A. Procedures of the analytic hierarchy process A decision is the choice for a decision alternative in order to attain an objective. Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a technique for multi-criteria decision analysis. This technique aims to support the analysis of complex decisions. It facilitates a quantitative comparison of how well decision alternatives perform in fulfilling multiple criteria relevant to the objective. AHP structure The AHP structures a decision into a hierarchy of factors. In essence, the hierarchical levels comprehend the objective of the decision, the (sub) criteria, and the alternatives. The criteria need to be mutually exclusive, clear, comprehensive, and to be of importance within the same order of magnitude; the difference in importance should be less than ten times as important. Pairwise comparisons The AHP offers a pairwise comparison approach to estimate the weights of the criteria and the priorities of the alternatives. The weights and priorities are derived from a matrix of pairwise comparisons of two criteria or alternatives. Pairs of criteria are compared to judge the criteria’s relative importance in attaining the objective. Pairs of alternatives are compared to judge the relative preferences for these alternatives with regard to a specific criterion. Judgments are given on a scale ranging from the numerical value 1 reflecting equal importance or preference up to and including 9 reflecting extremely greater importance or preference. An example of a pairwise comparison of the importance of two criteria is: With respect to the objective, 1 equally 3 moderately criterion 1 is a 5 strongly more important criterion than criterion 2. 7 very strongly 9 extremely 2, 4, 6, 8. Intermediate values 1 The two criteria can be reversed, if the latter criterion is a more important criterion than the first criterion. Table 1 provides the matrix of pairwise comparisons of n criteria: A = ( a ij). Acriteria criterion1 criterion2 … criterionn criterion1 a11 a12 … a1n criterion2 a21 a22 … a2n … … … … … criterionn an1 an2 … ann Table 1. Matrix A Both reflexivity (aij = 1 along the diagonal) and reciprocity (aij = 1/aji) are assumed in this matrix. Therefore, only values above the diagonal must be entered. This means that for n criteria, one needs n(n-1)/2 distinct comparison judgements. On the basis of the same approach, the priorities of the alternatives are computed. These priorities are derived from the pairwise comparisons of the preferences for the alternatives with regard to each criterion. Inconsistency For each set of pairwise comparisons, the AHP provides a measure of consistency to show how consistent each pairwise comparison is with regard to the remainder of the comparisons. This measure is based on the λmax , which is the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix of pairwise comparisons. This eigenvalue is always greater than or equal to n for positive, reciprocal matrices, and is equal to n if the matrix of pairwise comparisons is consistent. Normalising this measure by the size of the matrix, Saaty defines the consistency index (C.I.) as: 2 C.I. = (λmax – 1)/ (n-1). For each size of matrix n, 500 random matrices were generated and their mean C.I. value, called the random index (R.I) is computed. The consistency ratio (C.R.) indicates how far the pairwise judgements deviate from a purely random matrix of pairwise comparisons, and is defined as: C.R. = C.I./R.I. Saaty’s rule of thumb is that 10 per cent of the inconsistency of the random matrix is allowed. This implies that a value of the C.R. ≤ 0.1 can be considered reasonable, C.R. ≤ 0.2 tolerable, and C.R. ≥ 0.2 should be revised or discarded. Weighting factors and priorities In case of acceptable degrees of inconsistency, weighting factors and performance priorities can be calculated. The principal right eigenvector approach is recommended by Saaty. In this approach, the eigenvalue of the matrix of pairwise comparisons is used to estimate the weights of the criteria: wi = (∑n j=1 aij * wj) / λmax for all i = 1,2,…,n. This eigenvector method can be interpreted as being a simple averaging process by which the final weights are the average of all possible ways of comparing the relative weights of the criteria, or the relative priorities of the alternatives. Group average In case the pairwise comparisons have been judged in a group setting, and a group average is to reflect the opinion of the group as a whole, the use of the geometric mean of all pairwise comparisons is recommended. When the AHP supports a group of x (x = 2,3…) decisionmakers, the cells of the matrix are filled with aggregated pairwise comparisons as computed by the geometric mean of the individuals’ comparisons: 3 aij = (aij(1) * aij(2) * … * aij(x)) (1/x) for all i,j = 1,2,…,n. Weighting factors (w) for the outcome measures are calculated based on the group scores for each pairwise comparison. In case the AHP supports multiple decision makers that individually have judged the pairwise comparisons, the arithmetic mean can be used to average the weights and priorities of the individual respondents. For example, the arithmetic mean of a weight assigned by x decision makers is calculated as follows: W1 = (w1(1) + w1(2) + … + w1(x)) / x. Overall priorities of the alternatives When the weighting factors (w) of all criteria are known, the priorities (p) of the alternative under the varying criteria are known, the overall performance or priority of the alternatives can be computed. It is the summation of all products of the priority of an alternative and the weight of the corresponding criterionn: ∑(pn * wn) for n = 1,2,3. Conclusion The AHP is meant to support the decision making process. The decision structure systematically reflects those factors that are perceived to be relevant to a decision. The pairwise comparisons support the decision makers to judge the impact of these factors on the decision. The inconsistency ratios guide the decision makers towards the revision of judgements that are at odd with the remainder of their judgements. The weighting factors derived from the pairwise comparisons help them to build the logical foundation of choosing the best decision solution. 4 B. Questions from the questionnaire (English translation) 1. Which screening technique do you prefer regarding the property: a correct test outcome for a person with colorectal cancer? And to what extent do you prefer this technique? Fecal test Colonoscopy Fecal test Sigmoidoscopy Fecal test Virtual colonoscopy Colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Virtual colonoscopy 2. Which screening technique do you prefer regarding the property: a correct test outcome for a person with NO colorectal cancer? And to what extent do you prefer this technique? Fecal test Colonoscopy Fecal test Sigmoidoscopy Fecal test Virtual colonoscopy Colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Value Meaning 1 Equally preferred 3 Moderately preferred 5 Strongly preferred 7 Very strongly preferred 9 Extremely preferred 2,4,6,8 Intermediate values 5 3. Which screening technique do you prefer regarding the property: safety? And to what extent do you prefer this technique? Fecal test Colonoscopy Fecal test Sigmoidoscopy Fecal test Virtual colonoscopy Colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Virtual colonoscopy 4. Which screening technique do you prefer regarding the property: convenience? And to what extent do you prefer this technique? Fecal test Colonoscopy Fecal test Sigmoidoscopy Fecal test Virtual colonoscopy Colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Value Meaning 1 Equally preferred 3 Moderately preferred 5 Strongly preferred 7 Very strongly preferred 9 Extremely preferred 2,4,6,8 Intermediate values 6 5. Which screening technique do you prefer regarding the property: frequency? And to what extent do you prefer this technique? Fecal test Colonoscopy Fecal test Sigmoidoscopy Fecal test Virtual colonoscopy Colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Virtual colonoscopy Value Meaning 1 Equally preferred 3 Moderately preferred 5 Strongly preferred 7 Very strongly preferred 9 Extremely preferred 2,4,6,8 Intermediate values 7 6. What property is more important to you in selecting a screening technique? And to what extent? Correct test if cancer Correct test if NO cancer Correct test if cancer Safety Correct test if cancer Load of the test Correct test if NO cancer Safety Correct test if NO cancer Load of the test Safety Load of the test 7. What property is more important in determining the load of the screening test? And to what extent? Inconvenience Frequency Value Meaning 1 Equally important 3 Moderately more important 5 Strongly more important 7 Very strongly more important 9 Extremely more important 2,4,6,8 Intermediate values 8 8. Suppose you have been invited for a free colorectal cancer screening with the fecal test. Do you intent to participate? 1 = definitely not attend 2 = probably not attend 3 = perhaps not attend/perhaps attend 4 = probably attend 5 = definitely attend 9. Suppose you have been invited for a free colorectal cancer screening with colonoscopy. Do you intent to participate? 1 = definitely not attend 2 = probably not attend 3 = perhaps not attend/perhaps attend 4 = probably attend 5 = definitely attend 10. Suppose you have been invited for a free colorectal cancer screening with sigmoidoscopy. Do you intent to participate? 1 = definitely not attend 2 = probably not attend 3 = perhaps not attend/perhaps attend 4 = probably attend 5 = definitely attend 11. Suppose you have been invited for a free colorectal cancer screening with virtual colonoscopy. Do you intent to participate? 1 = definitely not attend 2 = probably not attend 3 = perhaps not attend/perhaps attend 4 = probably attend 5 = definitely attend 9