English Homework – Tuesday 2nd December 2013 I understand

English Homework – Tuesday 2nd December 2013
I understand different types of noun
Yesterday we looked at different types of nouns. This is some more work to help
increase your understanding. Please make sure your work is neat, well organised and
completed in pencil only.
Common nouns
A common noun is a thing such as a book, some grapes or a television. Write 5 more
common nouns on the line below…
Proper Nouns
A proper noun is the name of something, such as Mr Taylor, Heathrow Airport or a dog
called Tommy. Proper nouns need a capital letter. Write 5 more proper nouns on the line
Abstract Nouns
An abstract noun is something which you can’t detect by sight, taste, touch, hearing or
smell. Examples include love, hope, loneliness or determination. Write 5 more abstract
nouns on the line below…
Collective nouns
A collective noun is used to group objects, animals, people etc. Examples include a pride
of lions, a box of crayons or a school of fish. Pride, box and school are the collective
nouns in these cases. Which collective noun is often used for these animals? There may
be two or three possible answers for some of them…
A ___________________ of geese
A ___________________ of crows
An ____________________ of frogs
A _________________ of nightingales
A _____________________ of owls
Digressing… (going off the subject…!) Why does the collective noun for frogs have “an”
before it and all the others have “a”?
“A” and “an” are called determiners
Now that you know the difference between different nouns, try the task below…
You now need 4 different coloured pencils (yes Eve, that’s pencils and not pens…!) and
complete the key to show each colour.
Using a ruler (that’s using a ruler…) and your four differently coloured pencils,
underline (with a ruler) each noun in the passage below. Remember to use a ruler. Keep
your work as neat and tidy as you can.
The market stall was finally open! The day had arrived and Cambridge was about to
experience the businesswoman that was Fran Tastic! Fran was certain her customers
(and more importantly her friend Peter!) would approve. The stall would sell pans,
cutlery and other utensils used in a kitchen. She could feel happiness, but was also nervous
about what the public would make of her. Peter tried to make her feel better, reminding her
that any Tom, Dick or Harry could sell a few pots and plates. It was going well until
Fran realised that she had set up her stall just above a colony of ants. She watched as
they gradually climbed up the table and eventually all over her stall. Anger built up
inside her as Mr and Mrs Smith, her neighbours, strolled past without even buying an
ant-covered teaspoon. If Peter was so brimming with confidence he could take over
next week. For Fran, it had all been an anti-climax…
Well done. Please hand your work in on Monday 9th December. Sorry the passage above
isn’t great – that’s why I’m a teacher and not an author!