ORAL MEDICINE AND PATHOLOGY II Subject Study program Code Study year Semester Total hours Credits Type of subject Prerequisites Perform department Responsible professor Address Key words Oral medicine and pathology II Doctor of dental medicine 4108 4th (fourth) 8th (eight) 75 4,5 Mandatory, clinical, dental subject Earned signature of oral medicine and and pathology I Department of oral pathology and periodontology Prof. PhD Mirjana Popovska Department of and Oral Pathology and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Street Vodnjanska No. 18 Skopje. Phone: +389 (0)2 3299 038. e-mail: popovskam2002@yahoo.com Faculty of Dentistry, 1st cycle of studies, mandatory subject, Oral medicine and pathology. Syllabus Theoretical lectures Non-specific bacterial infections in mouth Specific bacterial infections in mouth Fungal infections in mouth Viral infections in mouth Classification of oral immunological disorders at Lichen planus Oral aphthous ulcerations Mucocutaneous bullous diseases Systemic autoimmune diseases Oral changes at HIV infections Oral manifestations at immunodeficiency Oral manifestations at vasculitis, paraproteinaemia and amyloidosis Oral allergic reactions Practical lectures CLINICAL, LABORATORY EXERCISES AND SEMINARS Introductory lectures Oral genodermatoses, Hereditary and development anomalies of the mouth Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Hours 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 2 2 1 1 2 Hours 3 Introductory lectures Oral diseases related to aging. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Oral diseases as a consequence of systemic disorders. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Light (white) changes of the oral mucosa. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Light (white) changes of the oral mucosa. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Red-blue changes of oral mucosa. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Red-blue changes of oral mucosa. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Pigmentations at the oral and perioral tissues. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Pigmentations at the oral and perioral tissues. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Vesico-bullous diseases. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Ulcerative conditions. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Ulcerative conditions. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Diseases of the salivary glands. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Introductory lectures Diseases of the salivary glands. Clinical exercises Processing the patient from anamnesis to plan of therapy. Organization Study method Subject objectives & learning outcomes Grading scale of student’s activity 3 Theoretical lectures: 30 hours, Practical lectures: 30 hours. Interactive lectures (theoretical), work in small groups (exercises) and other study methods, based on the common criteria established by the Bologna Agreement. Outcomes from theoretical lectures Extensive knowledge of the pathogenesis in the oral cavity and taking preventive and therapeutic methods. Key skills: capable for diagnostic of oral diseases, capable for clarifying the differential diagnostic dilemmas and distinguish the physiological from pathological, capable for clinical examination of patient with oral disease, capable for prescribing therapy, capable for monitoring the therapeutic results and possible complications Activity Participation on theoretical lectures Active participation on theoretical lectures Participation on practical lectures Active participation on theoretical lectures Continuous checking of student knowledge Final exam Total Earned credit point <60 60-67 Minimum 3 Credit points Maximum 5 6 10 3 5 9 15 30 50 9 60 15 100 Mark 5 6 ECTS mark F E 68-75 76-84 85-93 94-100 Student loads/hours Knowledge examination Literature Language 7 8 9 10 D C B A Lectures 30 Preparing for lectures 20 Consultations 5 Exercises 45 Preparing for exercises 15 Total 115 Evaluation 20 Total 135 Credits 4,5 Continuous examination, 2 tests + knowledge examination and skills of the practical lectures at the last exercise (final exam). 1. Popovska M. Belazelkoska Z. Oral medicine and oral pathology I & II. Magnasken 2013. 2. Popovska M. Belazelkoska Z. Atanasovska-Stojanovska A, Radojkova-Nikolovska V, Mitik K. Oral medicine and oral pathology- Practicum I & II. Magnasken 2013. 3. Dimitrovski V. Popovska M. Basic oral pathology. Faculty of dentistry. Skopje 2002. 4. Belazelkoska Z. Nakova M. Oral pathology. Faculty of dentistry. Skopje 2003. 5. Popovska M. Dimitrovski V. Atanasovska-Stojanovska A. Differential diagnosis of oral lesions. Magnasken 2004. 6. Nakova M. Popovska M. Diagnostics of oral lesions. Faculty of dentistry. Skopje 2006. 7. Cekic-Arambasin A. Oralna medicina. Skolska knjiga Zagreb, 2005. 8. Greenberg M. Glick M. Burket’s oral medicine, diagnosis and therapy. X edition. Medicinska naklada. Zagreb, 2006. Macedonian