PECS Phase 4

PECS Training
PHASE 4: Sentence Structure
Objective: The student requests present and non-present items using a multi-word phrase by
going to the book, picking up the picture/symbol of “I want” putting it on a sentence strip,
picking out the picture of what is wanted, putting it on the sentence strip, removing the strip
from the communication board and giving the strip to the communicative partner.
1. Only need one trainer for this phase
2. Use a variety of communicative partners, activities, settings
3. In addition to structured training trials, create many opportunities for spontaneous
requesting during functional activities each day
4. The new skill to reinforce requesting/commenting: e.g., I want, I see, it is – although
there are skills to be reinforced at each step of this phase. Praise as each step is
a. Putting the preferred icon on the sentence strip
b. Independently picking up the “I want” picture first
c. Point and/or read the sentence strip aloud (speech is not necessary but praised
if used)
Communicative Partner’s responsibilities:
1. Plans for each student to have own communication book
2. Creates sentence strip to include in the communication book (should be visible and
away from individual icons; often on the front of the book)
3. Creates “I want”, “I see”, “it is” icons
a. Initially, “I want”, “I see”, “it is” is a single picture (because we are not teaching
the concept of I vs. you, he, she and because it follows natural language
progression (i.e., 1 word, 2 words)
4. Initially, keep frequently accessed icons on the front of or on the first page of the book
5. Arranges training environment appropriately – 20+ pictures available at a time
6. Items available but inaccessible
7. No verbal prompts
8. Does not insist on speech
9. Can implement “Backward Chaining” to teach sentence strip construction – i.e., Create
the full sentence strip for the student and have them work on exchanging the strip.
Once this is mastered, create the full sentence strip but leave it on the book so that
they’re practicing removing the sentence strip, etc.
10. Teaching sequence:
a. Step 1:
i. Attach “I want” picture to the left side of the sentence strip
ii. Wait for the student to initiate reaching for a preferred icon
iii. Guide them to put the picture onto the strip next to the “I want” picture
iv. Guide the student to give you the sentence strip
v. Read the strip aloud to the student while providing access to the item;
make sure the strip is facing the student so that they can follow along
while you’re reading it
b. Step 2:
i. Move the “I want” picture to the left side of the book but do not put it
on the sentence strip
ii. Student will initiate removal of the preferred icon, block him/her from
doing so and physically prompt him/her to remove the “I want” picture
and put it on the strip
iii. Student should now complete the sentence by reaching for the
preferred icon and placing it next to the “I want” icon and give you the
sentence strip and read the strip aloud
c. Step 3:
i. When the student independently constructs and puts the sentence strip
into your hand, turn the strip around and physically prompt him/her
point to each picture while you read each picture
ii. Fade this prompting
Student’s responsibilities:
1. Remove “I want” icon from the communication book
2. Remove preferred icon from the communication book
3. Place both on a sentence strip
4. “Read along” the entire request/comment
5. Gives sentence strip to communicative partner (preferred or non-preferred)
6. Distance between communicative partner, student, and/or communication book can be
near or far
7. Learns to build requests, comments
Target Sequence
1. Get book
2. Remove “I want” icon from book
3. Put “I want” icon on sentence strip
4. Remove preferred icon from book
5. Put preferred icon on sentence strip
6. Remove sentence strip
7. Give sentence strip to communicative partner
8. Give the item and provide praise