Research in Mathematics Education Vol. 15, No. 2, July 2013, xx-xx BOOK REVIEWS Space, Time and Number in the Brain: searching for the foundations of mathematical thought, edited by Stanislas Dehaene and Elizabeth Brannon, London, Academic Press, 2011, 374 pp., £60.99 (hardback), ISBN: 0123859484 This book is a review of research looking into the cognitive basis of spatial orientation and magnitudes of quantity, time, and distance. There is emphasis on neuropsychology and neurophysiology, but the chapters also draw from studies of animal behaviour and cognitive psychology, as well as cross-cultural studies. The book presents a good overview of well-established research findings and plenty of new evidence from the authors’ research. Altogether, the book challenged my previous view of how mathematics is founded in the human brain. The book is framed not only as a review of research but also as an outline for future research agenda, and a look forward is well in place in a field that is developing fast. Most of the content deals with a ‘general magnitude system’ that several of the authors claim to be the foundation of the concepts of time, number and space in the human mind. In addition, the book discusses the two foundational systems for geometry: one for navigating in three dimensional (3D) layouts and another for recognising two dimensional (2D) forms. It is not a small task that the authors have accomplished. However, as the title of the book indicates, they are searching for the foundations but they do not claim to have found them yet. Further research is needed before anything conclusive can be said, and I feel that mathematics education researchers are needed for Book reviews this attempt to bear fruit. In the present volume, mathematics educators are not present, although the last six chapters of the book were given a unifying title “Representational change and education”. Their contribution is needed as there is more to the foundations of mathematical thinking, especially for more advanced mathematics, than is covered in this book. The title of the book reminded me of Lakoff and Núñez’ (2001) “Where mathematics comes from: how the embodied mind brings mathematics into being”. However, the two books are working on different levels. Lakoff and Núñez explored how the human mind can invent and comprehend abstract and complex mathematical ideas, such as negative numbers, Boolean logic, infinity and limit. They claimed the human mind uses metaphorical thinking to understand abstract ideas in terms of more familiar domains often originating in sensory or motor experiences. The present book edited by Dehaene and Brannon goes deeper to analyse the neural foundations of our basic understanding of magnitude and location. Moreover, this book explores in depth the presence of such foundations in more primitive animals such as chicks and rats. Although I found the Lakoff and Núñez book wonderfully illuminating, this book provides a more thorough review for the embodied foundations of the number concept, and calls for some revisions to previous work in this area. For example, Lourenco and Longo make explicit reference to conceptual metaphors and claim that both number and time are conceptualised in spatial terms. This is not completely aligned with Lakoff and Núñez’s basic metaphors of arithmetic, where the most primitive metaphor for number seems to be a collection of objects, while a spatial metaphor for numbers (point-locations on a path) is more advanced. The book suggests a minor revolution in our perception of Research in Mathematics Education early learning and the emphasis on subitizing and learning of number word sequences as the origin for learning numbers. Butterworth and Piazza provide additional detail to the picture, challenging some established views. Piazza discusses two cognitive systems that are able to identify between one and four elements prior to formal learning of numbers: the object tracking system (OTS); and, the approximate number system (ANS). There is evidence in favour of the approximate number system being more important for the learning of numbers. For example, dyscalculic individuals have impaired ANS, while their OTS seems to be normal. The foundations of number and geometry are fairly well covered in this book, but it includes very little work towards exploring how these findings might inform the early learning of mathematics and its instruction in schools. The overall message of this book would suggest utilising the number line more extensively in early mathematics education, as it would coincide with a pre-existing general magnitude system. Moreover, practising estimations of time, distance, and numerosity would support improving the accuracy of the magnitude system, which some authors in this volume suggest is necessary for the learning of the number concept. My biggest expectations for the book concerned research on the foundations of geometrical thought. Early learning of geometry has generally received less attention than early learning of number, and I expected to learn more about this area. I was only slightly disappointed in this respect. The foundations of geometrical thinking received far less attention in the volume than the approximate number system. Yet, the chapters that focused on spatial orientation review interesting recent research that ranges from the different spatial maps in the brain to the navigation performance of children, adults of Book reviews different cultures, and adults suffering from impaired geometric orientation. Spelke concludes that there are two different founding systems for geometry, both having their shortcomings. Our navigation of 3D layouts is based on innate perception of distance and direction, but not angle. On the other hand, small manipulable objects (and 2D displays) are interpreted based on distances and angles, but not on direction. If direction is not involved in our earliest interpretations of 2D forms, this might explain why children often draw mirror images when they try to copy numbers or other symbols. Integration of these two systems is the basis of geometrical understanding. Much of the research reviewed in the book is done with animals rather than with humans. Hence, the focus is strongly on the evolutionary foundation of human mathematical thinking. The power of the book is in summarising what research has found out about the innate capabilities that underlie the early learning of mathematics. However, the book also reviews some interesting studies about learning certain mathematical ideas in different cultures. For example, Izard, Pica, Dehaene, Hinchey and Spelke review, in their chapter, Dehaene’s and Izard and Spelke’s studies of the Amazonian Mundurucu people, who have no geometry education and whose language lacks many Euclidian expressions such as ‘right angle’ and ‘parallel’. A test for geometric intuitions of Mundurucu and U.S. children and adults provides insight into the significance of explicit instruction for learning geometrical ideas. Surprisingly, both populations showed highly correlating results: the difficulty of different tasks and the age-related development was similar in both populations. Hence it seems that, for example, the centre of a circle or parallelism are geometrical ideas that will be learned without explicit instruction or supporting discourse. However, Mundurucu people seemed to be insensitive to ‘sense’ Research in Mathematics Education (i.e., recognising the difference between an image and its mirror image). The structure of argumentation in the book is challenging for the reader. The strongest claims and boldest hypotheses were made in the foreword and the first chapter. I found myself very suspicious at that phase of reading, because the claims were not supported by sufficient evidence. As the book continued, the handling was better balanced, making more explicit distinctions between conclusions based on evidence and hypotheses suggested for future research. Towards the end, I was more willing to accept the plausibility of claims made in the beginning, although the evidence in their favour was not conclusive. Technically, the book is of good quality. The language is clear, and the index helps the reader to find information on specific concepts. The illustrations are informative and pretty to look at, but some text in them is too small to be read easily. Several chapters also have a glossary of key terms used and the main issues are discussed in separate text boxes. The book is pleasant to read from cover to cover, and it works well as a handbook. I found much of the research reported in the book simply fascinating. It is magical how a spatial map in a rat’s brain fires certain neurones depending on its location in an open environment, and how this map changes when the rat is in a labyrinth of equal dimensions. Equally mesmerising are findings that Australian aboriginals who speak Kuuk Thaayorre organise time-sequenced photographs (e.g., a person aging) from east to west. Some information provided by the book could be useful for research design in specific domains. For research on estimations, the different chapters review several known biases, Book reviews such as the influence of regular arrangements. In their article, Cavanagh and He challenge the established view that eye movements would be necessary for explicit counting. However, because our attentional resolution in peripheral vision is roughly ten times worse than visual resolution, we can count objects in our peripheral visual field only if they are sufficiently far from each other. In another chapter, Kadosh and Gertner suggest that approximately 20% of the population would be synesthetics with respect to time, number and space, having vivid and fixed visual perception of numbers and/or time in specific spatial locations. These synesthetics have been found to be faster and more accurate in basic processing of numbers, but at the cost of being less flexible. I see the research on the neural basis of mathematics to be useful for any mathematics educator, and the book provides a good presentation of research done in this field. Those who are short of time can read at least Spelke’s chapter “Natural number and natural geometry”, which summarises nicely the overall picture. For those into research of the early learning of mathematics, I would consider this book essential reading. References Lakoff, G., and Núñez, R. 2001. Where mathematics comes from: How the embodied mind brings mathematics into being. New York: Basic Books. Markku S. Hannula University of Helsinki, Finland Email: Research in Mathematics Education © 2013, Markku Hannula