Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of a Straight Labyrinth Seal with Emphasis on Thermal Characterization by Paul Hiester An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Major Subject: Mechanical Engineering Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut December, 2013 Table of Contents List of Tables .................................................................................................................... iv List of Figures .................................................................................................................... v List of Symbols ................................................................................................................ vii Acknowledgements........................................................................................................... ix Abstract .............................................................................................................................. x 1. Introduction and Background ...................................................................................... 1 2. Labyrinth Seal Rotor and Stator Geometry ................................................................. 4 3. CFD Boundary Condition Setup .................................................................................. 7 4. CFD Grid Independence Study.................................................................................... 9 5. 2D Axisymmetric CFD Analysis with Various Seal Clearances ............................... 12 5.1 Fluent CFD Setup and Solution Convergence ................................................. 12 5.2 Solution Post-Processing and Discussion ........................................................ 15 5.3 Leakage and Windage Calculation and Discussion ......................................... 17 5.4 Leakage and Windage Results Summary......................................................... 19 6. Seal Convection Heat Transfer Characterization ...................................................... 24 6.1 Heat Transfer with Viscous Heating ................................................................ 24 6.2 Heat Transfer without Viscous Heating ........................................................... 27 6.3 Results Summary and Discussion .................................................................... 28 7. 3D CFD Analysis with Various Honeycomb Seal Land Geometry .......................... 30 7.1 Geometry Definition ........................................................................................ 30 7.2 3D Solution Post-Processing and Discussion .................................................. 33 8. Conclusions................................................................................................................ 37 9. References.................................................................................................................. 38 10. Appendix.................................................................................................................... 39 ii © Copyright 2013 by Paul Hiester All Rights Reserved iii List of Tables Table 1 CFD geometry: Rotor, stator and land dimensions .............................................. 5 Table 2 CFD Geometry: Lab seal detail dimensions ......................................................... 6 Table 3 CFD boundary condition summary ...................................................................... 7 Table 4 CFD grid sizes for grid independence study ...................................................... 10 Table 5 Summary of grid sensitivity results .................................................................... 11 Table 6 Summary of Fluent solver settings and options.................................................. 12 Table 7 Results summary for 5mil clearance case ........................................................... 19 Table 8 Results summary for 10mil clearance case ......................................................... 20 Table 9 Results summary for 15 mil clearance case........................................................ 20 Table 10 Leakage and windage summary for clearances (5-10mil) ................................ 21 Table 11 Summary of heat transfer studies ..................................................................... 24 Table 12 Average rotor/stator heat transfer coefficients for heating and cooling ........... 27 Table 13 Average heat transfer coefficients for heating; No viscous heating ................. 28 Table 14 Absolute value of axial to swirl velocity ratio .................................................. 29 Table 15 Comparison of 2D and 3D analyses for 5 mil radial clearance ....................... 36 iv List of Figures Figure 1 Key components of a labyrinth type seal ............................................................ 1 Figure 2 Typical honeycomb used for seal lands .............................................................. 2 Figure 3 Locations where lab seals are typically used gas turbine engines ....................... 3 Figure 4 CFD geometry: Rotor, stator and land description ............................................. 4 Figure 5 CFD Geometry: Lab seal detail description ....................................................... 5 Figure 6 CFD boundary condition description .................................................................. 7 Figure 7 CFD monitor planes ............................................................................................ 9 Figure 8 CFD grid sizing regions .................................................................................... 10 Figure 9 Total temperature contour plot for various grid densities ................................. 11 Figure 10 Total temperature convergence at XX; 5 mil clearance. ................................. 13 Figure 11 Total temperature convergence at ZZ; 5 mil clearance ................................... 13 Figure 12 Mass flow rate convergence; 5 mil clearance ................................................. 14 Figure 13 Total temperature, stream function and pressure contours; 5 mil clearance ... 16 Figure 14 Contours of tangential velocity quantities; 5 mil clearance ............................ 17 Figure 15 Control volume for viscous work method 1 calculation ................................. 18 Figure 16 Total temperature contour assuming no viscous work; 5 mil clearance ......... 18 Figure 17 Leakage versus clearance for 2:1 seal pressure ratio ..................................... 22 Figure 18 Windage heat rate versus seal clearance for 2:1 seal pressure ratio ................ 22 Figure 19 Total temperature rise versus clearance for 2:1 seal pressure ratio ............... 23 Figure 20 RPMF versus seal clearance comparison ........................................................ 23 Figure 21 Application of wall temperature boundary conditions .................................... 24 Figure 22 Total temperature contours for heated wall condition .................................... 26 Figure 23 Total temperature contours for cooled wall condition .................................... 26 Figure 24 Total temperature contours for heated wall condition; No viscous heating .... 28 Figure 25 3D Geometry with 1/8" honeycomb land ........................................................ 30 Figure 26 3D geometry with 1/32" honeycomb land ...................................................... 31 Figure 27 Honeycomb schematic .................................................................................... 31 Figure 28 3D mesh with 1/8" honeycomb ....................................................................... 32 Figure 29 3D CFD pressure contours for 1/8" honeycomb ............................................. 33 Figure 30 3D CFD total temperature contours for 1/8" honeycomb .............................. 34 v Figure 31 3D CFD velocity magnitude contours for 1/8" honeycomb............................ 35 Figure 32 3D CFD swirl velocity contours for 1/8" honeycomb ................................... 35 Figure 33 3D CFD RPMF contours for 1/8" honeycomb ................................................ 36 Figure 34 3D CFD pressure contours for 1/32" honeycomb ........................................... 39 Figure 35 3D CFD total temperature contours for 1/32" honeycomb ............................. 39 Figure 36 3D CFD velocity magnitude contours for 1/8" honeycomb............................ 40 Figure 37 3D CFD swirl velocity contours for 1/32" honeycomb .................................. 40 Figure 38 3D CFD RPMF contours for 1/32" honeycomb ............................................. 41 vi List of Symbols tL - Thickness of seal land (inches) t – Distance between adjacent knife edges (inches) h – Knife edge radial height relative to rotor base (inches) w – Axial width of knife edge base (inches) Cr – Radial clearance between rotor and stator land (mils) b – Axial width of knife edge tip (mils) θ- Knife edge angle relative to rotor base (degrees) f1 – Fillet radius between knife edge base and rotor base (mils) f2 – Fillet radius between knife edge tip and knife edge base (mils) r – Outer radius of rotor base (inches) rL,1 – Inner radius of stator at domain inlet (inches) rL,2 - Inner radius of stator at domain exit (inches) Pup – Upstream static pressure (psia) Tup – Upstream total temperature (psia) RPMFup –Upstream non-dimensional swirl velocity Pdown – Downstream static pressure (psia) Ω – Angular speed (rad/s) PR – Pressure Ratio U – Linear wheel speed in tangential direction (ft/s) RPMF – Non-dimensional swirl velocity; Normalized by wheel speed Vrel – Tangential velocity relative to the rotor (ft/s) Mrel - Mach number relative to the rotor γ – Ratio of specific heats R – Gas constant for air Ts - Static temperature (F) Tt – Total temperature (F) Vr – Radial velocity (ft/s) Vz – Tangential velocity (ft/s) Ψ – Stream function vii Ģ – Heating due to viscous forces (BTU/s) šš£šš š Ģ ššššš£šš – Heat transfer due to convection (BTU/s) Cp- Specific heat at constant pressure (BTU/lbm-R) τ – Shear stress (psi) H – Heat transfer coefficient (BTU/hr-ft2-F) Tf - Fluid temperature used in evaluating heat transfer coefficient (F) Tsurf – Surface temperature used in evaluating heat transfer coefficient (F) A – Surface Area (sqin) tfoil – Thickness of honeycomb wall (mils) Cell Size – Size of honeycomb cell (inches) viii Acknowledgements I would like to thank and acknowledge RPI Hartford and in particular my advisor, Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete. Ernesto provided valuable guidance and encouragement during the course of this project and went out of his way to ensure the project was successful. Also, I would like to acknowledge my wife and family who provided needed encouragement positive feedback. ix Abstract Labyrinth seals are commonly used in the gas turbine industry in secondary flow systems to seal between rotating and static components. The performance of these seals from a pressure loss and flow rate perspective is extremely important. Seal flow rates significantly affect overall engine cycle performance and pressure loss characteristics can significantly affect rotor thrust balance. Seal thermal behavior is equally as important. Gas turbine components typically operate at or near material capability limits. Commonly, limiting temperatures occur at or near rotating seals. Temperatures are typically increased due to elevated heat transfer coefficients and additional heat loads due to viscous heat generation (windage). This paper explores the leakage and thermal characteristics a straight through type labyrinth seal using CFD at typical gas turbine operating conditions. x 1. Introduction and Background Labyrinth seals (lab seals) are commonly used in gas turbine compressors and turbines. Figure 1 shows the basic components of a lab seal. A lab seal typically consists of one or more knife edges (seal “teeth”) positioned on the rotating structure. The static structure in comprised of seal land that is either solid or perforated with a honeycomb structure. The seal knife edges are sometimes positioned at an angle, as shown in Figure 1, but are sometimes perpendicular to the rotor. Additionally, it is possible to have “stepped” knife edges, meaning the downstream knife edges are offset inboard or outboard relative to adjacent knife edges. This paper will consider a non-stepped seal with knife edges at an angle with the seal teeth pointing towards the upstream flow. The seal land often has a honeycomb texture to allow the seal knife edges to cut into the land during engine operation without permanently deforming the rotor structure. Figure 2 shows various sizes of honeycomb typically used in gas turbine engines. Figure 1 Key components of a labyrinth type seal Figure 2 Typical honeycomb used for seal lands As previously stated, lab seals are used in various location is gas turbine engines. Figure 3 shows an engine cross section with lab seal locations highlighted. Lab seals can be used at high radius locations (outboard), or low radius locations (inboard). This study will be performed at operating conditions consistent with an outboard seal location. Outboard seals are expected to produce significantly more windage heat, and are generally more challenged locations for designers. 2 Figure 3 Locations where lab seals are typically used gas turbine engines Gas turbine heat transfer and secondary flow analyses are critical to the successful design of robust engine components. In order to reduce analysis complexity is it typical to perform 2D axi-symmetric CFD and heat transfer analysis. Full 3D analysis is typically too computationally expensive to support the many design iterations required during development. Because 2D analysis is the standard, it is important to understand its limitations relative to 3D analysis. 3 2. Labyrinth Seal Rotor and Stator Geometry Due to computational constraints, it is typical to use 2D axi-symmetric models for rotating components. This section describes the 2D geometry to be used for the CFD analysis. Table 1 and Figure 4 describe the dimensions of the rotor, stator and lab seal land. Table 2 and Figure 5 details the lab seal parameterization. As shown, the study geometry consists of a rotor and stator section 5 inches in axial length with the seal positioned in the middle. The flow rate for this study is from left to right. The upstream annular gap is 0.4 inches and downstream annular gap is 0.1 inches. It is worth briefly discussing the tapering of the downstream annular gap. In rotor stator systems with small axial through flows, strong recirculation vortices can be generated. If these vortices exist near a flow outlet the outlet will reverse flow, and cause erroneous results. Figure 4 CFD geometry: Rotor, stator and land description 4 Table 1 CFD geometry: Rotor, stator and land dimensions The study lab seal geometry consists of three seal “teeth” and is a “straight through” type as opposed to a “stepped” type. The seal teeth are canted at an angle with the tips of the teeth pointed toward the direction of the flow. The dimensions presented in Table 2 are consistent with seals typically used in large high bypass aircraft gas turbine engines. Figure 5 CFD Geometry: Lab seal detail description 5 Table 2 CFD Geometry: Lab seal detail dimensions 6 3. CFD Boundary Condition Setup While the final goal of this study is to determine leakage and thermal characteristics across a broad range of seal clearances, initially a fixed set of operating conditions will be considered. This will allow for critical review of the CFD grid, grid independence, CFD setup, and CFD results. Providing these details will give the reader confidence in the quality of the CFD results, and provide a strong foundation for subsequent studies. Figure 6 and Table 3 describe the fixed set of boundary conditions used in this section. This set of boundary conditions was chosen to challenge the CFD analytical tools. Additionally, this set of boundary conditionst represents a challenge to the lab seal design. Figure 6 CFD boundary condition description Table 3 CFD boundary condition summary 7 Reviewing the boundary condition set in more detail, several key observations can be made. First, according to Equation 1, the seal is operating at 2 to 1 pressure ratio (PR=2). This is typically the highest pressure ratio for which this seal type is used, and the highest for which there is significant research. Next, using Equations 2-5, the relative Mach number can be calculated. For internal air systems in aircraft engines, supersonic and transonic flows are avoided. If we assume negligible swirl velocity in the flow (RPMF=0) the Mach number relative to the rotating structure is 0.78, approaching the transonic regime. šš = šš¢š (1) šššš¤š š=šš (2) š ššš¹ = šš”šš (3) š šš”šš,ššš = |šš”šš − š| šššš = šššš (4) (5) √š¾š šš Finally, take note that the radial clearance for this configuration, cr, is 5 mils. 5 mils is the tightest clearance that is practically achievable in current gas turbine design for large aircraft engines. Because of the large pressure ratio, small radial clearance, and high rotating speeds, this is a challenging configuration. 8 4. CFD Grid Independence Study The quality of any finite element solution is dependent on the quality and length scale of the constituent elements. CFD solutions are particularly prone to numerical discretization error due to the higher order equations being considered in the finite element formulations. While these formulations are beyond the scope of this paper, it is important that grid independence be considered before critical review of CFD results. Grid independence is performed by running several solutions with grids of increasing quality. The solutions are compared, and grid impendence is achieved when the solution does not change appreciably as grid quality is changed. In order to judge grid independence quantitatively, flow field monitors were created in the CFD domain. These planes will be used to query flow field parameters of interest for this, and subsequent studies. Figure 7 CFD monitor planes The focus of this paper is on seal leakage and thermal characterization. Consequently, it was decided that flow rate across YY and total temperatures at XX and ZZ be considered for grid independence. Total temperature is defined as Equation 6, where relative velocity for this study is relative to the inertial frame. šš” = šš + šššš 2 2š¶š 9 (6) Figure 8 and Table 4 provide details regarding four meshes of varying quality. Note that “clearance gap” refers to the 5 mil radial clearance. Figure 8 CFD grid sizing regions Table 4 CFD grid sizes for grid independence study Figure 9 shows a total temperature contour plot for the various mesh densities. All the solutions show similar temperature distribution and trends. Table 5 summarizes the flows and total temperature results. Between the “Medium” and “Fine” grid densities there is less than 2% change in mass flow rate, and less than 1% change in mass weighted average total temperature at planes XX and ZZ. Because “Medium” and “Fine” densities produce similar results, and computational resources are limited, the “Medium” grid density was chosen for subsequent studies. Details regarding CFD grid generation on solution settings are presented in the next section. 10 Figure 9 Total temperature contour plot for various grid densities Table 5 Summary of grid sensitivity results 11 5. 2D Axisymmetric CFD Analysis with Various Seal Clearances Now that the grid quality has been established, details regarding the CFD setup are presented. Additionally, detailed results review and discussion are provided for analyses at three radial clearance levels: 5, 10, and 15 mils. 5.1 Fluent CFD Setup and Solution Convergence The CFD grids were generated use ANSYS Workbench version 14.0, and the CFD solutions were generated using ANSYS Fluent 14.0. Table 6 provides details regarding the Fluent solver settings and physic modeling options. Table 6 Summary of Fluent solver settings and options CFD convergence is monitored internal to the Fluent solver by the residuals of various conservation equations, however residuals do not always provide accurate evidence of convergence. CFD analysts generally prefer to monitor physical quantities of interest in addition to residuals for determination solution convergence. 12 The same quantities that were used for the grid independence study will be used for solution convergence monitoring. That is, mass-weighted-average total temperature at XX and ZZ, and mass-flow-rate through plane YY. Figures 10-12 show convergence histories for these quantities. It is clearly evident that the CFD solution is well converged after 7000 iterations. The mass flow rate through the seal converges quickly, but total temperatures require significantly more CFD iterations to converge. Figure 10 Total temperature convergence at XX; 5 mil clearance. Figure 11 Total temperature convergence at ZZ; 5 mil clearance 13 Figure 12 Mass flow rate convergence; 5 mil clearance 14 5.2 Solution Post-Processing and Discussion Now that a converged solution has been obtained, the results can be post processed. Figure 13 shows contour plots of total temperature, pressure, and stream function. Stream function is a measure of recirculation and for two dimensional flows is defined by Equation 7, where ψ is the stream function. š=∇ × š (7) 1 šæš š šæš§ 1 šæš šš§ = š šæš š£š = − From the contours in Figure 13 several observations can be made. First, there is a significant total temperature rise across the seal from plane XX to ZZ, about 100F. It should also be noted that there is a significant total temperature increase from the domain inlet to plane XX (upstream of the seal), about 100F. However there is negligible total temperature rise from plane ZZ (downstream of the seal) to the domain outlet. The stream function contours plot show several areas or recirculating flow. Large recirculation zones exist upstream and downstream of the seal and smaller recirculation zones exist within between adjacent seal teeth. The pressure contours are not particularly interesting, however the contours provides confirmation in the expected result of large pressure drops across each labyrinth seal tooth. There is a 90 psi drop across the first seal tooth, a 70 psi drop across the second and a 90 psi drop across the third. 15 Figure 13 Total temperature, stream function and pressure contours; 5 mil clearance Tangential velocity, or swirl velocity plays a significant role in the physics of rotor stator systems. Figure 14 shows contour plots of swirl velocity, RPMF, and percent swirl velocity. The flow enters the domains with no tangential velocity and as it approaches the seal the tangential velocity increases dramatically achieving about 400 ft/s at the upstream plane XX. The tangential velocity increases across the seal, and at the downstream plane reaches about 600 ft/s. The non-dimensional tangential velocities, RPMFs, are roughly 0.3 and 0.5 at the upstream and downstream planes respectively. The third contour plot in Figure 14 shows that the tangential velocity is the dominate velocity component for a majority of the domain. The exceptions are in the radial clearance gap, at the stator near wall, and at the domain inlet. 16 Figure 14 Contours of tangential velocity quantities; 5 mil clearance 5.3 Leakage and Windage Calculation and Discussion The leakage flow rate is easily output by Fluent, however the calculation of windage heating due to the lab seal requires some explanation. The calculation of windage heating was performed two ways. The first method simply uses the total temperatures at the upstream and downstream planes. Equation 9 is describes that the amount of heat or work transfer to a control volume can be simply defined as function of the inlet and outlet total temperatures. The mass weighted average total temperatures were queried at the upstream and downstream seal planes, the mass flow was queried across plane YY and the specific heat was assumed constant. Figure 15 shows the control volume being employed. Ģ = šĢ = šĢš¶š Δšš” šĢ = šš£šš š 17 (9) Figure 15 Control volume for viscous work method 1 calculation Note there is no mechanical crossing control volume boundary, thus the total temperature rise in the systems is due purely to viscous work. Figure 15 shows a total temperature contour for this case with the viscous heat option turned off. As expected there is no total temperature rise in the CFD domain. Figure 16 Total temperature contour assuming no viscous work; 5 mil clearance The second method of calculating viscous work involves integrating the shear stress at the rotor and stator wall. Equation 10 is the full differential form of the energy conservation equation, and equation 11 is the reduced form for the problem at hand. šæ 1 Ģ) = − (š ā (1 šš£ 2 + šš Ģ) š) − (š ā šŖ) − (š ā pšÆ) − šš£ 2 + šš ( šæš” 2 2 (š ā [š ā šÆ ]) + ρ(šÆ ā š ) (10) 1 Ģ) š) = −(š ā [š ā šÆ ]) (š ā (2 šš£ 2 + šš 18 (11) Integrating Equation 11 yields an equation that relates the change in total temperature to the total shear stress and velocity. Δšš” = (ā® š ā š) (12) šĢ š¶š It was previously shown in Figure 14 that the tangential velocity is the dominate velocity component, so it is appropriate to replace the vectors in Equation 12 with the scalers šš„š , and Vtan . The shear stress in the x-theta direction is easily queried from Fluent for both the rotor and stator walls. The tangential velocity can be approximated as the average tangential velocity between upstream and downstream planes. 5.4 Leakage and Windage Results Summary Table 7 provides a summary of the results for this case. The viscous heat transferred to the fluid in the seal region is 25.6 Btu/s, which corresponds to an adiabatic temperature increase of 111F with 0.917 lbm/s of leakage through the seal. Note that the total temperature increase calculated using the shear stress method agrees well with the values directory queried from Fluent. Table 7 Results summary for 5mil clearance case Two subsequent CFD analyses were run for 10 and 15 mil radial clearances. The same methodology described for the 5 mil case was used. Tables 8 and 9 provide results 19 summaries for the 10 and 15 mil clearances cases respectively. Table 10 summarizes the quantities of interest for the three clearance levels. Table 8 Results summary for 10mil clearance case Table 9 Results summary for 15 mil clearance case 20 Table 10 Leakage and windage summary for clearances (5-10mil) Figures 17-19 show summary plots over a range of clearance values. Figure 17 shows the expected result that leakage increases fairly linearly with clearance. Figure 18 shows the windage heating across the seal increases with clearance. This is an interesting result, as the expected result was a fairly constant windage heating rate. The increased heating is due to the RPMF upstream of the labyrinth seal. The RPMF increases across the seal as work is transferred to the fluid through viscous energy. The equilibrium RPMF for a rotor/stator system is ~0.5. Therefore as the upstream RPMF deviates from 0.5 the viscous work increases. Table 10 and Figure 20 show that the upstream RPMF drops as the clearance is opened, thus windage heat goes up. Figure 19 shows that the adiabatic temperature rise across the seal decreases with increasing clearance. This is an expected result because the increase in widage heat is offset by the increase in leakage rate so Equation 9 necessitates a smaller change in temperature. 21 4 3.5 Leakage (lbm/s) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Clearance (mils) Figure 17 Leakage versus clearance for 2:1 seal pressure ratio Windage Heating (Btu/s) 45 40 35 30 25 20 0 5 10 15 20 Clearance (mils) Figure 18 Windage heat rate versus seal clearance for 2:1 seal pressure ratio 22 Adiabatic Total Temperature Rise (F) 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 5 10 15 20 Clearance Figure 19 Total temperature rise versus clearance for 2:1 seal pressure ratio Figure 20 RPMF versus seal clearance comparison 23 6. Seal Convection Heat Transfer Characterization Up to this point heat transfer has been neglected, that is the walls in the CFD domain were assumed to be adiabatic. In this section wall temperatures will be assigned in the seal region, and heat transfer coefficient will be calculated. First coefficients will be determined using solution data that includes viscous heating, then viscous heating will be turned off and coefficient will be recalculated. A comparison between these two approaches will be presented. For this section a 5 mil clearance will be considered. 6.1 Heat Transfer with Viscous Heating A cooling and heating temperature condition will be considered. Wall temperatures of 500F (heating condition), and 1500F (cooling condition) will be applied independently to the rotor and stator walls. Table 11 describes the four cases to be considered. Note that the previously detailed boundary conditions and Fluent setup will remain same for this study. Table 11 Summary of heat transfer studies Figure 21 Application of wall temperature boundary conditions 24 In order to calculate heat transfer coefficients the following approach will be used. Given the same control volume considered in Figure 15 the energy balance yields Equation 13, where ΔTt is the difference between the upstream and downstream total temperatures. Ģ + ššššš£šš Ģ šĢ = šš£šš š = šĢš¶š Δšš” (13) For this study it will be assumed that Qvisc is the same as calculated in the previous section. There is some error in this assumption since it is known that temperature affects viscosity, and thus viscous heating. Heat transfer coefficients are calculated using Equations 14 and 15. When rotor heat transfer coefficients are calculated the fluid temperature, given in Equation 15, will be calculated assuming total temperature relative to the rotor.Combining Equations 13-15 yields an expression for the heat transfer coefficient, Equation 16. Ģ ššššš£šš = š»š“(šš − šš ) šš = š»= (14) šš”,š¢š+ šš”,ššš¤š (15) 2 Ģ šĢš¶š (šš”,ššš¤š −šš”,š¢š )−šš£šš š (š −šš”,š¢š ) ] š“[šš š¢šš − š”,ššš¤š (16) 2 Figure 22 shows total temperature contours for the heated rotor and heated stator, cases one and two from Table 11. Figure 23 shows the total temperature contours for the cooled rotor and cooled stator, cases three and four from Table 11. 25 Figure 22 Total temperature contours for heated wall condition Figure 23 Total temperature contours for cooled wall condition 26 Table 12 gives shows the calculated average heat transfer coefficients for each of the respective runs. Note this table was calculated using Equation 16 with the viscous heating work, Qvisc, from the previous section. Table 12 Average rotor/stator heat transfer coefficients for heating and cooling 6.2 Heat Transfer without Viscous Heating It was noted that the viscous heat rate may be slightly different with applied wall temperatures because the fluid temperature is being affected by the convection to the walls. In order to asses this error and gain confidence in the heat transfer coefficient values, cases one and two were re-run without the viscous heat term, Qvisc = 0. Figure 24 shows the total temperature contours for these analyses. The heat transfer coefficients are presented in Table 13. 27 Figure 24 Total temperature contours for heated wall condition; No viscous heating Table 13 Average heat transfer coefficients for heating; No viscous heating 6.3 Results Summary and Discussion From Tables 12 and 13 several observations can be made. First, the average heat transfer coefficient on the stator is significant higher than on the rotor. This is an expected result since the solid stator land sees a significant axial or through flow velocity. The rotor, on the other hand, only sees this velocity contribution at the seal tips. The other portions of rotor are swirl velocity dominated. This can be seen in Figure 14. In order to more clearly illustrate this, Figure 25 shows the absolute value of the ratio of axial to swirl velocity. 28 Table 14 Absolute value of axial to swirl velocity ratio Secondly, Table 12 shows the heat transfer coefficients for a heated wall are very similar to those for a cooled wall. The values for the rotor are about 6% different, and the values for the stator are less than 1% different. Finally, Table 13 shows that heat transfer coefficients calculated for analyses run without viscous heating match fairly well with those calculated using analyses with viscous heating. Values for both rotor and stator are within about 10%. 29 7. 3D CFD Analysis with Various Honeycomb Seal Land Geometry This section will detail the 3D CFD analysis for two honeycomb land geometries: a 1/8” honeycomb land, and a 1/32” honeycomb land. A 5 mil clearance will be used for this study. It is expected that honeycomb land geometry will have a significant effect on seal leakage, and a moderate effect on seal windage heating. Heat transfer calculations will not be considered in this section. 7.1 Geometry Definition The rotor geometry is the same as in previous sections, the only change is to the treatment of the stator land. Figure 25 shows the 3D geometry for the fluid domain. The domain includes 1/8” honeycomb, 5 mil foil size, and has a seal clearance of 5 mils. As pictured, two honeycomb cells are included in the circumferential direction and 6 are included in the axial direction. The geometry is a revolved through a small angle so the cut faces are rotationally periodic. Figure 26 shows the geometry for the 1/32” honeycomb land which has two cells circumferentially 32 axially and has a foil size of 2 mils. Figure 25 3D Geometry with 1/8" honeycomb land 30 Figure 26 3D geometry with 1/32" honeycomb land Figure 27 shows a schematic for the honeycomb cells along with pertinent dimensions. Figure 27 Honeycomb schematic 31 The 3D geometry was meshed using the same procedure as the 2D geometry. A fine mesh was applied in the seal section of the domain, and coarser mesh in the upstream and downstream regions. Figure 28 shows several views of the CFD mesh. Clearly shown are the honeycomb cells and their proximity to the seal teeth. The mesh includes 1.1 million nodes and 5.3 million cells. Figure 28 3D mesh with 1/8" honeycomb 32 7.2 3D Solution Post-Processing and Discussion This section reviews the 3D CFD solution and presents comparisons to the equivalent 2D study. The contour plots in the section were taken at the mid plane between the periodic planes. For the 1/8” honeycomb geometry the sector extends from -2 deg to +2 and the mid plane is at 0 deg. Figure 29 shows the pressure contours for the 1/8” honeycomb land 3D study. The contours are very similar to the 2D analysis with 90, 70 and 90 psi pressure drops across first, second and third knife edges respectively. Figure 29 3D CFD pressure contours for 1/8" honeycomb Figure 30 shows contours of total temperature. Here there is significant difference between the similar 2D analysis (Figure 13). Although the radial clearance between the knife edge and the seal land is 5 mils for both analyses, the large honeycomb effectively increases flow area allowing significantly more leakage. The increase in seal leakage mitigates the total temperature increase according to Equation 9. This flow area increase effect can clearly be seen in Figure 31. At the mid plane, the first knife edge is positioned directly under a solid portion of the seal land. This is 33 similar to the treatment in the 2D analysis. However, for the second and third knife edges, the knife edge is offset from the honeycomb solid. The velocity contour shows the flow accelerating through these gaps. Figure 30 3D CFD total temperature contours for 1/8" honeycomb Figures 32 and 33 show the contours for swirl velocity and RPMF. These contours also differ significantly relative to the 2D analysis. The mass weighted RPMF at the upstream plane, XX is 0.16 compared to 0.322 for the 2D analysis. However, given the significant increase in leakage this is understandable as the large leakage flow preserves more of its angular momentum (RPMF=0.0 at the domain inlet). If we compare the 3D results to the 15 mil clearance 2D case, Table 10, we see the upstream RPMF is in fair agreement. The downstream mass weighted RPMF at plane YY is also very low, nearly 0. This result was not expected, but is also understandable. As was previously discussed, a significant portion of the flow is directed into the honeycomb cells. This mitigates the angular momentum increase imposed by the rotor. Clearly this effect is not represented in the 2D study. 34 Figure 31 3D CFD velocity magnitude contours for 1/8" honeycomb Figure 32 3D CFD swirl velocity contours for 1/8" honeycomb 35 Figure 33 3D CFD RPMF contours for 1/8" honeycomb Table 15 provides a comparison between the 2D and 3D 5 mil clearance cases. Interestingly, the 1/32” honeycomb analysis produces a leakage level significantly less the solid land. In this case the honeycomb cell size (0.3125”) is close to the size of the tip of the knife edge (0.010”). This limits the flows ability to find a smooth streamline, and increases the turbulent friction [1]. The honeycomb in this situation discourages flow. Note contour plots for the 1/32” honeycomb analysis are provided in the appendix. Table 15 Comparison of 2D and 3D analyses for 5 mil radial clearance 36 8. Conclusions This paper explored several aspects of gas turbine labyrinth seals. The leakage rate, windage, and adiabatic temperature rise was investigated for various seal clearances. Next, the adiabatic boundary conditions were removed and heat transfer characteristics were studied. A 2D axisymmetric model with a solid seal stator land was used for the above studies. A grid independence study was conducted and thorough solution convergence checks were presented. The results for the 2D analysis were generally as expected. For a given pressure ratio, an increase in seal clearance resulted in an increase in leakage. The windage heat also increased with seal clearance due to the drop in upstream RPMF. The adiabatic total temperature rise across the seal dropped as seal clearance was increased due to additional heat capacitance provided by more leakage flow. Heat transfer results for the 2D analysis were also as expected. For a solid seal land, heat transfer coefficients were higher than the rotor heat transfer coefficients due to the significant axial velocity component. Heating versus cooling did not have a significant effect on heat transfer coefficients on neither the rotor nor the stator. Removing viscous heating from the solution equations also did not appreciably change heat transfer coefficients. Honeycomb geometry was studied using a rotationally periodic 3D CFD sector model. Two honeycomb geometries were studied: 1/8” honeycomb, and 1/32” honeycomb. The results of the 1/8” honeycomb study were generally as expected. This large honeycomb increased leakage levels and reduced total temperature rise. An unexpected, but explainable result was the low swirl velocities at the downstream plane. The 1/32” honeycomb results were surprising in that the leakage level was reduced relative to the 2D solid land results. However further research determined this to in fact be an expected result [1]. 37 9. 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