Great Barrier Reef Urgent incoming message. Before leaving for

Great Barrier Reef
Urgent incoming message.
Before leaving for your mission, make sure your backpack has everything you need.
Let’s start with the essentials.
DRY SEASON - From May till October you’ll find plenty of sunshine and fresh breeze
at the Great Barrier Reef.
GREEN OR WET SEASON - Rains arrive in the summers, with occasional
thunderstorms too.
HEALTHY CORALS - Corals are fixed in place, like trees. But really they're marine
animals! Because they're so delicate they secrete a hard, white exoskeleton around
their bodies to remain safe.
STRESSED CORALS - Corals get their bright colors from tiny algae living on them.
But disease, pollution, predators or rising ocean temperatures can distress corals.
BLEACHED CORALS - If the corals are stressed, the algae stop living on the
exoskeleton, which then turns white, or 'bleached'. Coral bleaching is a sure sign
something's wrong with them!
A coral polyp is a single, soft-bodied animal. Many join to form a coral colony.
The body is a simple tube with an opening for a mouth. The mouth is surrounded by
a ring of tentacles.
There are 6 to 8 tentacles. They help the coral move food to its mouth and defend
The base permanently fixes the coral to a rock or sea bed.
The exoskeleton is the hard outer layer that protects the soft corals.
We've ID'd the animal. Now it's your turn! Is it a green sea turtle or a hawskbill
turtle? Fill out these word puzzles to learn more about the two animals. Then pick
the one you saw using the clues you deciphered.
Coral reefs are the oldest and most diverse ecosystems in the world. Reefs alive
today have been growing for the last 5-10,000 years.
Coral reefs act as barriers that protect the land and coastlines from huge waves and
sea storms.
The hard, branch-like reef system creates habitats for many creatures - including
fish, eels, sharks and dolphins.
Most marine animals find food around the reefs. Fish lay their eggs, and huge whales
come to give birth in the warm, safe environment.
Urgent incoming message.
Daisha’s team found another part of the Great Barrier Reef that shows signs of
bleaching. There's also unusual activity in the waters. The location is marked on
your map. Get over there as fast as you can!
Urgent incoming message.
It’s a crown of thorns sea star outbreak! They're coral predators. If hundreds are
present at once, mass destruction of coral - and the reef - happens.
Your mission for this month is complete. It’s time to submit your mission report.
Urgent incoming message
Before leaving for your mission, make sure your backpack has everything you need.
Let’s start with the essentials.
DRY SEASON - From June till October, it's very hot and dry. Grazing animals move
around a lot looking for food.
WET SEASON - From November till May there's plenty of rain, food and water.
Animals move to one part of the Serengeti and stay there for several months before
moving again.
THE PREY – The most common prey for lions are wildbeest, zebras, antelopes, wild
boar and buffalo.
THE CHASE – Females do most of the hunting. They attack in groups, giving their
prey little opportunity to escape.
THE FEAST – The adult male lion always eats first. The cubs and the rest of the pride
share what remains.
Skin is brown and blends with the surrounding African plains.
Only male lions have manes that make them look big and fierce.
Tails are long and end in a rough spine covered with a tuft of hair.
Ears are round and can easily locate the source of a sound.
Eyes can judge distance when stalking prey. Lions can see at night.
Soft footpads let lions move silently.
Claws are sharp and retractable to grab and hold prey.
Strong and muscular. Forepaws used to deliver heavy blows to prey.
Shoulder is heavily muscled, which helps lions bring down large animals.
We've ID'd the animal. Now it's your turn! Is it a spotted hyena or an African wild
dog? Fill out these word puzzles to learn more about the two animals. Then pick the
animal you saw using the clues you deciphered.
80% of wildebeest calves are born at the same time. They start walking minutes
after birth! They're under the protective care of all the adults.
"Wildebeests, zebras and antelopes migrate together, following the rain in search of
fresh grass.
"The herds pass over vast grasslands, climb mountains and cross rivers on the way.
Lots of predators - on both the land and the water - depend on the migrating herd
for food. They include cheetahs, leopards, and crocodiles.
Urgent incoming message
Liloe wants you to go right now to the Mara river crossing and see if the herd is
crossing.The location is marked on your map.
Urgent incoming message
Your mission for this month is complete. It’s time to submit your mission report.
Congratulations for completing your mission and giving back to protect the