Cambridge IGSCE World History 1-2

Cambridge IGSCE World History 1-2
Plan for Success
Instructor: Mr. Jeff Sing (email) Teacher website: ph. (602) 764-7500
Cambridge World History is a year-long course that will satisfy the world history requirement for graduation. Students who
score well on Cambridge exams may be eligible for a Cambridge certificate.
Goal of the Course
All students will improve 2 response levels on the Cambridge IGCSE History Examination, showing that they have mastered the
syllabus aims and objectives, and are now prepared for Cambridge A/AS Level History or Community College social sciences
Course Content
The Cambridge Core Content focuses on six Key Questions, Coursework, and one Depth Study:
The Key Questions are as follows:
Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?
To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
Who was to blame for the Cold War?
How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?
How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe 1948-1991?
Coursework and Depth Study: Russia 1905-1945
‘Seat Exams’ are two separate written examinations given on two separate days where students complete essays and shorter
written responses. Students will spend the school year preparing for these timed examinations and should expect to take
several mini-exams or practice exams during the school year. The student’s written answers will be sent to Cambridge,
England, where an experienced Exams Officer will mark (grade) your exam. The Exam Officer will combine your seat exam
marks with your coursework marks to get your Overall Exam Grade.
‘Coursework’ is a set of essays and written responses to a number questions about the Coursework topic (Russia). Your scores
on this assignment count for 1/3 of your overall Cambridge examination score.
When do I find out my Overall Exam Grade?
Cambridge exam grades are reported in mid-August every year. If you do not pass the examination the first time, you can
retake the exam in November of that same year.
A complete description of all that this course entails can be researched at:
Course Grading
Semester grades (actually a percentage) will be determined by dividing the student’s total points earned on assignments
during the semester by the total points available. Assignments will include but not be limited to: in-class assignments, essays,
projects, group work, tests, and the Coursework assignment. The semester examination will be equal to 15% of the total
number of points available for the semester.
Grading percentage breakdown:
Overall Grade Calculation
Semester 1
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Fall Final Exam
Quarter 3:
Coursework is due March 1, 2015
15 %
Semester 2
Quarter 3 and Coursework
Quarter 4
Spring Final Exam
Grading Scale
90% - 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
Under 60%
15 %
*Accommodations will be made for students on an individual basis according to their IEP or 504 Plans.*
Attendance, Tardies, & Make-Up Work
“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing
Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing
Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Make-Up Policy Make-up work will be received and awarded full credit for excused absences. All other make-up work will be
received but points and percentages will be decided at the teacher’s discretion.
Title 1 Assistance Program
Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on
time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If
interested, please contact the Principal Mr. Biera or Assistant Principal for Instruction Dr. Gard for additional information at
(602) 764-7500
Materials Needed for the course
1) Notebook
2) Pencils or Pens
3) Folder in which to keep papers
Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to demonstrate mature behavior. Respect for the teacher, fellow students, and school property is
expected. Any behavior that interferes with the teacher’s ability to teach or another student’s ability to learn will be dealt with
Tutoring & Teacher Office Hours
Students may receive additional support and tutoring during Advisory travel days (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri), and sometimes on
Saturday Completion Labs (1-2 Saturdays a month from 8 am – 12 pm). I am also available for tutoring every day after school
and most days during both lunch hours.
If you need to reach me by phone please call the school’s receptionist (602) 764-7500 and leave a message. I will call you at my
earliest convenience. I can also be contacted via e-mail at
Signature Page – Please return this page to your teacher.
Student Name and student ID #
Parent Name(s)
Parent(s) email address
Best contact phone number for
Language spoken at home
I understand and accept the guidelines in the “Plan for Success” for Cambridge World History 1-2. I know I am responsible for
completing the Cambridge Coursework Project by March 1, 2015, with my teacher’s support. I know I will be taking the IGCSE
History examination in May, 2015 (exact date TBD).
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ DATE: ________________
I understand and accept the guidelines in the “Plan for Success” for Cambridge World History 1-2. I know my student is
responsible for completing the Cambridge Coursework Project by March 1, 2015, with teacher support. I know my student will
be taking the IGCSE History examination in May, 2015, date TBD. I understand that as a parent/guardian I am a part of the
teaching team, and I will help the teacher by being involved with my son’s/daughter’s learning.
PARENT SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ DATE: ________________
Parent Contact Record
Reason for Contact