shall be protected against the entrance of flying insects by use of screens and windows. Garbage and refuse containers shall be removed each day by teacher/director. DRESS & LABELING Please dress in comfortable play clothes. Send your child each day dressed for outside play. (We will be outside daily, weather permitting). Please label all personal belongings (including coats, boots, hats, mittens, backpacks and show & tell). Your child will also need a complete change of clothes that are labeled (in case of accidents or spills). ACCIDENTS/INJURIES/INSURANCE Red Shed Preschool carries public liability insurance. This applies to only injuries from accidents while the child is under our supervision. Each director/teacher is certified in first aid & CPR. Minor accidents/injuries will be reported to parents through an injury/accident form. First aid will be administered if necessary. In case of emergency, parents will be notified. If parents cannot be reached then the emergency number will be called. If emergency care is needed, 911 will be called and the child will be taken to the nearest hospital. If your child is exempt from medical care on the basis of religious grounds, then the parent must file a written plan by which the Preschool can obtain the services of a certified Practitioner for your child. CHILD ABUSE REPORTING The director/teachers at Red Shed Preschool are mandated reporters. We are obligated to report a suspected case of abuse or neglect to the State. SAFETY DRILLS Safety comes first at Red Shed Preschool! Our doors are locked for safety at 8:45am for morning sessions and 12:15pm for afternoon sessions. We will conduct and practice fire drills monthly and tornado drills monthly during tornado season. We will also practice lock down drills in case a threat should ever occur. The safety of our students is the number one priority at Red Shed Preschool. SNACKS & BIRTHDAY TREATS Red Shed Preschool will have a snack/drink daily that will be provided by parents. We will hand out designated snack days in monthly newsletters. We will provide a list of acceptable and recommended snacks/drinks. Snack time teaches patience, manners, independence, language development and nutrition. We will serve a “family style” approach when applicable to encourage self-help and fine motor skills. ALL snacks/drinks MUST be store bought and labeled with ingredients. Due to nut allergies, we ask that you read all labels carefully. Any product containing nuts or manufactured in a facility that handles nuts products cannot be brought into this facility. Children with birthdays will bring snack that day for the class. We ask that you bring in healthy snacks. We do not allow sugary sweets (cupcakes, cookies). We will celebrate your child’s birthday with a birthday crown, card, song, prize box and picture! Parent Participation Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in the classroom. If you specialize in any certain areas (gardening, nutrition, music, physical fitness…), we would love to incorporate you into our program periodically. Please let us know if you are interested! We ask that volunteer arrangements be made in advance so plans can be made to utilize our time wisely. It is important to limit the number of parents in the classroom on a given day. Parents are invited into the classrooms starting October 1st. This will allow the children time to adjust, settle into a new routine and develop a level of trust and comfort with us. Please make arrangements for siblings while you are volunteering at school. Field Trip Waiver Red Shed Preschool does not take field trips, however we bring the experiences to the children! We will have a variety of visitors including Discovery Center, fireman/policeman, farmer, bus driver and even a traveling zoo! We also have an area outside the fenced in playground that we will utilize for events such as picnics & celebrations. By signing the consent form, you are giving your child permission to participate in these activities. Farm Day Red Shed Preschool will host our annual “Farm Day”. This is our big event of the year! We will host this event on a Saturday so that all of our families can attend. This will be a day to bring our Red Shed Preschool students and families together and celebrate fall and the start to a great school year! We will have hayrides, “cow” jumpy house, face painting, pumpkin decorating, sack races/games, corn box, family photo opportunities and delicious fall treats! We will have more information as the date approaches in October. Star Student We believe that self-esteem is very important at this age and we want each of our students to feel special and have their time to shine! Each week we will have a designated “Star Student”. This student will be the special helper of the week, bring show & tell and be recognized on our Star Student door. Back to School Night We will have a “Back to School Night” at the end of August before school starts. All families are welcome to come visit our classroom, meet the teachers and meet other families. STAFFING PLAN Owner/Director/Lead Teacher: Assistant Director/Lead Teacher: Substitute Teacher: Mandy Becker Amy Mylin Rene Miller DIRECTOR/LEAD TEACHER ROLE/QUALIFICATIONS Responsible for planning and supervision of the program and activities of the children. Planning curriculum, evaluation process, holding conferences, overseeing policies, keep up to date on new license standards and requirements and maintaining a balanced budget. Creating a program that can meet the needs of all children. Complete training courses in providing care to children with disabilities. Certified in CPR, first aid and Heimlich maneuver. Keeping communication lines open with children’s families. The Director/Lead Teacher of Red Shed Preschool holds a BS degree in Elementary Education from Rockford College and meets all requirements mandated by DCFS licensing standards. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR/LEAD TEACHER ROLE/QUALIFICATIONS Assist the Director in executing the program successfully. Help in planning themes and projects for curriculum. Assist in evaluation procedures and conferences. Oversee and engage children during preschool activities. Keep open lines of communication with parents. The Director/Assistant Lead Teacher of Red Shed Preschool holds a BA in Elementary Education from University of Iowa and meets all requirements mandated by DCFS licensing standards. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Will help execute the daily preschool program. Will show compassion and patience when dealing with the children throughout activities. Substitute teachers shall have the same personal, health, administrative, and professional qualifications required of staff. Substitutes shall visit the preschool to familiarize themselves with the program before they are called in. STAFF QUALITIES Knowledge of child development. Responsible, respectful, trustworthy and honest. Nurturing, friendly and caring. Sensitivity to children’s socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds, and individual needs and capabilities. Creative, patient and flexible. Inviting and open communication with parents. Demonstrates a genuine love for children. Displays good role modeling skills Appearance is neat and suitable for teaching children.