Unit 2 Final Assessment Study Guide

Unit 2 Final Assessment Study Guide
When Cultures Collide
Unit 2 Final Assessment Study Guide
Migration Background
Evidence indicates that during the last great ice age, a land bridge formed between Asia and
North America. It is believed that over a period of thousands of years, first Asians migrated
across the land bridge to North America. Then, they slowly worked their way south, crossing
both North and South America from west to east as they migrated south.
Mayan and Aztec Background
A. The Mayan Empire was the oldest of the 3 Native American Empires and was not involved
with the Spanish conquest of the Western Hemisphere (New World).
B. The Aztec built their magnificent city of Tenochtitlan on a marshy swamp.
C. The marshy swamp and the Aztec civilization was located in the Valley of Mexico
D. Tenochtitlan was the center of Aztec civilization.
E. Aztec and Mayan Empires were similar in that they were good at science, made calendars,
built pyramids and used hieroglyphics
F. Moctezuema was the leader of the Aztec empire. He was so mean and brutal to his enemies,
the neighboring tribes, they were willing to help the Spanish battle Aztec warriors
G. Although the Aztec had large armies, much larger than the Spanish army; the Aztec armies
were defeated by the Spanish. This was because the Spanish had better weapons, armor and
horses. The Spanish also bought diseases with them which the Native Americans had no
immunity to protect them.
Incan Background
A. The Incan Empire was located in western South America
B. They used Quipus which were knotted string as a method of recording information
C. The Incans used Aqueducts to carry water long distances
Spanish related Questions
A. Cortez was a conquistador who helped conquer the Aztec in Latin America.
B. The Spanish were responsible for the fall of the Inca and Aztec.
C. The Mayan Empire was not affected by the Spanish conquest of Latin America. The Mayan
Empire had disappeared hundreds of years before the Spanish arrival in Latin America.
D. The Spanish arrived in Latin America much less men in their army. However, they were
better equipped with horses, armor and more powerful arms (rifle, cannon, shields, metal
E. However, it was the various diseases the Spanish brought with them which caused the most
harm, as the natives had no immunity against the diseases.
F. Native Americans lives changed drastically for the worse after the Spanish arrived and
conquered their land. They died from hunger, disease and the hardships of slavery.
Importance of Columbian Exchange The world got a little closer and shared its wealth as a
result of the age of exploration. It was known as the Columbian Exchange.
A. Chocolate (cacao), corn (maize) potatoes and tomatoes traveled from the New World to the
Old World.
B. Horses, diseases, cattle and grains traveled from the Old World to the New World.
C. The arrival of disease, livestock and grains had both a positive and negative effect on the
New World. The Old World. Europe grew larger in population with the increase of foods from
the Old World.
English/French Background
A. England’s first permanent settlement in America was Jamestown. Isabella was the first in the
New World.
B. French settlers were interested in fur trade with Native Americans
C. French settlers treated Native Americans fairly which was better than the Spanish’s harsh
treatment of the natives.
Map Reading Review
A. Washington, located in southwest Pennsylvania is located between which two lines of
B. Montrose, located in northeast Pennsylvania is located between which two lines of
C. This City is located at 78 degrees west longitude and just south of 40 degrees north latitude?
D. Philadelphia is located near this line of latitude and longitude?
A. Which came first – Columbus’s arrival in the New World or Pachacuti’s rule of the Incas?
B. How many years after Gutenberg’s printing press did Balboa reach the Pacific?
C. List in order the following people/events from first to fourth: Cortez, Gutenberg, Balboa and
After reading the following
passage and using the graphic to
the right as a guide, answer the
sample question on paper at home.
Remember to use the RACES
Sample Passage: When Europe
expanded into the Americas, an
exchange of animals and plants got
under way. It was widespread and
included diseases as well. The
Western Hemisphere (the New
World) received animals like the
pig, chicken, horse and cow, and
grains like wheat, rice and oats. A
morning favorite coffee and sugar
also came from the east to the New
World. The development of corn, potatoes, beans Cocoa made their way from the Western
Hemisphere to Europe, Africa and Asia, along with turkeys and silver. This was known as the
“Columbian Exchange,” and it benefited both hemispheres.
Sample Question: Do you think one hemisphere benefitted more from the Columbian
Exchange than the other?
RACES = Restate/Answer, Cite, Explain, Sum
Restate/Answer the question. Restate the question and clearly answer it.
I think that the Western Hemisphere benefited more from the Columbian Exchange Or
I believe that the Eastern Hemisphere benefited more from the Columbian Exchange
Cite your evidence. What led you to your answer? Give supporting evidence. Use direct quotes
or paraphrase from the text. Examples of how to do this include: The author says… or
According to ___, it says in the second paragraph… or The text states… or For example….
Explain how your evidence supports your answer.
means… or This is because…
Examples: This shows… or
Sum it up! Summarize the main idea. Repeat your answer another way. Make connections to
the text, personal or world. Examples: The main idea… or Therefore… or In Conclusion…
or That is why…
On line paper write a sample response to our Sample Passage above.