Member Printed Name

T.L. Hanna High School
an International Baccalaureate School
NHS Policies for Membership
2014 - 2015
In order to graduate with NHS recognition, your final cumulative GPA (determined after
senior exams) must be a 4.25 or higher.
 No GPAs will be rounded. For example, a 4.249 does not meet the NHS requirement.
 After completion of your junior year, you will be issued a warning if your GPA is below a
 Any student with a final cumulative GPA below a 4.25 will be dismissed from NHS prior to
Service Hours
 You are required to complete 12 service hours during your junior year of NHS and 12 hours
during your senior year of NHS.
 Service hours that are counted towards another club or class (Avid, Astra, IB, Keyclub, etc.)
cannot be used to count towards NHS hours.
 No more than 3 hours per year may be from service you did as part of a school club (i.e.
Prom, Pageant) or church service project.
 Because NHS encourages continuous service, hours cannot be carried over from junior
year to senior year (except summer hours which can count towards either year). For
example, if you completed 15 hours your junior year, you still need to complete 12 hours
your senior year.
 Hours should be turned in as soon as they are completed. Hours may be given to Mrs.
Fetters in the front office or to Mrs. Chidester. It is your responsibility to keep a record of
all of the service hours you turn in and to verify your records at each meeting.
 If you do not complete and turn in the 12 hours for your junior year by Friday, November
7th, you will be dismissed from NHS.
 If you completed all 12 of your junior hours, your summer hours may count towards your
senior hours. All summer hours must be turned in by Friday, November 7th.
 To remain in good standing with NHS, you must complete and turn in at least 6 of your
senior hours by Friday, January 23rd.
 Any senior that has not completed at least 6 hours by Friday, January 23rd will receive a
 Seniors that are first time members: If this is your first year of membership and you are
graduating this year, you are required to complete all 24 service hours this year. 12 hours
must be completed by January 23rd.
 Final Senior Hours: Senior hours are due by Friday, April 24th. Exceptions for an extension
will only be granted if approved by speaking directly to Mrs. Chidester or Mrs. Fetters by
Friday, April 10th.
 Any senior who has not completed all 12 senior service hours (or had an extension
approved) by Friday, April 24th, will be dismissed from NHS.
 Any senior with an approved extension that has not completed all 12 hours by the date of
the extension will be dismissed from NHS.
 NHS meetings are MANDATORY and meet in the lecture hall during homeroom 9:50-10:10
 All meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month. New members will be required to attend
after the induction ceremony.
Thursday, October 9th (Seniors Only)
Thursday, November 13th
Thursday, December 11th
Thursday, January 8th
Thursday, February 12th
Thursday, March 12th
Thursday, April 9th
Thursday, May 7th
 An absence will only be considered excused if:
You have a class off campus at the time of the meeting or you have an excused absence
from school at the time of the meeting. If you are absent you must email Mrs. Chidester or
Mrs. Fetters to obtain the agenda and verify your hours.
 Late arrival is NOT an excused absence.
 Unexcused absences may result in dismissal from NHS.
Senior Dues
 Seniors (2nd year students only) must pay a $10 non-refundable dues in order to maintain
good standing in NHS. New seniors pay a $45 non-refundable dues.
 Senior dues must be paid by Thursday, November 13th.
 Accepted payment is cash or checks written to TL Hanna. Checks must include phone
number and address.
 Dues may be turned in to the treasurer. It is your responsibility to save your receipt!
 If you will have any difficulties paying the dues, please talk to Mrs. Chidester or Mrs. Fetters
as soon as possible. No student will be denied membership because they are unable to
 Any member receiving OSS (Out of School Suspension) will be immediately dismissed from
Stoles and Tassels
 NHS stoles and tassels will only be issued after senior exams are finished and final GPA’s
are calculated.
 NHS stoles and tassels will only be issued to members who have met all of the
requirements for NHS.
 NHS stoles and tassels will not be permitted to be checked out early for any purpose.
Contact Information
 Please contact Mrs. Chidester or Mrs. Fetters with any questions or concerns.
 To access the NHS website, go to the TL Hanna web page, Click on classroom pages, Misty
Chidester, National Honor Society.
Please keep the above information for your reference and return the bottom
portion to Mrs. Chidester or Mrs. Fetters in the front office by Friday, October
10, 2014.
I have read, understand, and accept the 2014-2015 NHS Policies for Membership.
Member Signature __________________________________ Date __________
Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________ Date __________
Member Printed Name ______________________________________
Name Called: __________________________________________________________
Student cell number: ____________________________________________________
Student email address:___________________________________________________
Parent(s) name:_________________________________________________________
Best way to contact parent:________________________________________________