Depression in older people


Depression in older people

Depression is a common problem in older adults

The symptoms of depression can affect all aspects of life, including energy, appeti te, sleep, hobbies, and relationships. Many depressed elderly people or their relatives fail to recognize the symptoms of depression and/or do not take the steps to get the help they need.

Causes of depression in older adults and the elderly

As people grow older, they face significant life changes that can put them at risk for depression.

Causes and risk factors that contribute to depression in older adults and the elderly include:

Health problems – Illness and disability; chronic or severe pain; cognitive decline and damage to body image due to surgery.

Loneliness and isolation – Living alone; a dwindling social circle due to deaths or relocation; decreased mobility due to illness or loss of driving privileges

Reduced sense of purpose – Feelings of purposelessness, or loss of identity due to retirement or physical limitations on activities

Fears – Fear of death or dying and/or health issues.

Recent bereavement – The death of friends, family members, and pets or the loss of a spouse, or partner.

Bereavement, loss, and depression in the elderly

As you age, you experience more loss and this is painfu l. Loss can be loss of independence, mobility, health, your long-time career, or someone you love. Grieving over these losses is normal and healthy, even if the feelings of sadness last for a long time. Losing all hope and joy, however, is not normal. Distinguishing between grief and clinical depression is not always easy, since they share many symptoms.

Grief involves a wide variety of emotions and a mix of good and bad days. Even in the middle of the grieving process, there will be moments of pleasure o r happiness. With depression, the feelings of emptiness and despair are constant and other signs include:

 Intense, pervasive sense of guilt

 Thoughts of suicide or a preoccupation with dying

 Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness

 Slow speech and body movements

 Inability to function at work or at home

Depression and illness in older adults and the elderly

Chronic pain and physical disability can get people down. Symptoms of depression can also occur as part of medical problems such as dementia, or as a side effect of prescription drugs.

Medical conditions can cause depression in the elderly such as:

 Parkinson’s disease

 Stroke

Heart disease

 Cancer


Vitamin B12 deficiency

 Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Painkillers and arthritis drugs

How to recognise depression in the elderly

Look out for the following symptoms:

 Sadness

 Fatigue

Abandoning or losing interest in hobbies or other pleasurable pastimes

 Social withdrawal and isolation (reluctance to be with friends, engage in activities, or leave home)

Weight loss or loss of appetite

 Sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, oversleeping, or daytime sleepiness)

Loss of self-worth (worries about being a burden, feelings of worthlessness, self -loathing)

 Unexplained or aggravated aches and pains

Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness

Anxiety and worries

 Memory problems

Lack of motivation and energy

 Irritability

Symptoms of Dementia rather than Depression

This is not always easy to diagnose, however with dementia:

 Mental decline is relatively rapid

 Do not know the correct time, date, and where he or she is

 Difficulty concentrating

 Memory problems

Confused and disoriented; becomes lost in familiar locations

 Writing, speaking, and motor skills are impaired

Doesn’t notice memory problems or seem to care


The more active people are—physically, mentally, and socially—the better they will feel.

Exercise. Physical activity has powerful mood-boosting effects. Research suggests it may be just as effective as antidepressants in relieving depression. The best part is that the benefits come without side effects. Encourage your loved one to walk, take the stairs or if mobility is more difficult

Connect with others. Try to encourage your elderly parent to socialise with others or talk on the phone

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make depression worse

Maintain a healthy diet. Try to get your parent to eat well and avoid eating too much sugar and junk food

Counselling and therapy for older adults and the elderly

Therapy works well on depression because it addresses the underlying causes of the depression, rather than just the symptoms. Supportive counselling includes religious and peer counselling. It can ease loneliness, the hopelessness of depression, process difficult emotions, change negative thinking patterns and develop better coping skills .

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is often used to treat depression and focuses very much on the symptoms, rather than the underlying causes of depression

What can you do to help?

If an elderly person you care about is depressed, you can make a difference by offering emotional support. You can also help by making sure that your loved one gets an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Go with them to a ppointments and offer moral support.

Schedule regular social activities. Group outings, visits from friends and family members, or trips to the local senior or community centre can help combat isolation and loneliness.

Plan and prepare healthy meals. A poor diet can make depression worse, so make sure your loved one is eating right, with plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and some protein at every meal.
