BATAVIA LOW-HEAD DAM REMOVAL Frequently Asked Questions Make these into posters – students write comments on each or rank in importance. Front load 1. Where is the dam located? The low-head dam is located in the Village of Batavia, Batavia Township (Clermont County, Ohio). Latitude/Longitude: 39.077, -84.182. 2. Who owns the dam? The Village of Batavia owns the dam. 3. When and why was the dam built? It was constructed in 1945 in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to conserve water during the dry seasons, to provide water for the Village of Batavia. The dam pool and pump station are no longer utilized for water supply. The Village is currently supplied water through Clermont County. 4. What is the purpose of removing the dam? Public safety and river restoration are the primary reasons for removing the dam. The dam is a liability to the Village of Batavia. Those who boat, fish or play on/near the dam risk serious injury and even death, as dam hydrology creates a significant risk of drowning. An accident in Englewood Ohio a few years ago claimed the lives of 2 people caught in the turbulence on the downstream side of the dam. The East Fork Little Miami River is deemed “impaired” because it is currently not meeting State water quality standards. Removal of the dam and restoration activities will help improve this section of river. Removal of dams, particularly those in populated areas, can greatly increase public safety (eliminating a liability for the Village), while also improving environmental conditions and enhancing recreational opportunities. 5. Who is involved with this project? The Village of Batavia will lead the project and make all project related decisions. The Village Council created a Batavia Dam Committee to oversee planning for the project. Members of this committee include: Mayor John Thebout Council Member Kathy Turner Council Member Bob Handra The Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District is assisting the Batavia Dam Committee, along with other individuals/stakeholders serving as members of the advisory committee. The project advisory committee members include: Dennis Nichols, Village Administrator John McManus, Village resident and Director of Clermont County’s Stormwater Department Chris Clingman, Clermont County Park District Hugh Trimble, Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water Paul Berringer, Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District Becky McClatchey, Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District 6. Who are the major stakeholders involved in the discussion? Village residents, riverside property owners, general public, Ohio EPA, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, U.S. Fish & Wildlife. 7. What is the current condition of the biological community in the project area? Based on monitoring done by Ohio EPA and Clermont County, the low-head dam is one factor contributing to the impairment of the East Fork Little Miami River. Dam removal will improve river habitat and enhance recovery activity for fish and mussel species. Several mussel species are state and federal threatened and endangered. Diverse freshwater mussel populations historically thrived in the East Fork watershed. As part of their life cycle, freshwater mussels depend upon specific fish species as hosts. Dam removal will improve fish movement/migration and will also improve the recovery and survival of dependent mussel species. 8. How will the river be restored? Following removal of the dam structure, the river will be restored using a technique called Natural Channel Design (NCD). In-stream features such as improved substrate (cobble/gravel) will be incorporated into the existing streambed and natural riffle/run patterns will be created to mimic natural stream conditions. The stream banks will be re-graded and re-vegetated with native species to stabilize disturbed areas. 9. Will there be mud flats? There could be mudflats created in the bank/exposed area – not in the channel. The bank areas can be regraded and planted with native species. After a few growing seasons, these areas will blend into the riparian and upland areas. 10. Will the river flow be too low to sustain aquatic life during the dry seasons? No. This project is unique because it is downstream of the Harsha Lake reservoir. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers maintains a minimum flow of 30 cubic feet per second (cfs) out of Harsha Lake. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has expressed an interest in working with the Village to research the potential for pulsed or timed releases from the reservoir above the 30 cfs. These types of planned releases could occur in certain seasons to benefit the reproduction of fish and mussel species. Pulsed releases can also benefit recreational opportunities (i.e. increased flow during the weekends to accommodate recreational opportunities). 11. Does the dam pool or pump station have any use in emergency situations? No. Clermont County now supplies the Village with water. The County has indicated the dam pool and pump station have no functional value in emergency situations. 12. What will be gained in terms of recreational benefits? Removal of the dam will open up 20+ miles of the East Fork Little Miami River to its confluence with the Little Miami in Hamilton County. Sport fishing will benefit from the open passage of aquatic species, improving the diversity and abundance of fish species. The instream restoration also includes the potential to construct more natural pool areas for fishing. This segment of stream will also provide opportunuties for kayaking and canoeing. The connectivity to Sycamore Park and the future hike/bike trail will also open up potential for increased recreation in the Village. 13. As a riverside landower, how will I benefit from this project? Removal of the dam eliminates a public hazard and creates the potential for safer recreation and enjoyment of the river. Instream restoration will be confined to the stream channel. Riverside property owners can voluntarily include portions of their property in the restoration design if they so choose. Restoration activities will improve the overall aesthetics of the river and the stream corridor. 14. Will people working on restoration activities have to cross my land? The dam removal and restoration will occur primarly through property owned by the Village of Batavia. No activities (land surveying, planning) will occur on private lands without a landowner’s permission. 15. Who is funding this project? The Ohio EPA’s Division of Environmental and Funding Assistance (DEFA) is fully funding the project through their Water Resource Restoration Sponsor Program (WRRSP). This program provides funding for water resource protection and restoration projects by designating interests payments from public water utility infrastructure loans to pay for the projects. The Batavia project is being funding by interests payments from the Cincinnati Metropolitan Sewer District state loans for sewer improvement projects in Greater Cincinnati. There is essentially no cost to the Village for implementing this project. 16. Who can I contact to learn more about this project? The Village of Batavia: 513-732-2020 Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District: 513-732-7075