RDMRose http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/is/research/projects/rdmrose
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
Reflect on the nature of research as a process and on the role of data and datasets therein
Explore and reflect on the perspectives of various stakeholders involved in RDM
Develop a deeper understanding of RDM issues within the research process
Apply some of the theories from the previous sessions, in particular regarding data, data management including risk assessment, data management plans and repositories
Reflect on the skills and qualities needed for a dedicated RDM role in your institution
Relate the issues that have been discussed in the previous sessions to your current and future role as an LIS professional
This session contains the following parts:
7.1 Case studies of researchers and research projects (180 minutes)
7.2 Design a job description
7.3 Reflection on RDM and your role as an LIS professional (30 minutes)
Several case studies of researchers and research projects are provided. Each case study has a short introduction, a number of relevant documents, and fragments from a sound recorded interview with a lead researcher of a specific research project. The case studies are examined from the perspectives of different stakeholders, and revisit topics discussed in previous sessions.
Activity 7.1.1 Participants examine the case studies from the researcher’s perspective: the research process and research data
Activity 7.1.2 Participants examine the case studies from the project’s perspective: data management and data management issues
Activity 7.1.3 Participants examine the case studies from the funder’s perspective: data management plans
Activity 7.1.4 Participants examine the case studies from the repository manager’s perspective: institutional repository policies
Activity 7.1.5 Participants examine the case studies from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders: open data and data sharing
Activity 7.1.6 Participants examine the case studies from the Library’s perspective
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RDMRose http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/is/research/projects/rdmrose
Participants study person specifications, which have been taken from a number of recently advertised job descriptions, and they design a new job specification for a person with a dedicated
RDM role in their institution.
Participants reflect on their professional role, by returning to the list of possible roles for librarians in
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