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How does RBC help with reunions?
There are quite a number of ways in which our office can help you along the way of planning your reunion.
Class Lists - We will provide the reunion chair with a list of your classmates and their contact information.
Please keep in mind that the information is only as updated as alumni allow it to be. Please encourage your
classmates to contact us with their updated information by clicking on the “Keep In Touch” link on the
website. RBC does not provide alumni contact information to anyone but reunion committee chairs.
Website - RBC will post information about your reunion on the Red Bank Catholic website. Reunion
Committees will need to provide us with the information they would like posted.
Start Up Funding – We realize sometimes it’s hard to book venues without a deposit, for classes that
need a bit of assistance in this area we can provide a $250 starter deposit.
A Gift from the Alumni Department – RBC would like to provide a small gift to each of the alumni
attending your reunion as a token of our appreciation for continuing on the Casey Spirit
Guidance – We are also here to answer any questions, provide helpful hints, and to generally be a
sounding board for the reunion committee. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, we’ll be happy to
answer them to the best of our ability.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who plans a class reunion?
Typically it is the responsibility of the class president from your senior year to plan the class reunion. Often,
after the 10 year reunion, other members of the class may volunteer to run subsequent reunions.
Can we take a tour of RBC or conduct a mass?
Tours and/or a Class Mass are possibilities for your reunion weekend. Charlie Gates, the Campus Minister,
can arrange Mass in the school chapel for those classes interested.
Contact the office of alumni and we can discuss these possibilities with you.
When do you have a reunion?
Typically the first class reunion falls 10 years after your graduation. From there classes choose to celebrate
in additional 10 or 5 year increments. It’s really up to you and your classmates’ preferences. Some
classmates even gather yearly or monthly for low-key get-togethers.
Do I have a reunion coming up?
Check our website for postings on upcoming reunions. Also, make sure that you update your contact
information with RBC whenever you have a change of address. Our class lists are only as updated as you
allow them to be. You may make updates by clicking on the “Keep In Touch” link.
How far in advance should we start planning our reunion?
Really it’s as far in advance as possible. We suggest at least 6 months to a year. This will allow time for your
class to form a reunion committee, find any “lost” alumni, reach out to classmates to determine dates, times
and locations, book a location and arrange any entertainment/food/activities, and allow time for classmates
to make travel arrangements.
Helpful Hints
These are a few helpful hints we have received from the leaders of previous reunions throughout the years.
Not all of these may be necessary for your reunion, but they are great tips that may make reunion planning
easier for you:
• Use the RBC website to post announcements about your reunion.
• Create an email address for your class at a free e-mail site such as Yahoo or Hotmail. This allows for easy
communication when planning and receiving RSVP's.
• Create a banking account for your class reunion with the class name on it so no one will have to use their
own account to handle the finances.
- While this takes a bit of leg work, the classes who have done it praise how well it worked and have assured
us that it isn't too complicated. Doing this allows all classmates participating in the reunion to write checks
to the class reunion, instead of an individual. It also takes the burden off of one person being responsible for
the finances. Banks suggest that you do not put the checking account under your name or social security
- How? Register the class with its own "trade name" At the Office of the County Clerk in Freehold
(732.431.7324).The cost is $54. Once you do that, you will need to call the IRS in Freehold (732.660.0063)
to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) which identifies this business account (even though there
are no employees). Once this is complete you may set up a checking account in the “business” name with
your chosen bank. For example, the class of '61 gave their "business" the name of "RBC Class of '61 Alumni”
and used the reunion committee chairwoman's address and contact information. . .
• While the actual “reunion” should be your main event, consider having “sub” events, especially for those
traveling from out of town. Golf outings, family playtimes at a local park, or just a meet up time at a local
bar for a low-key get-together the night before might be a great option to make your reunion a weekend
long affair.
• Keep in mind that everyone wants to go to their reunion to see classmates and catch up. Sometimes
keeping it simpler is better than throwing an event as elaborate as prom – not to mention easier on the
reunion committee!