Lesson 07A Ethical Decision Making LP

Course Title:
Logistics Planning and Management Systems
Lesson Title:
Ethical Decision Making
TEKS Addressed in Lesson: 130.403(c)7A
Lesson Objectives. The student will be able to:
1 define ethical decision making in various scenarios., and
2 identify ethical decisions in a variety of case studies.
Key Terms / Vocabulary
Ethics refers to standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on reasoned
ethical principles and core or universal values. Ethical principles are the rules of conduct that are
derived from ethical values. For example, "honesty" is a value that leads to a series of principles
such as: tell the truth, don’t deceive, be honest, don’t cheat. In this way, values give rise to many
principles in the form of specific "dos" and "don’ts."
Ethics entails action; it is not just a topic to discuss. In other words ethics is about thinking
ethically and being ethical.
Ethics, Morals and Mores
The terms "morals" and "mores" describe beliefs, customs and traditions that are reflected in
personal convictions about right and wrong. Morals tend to be associated with a personal
concept of values, especially concerning matters of religion, sex, drinking, gambling, lifestyle
and so forth.
Most people have convictions about what is right and wrong based on religious beliefs, cultural
roots, family background, personal experiences, laws, organizational values, professional norms
and political habits. These are not the best values to make ethical decisions by — not because
they are unimportant, but because they are not universal.
Moral Duty
Moral duties establish the minimal standards of ethical conduct. Moral duty obliges us to act in
certain ways (e.g., honestly, fairly and accountably), as well as to not act in other ways (cruelly,
disrespectfully, etc.).
Moral Virtue
Moral virtue goes beyond moral duty. It refers to moral excellence, characteristics or conduct
(say, generosity or valor) worthy of praise or admiration because it advances moral principle.
Moral virtue is an ideal - we ought to be charitable, temperate, humble and compassionate;
however, it is not unethical if we are not so long as we do not harm others.
Universal Values
Universal values are core beliefs or desires that guide or motivate most peoples' attitudes and
actions. They also define the things we value and prize the most, and, therefore, provide the basis
for ranking the things we want in a way that elevates some values over others.
Ethical Values
Ethical values directly relate to beliefs concerning what is right and proper (as opposed to what is
correct, effective or desirable). Some ethical values are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility,
fairness, caring and citizenship.
Non-ethical Values
Most of what we value is not concerned with our sense of ethics but rather with things we like,
desire or find personally important. Wealth, status, happiness, fulfillment, pleasure, personal
freedom, being liked and being respected fall into this category. We call them non-ethical values
because they are ethically neutral. The pursuit of non-ethical objectives is normal and
appropriate so long as ethical values are not sacrificed in the process.
Conflicting Values
Our values often conflict. For example, the desire for personal independence may run counter to
our desire for intimacy and relationships of interdependency. Similarly, in particular situations,
our commitment to be honest and truthful may clash with the desire for wealth, status, a job or
even the desire to be kind to others. When values conflict, choices must be made by ranking our
values. The values we consistently rank higher than others are our core values, which define
character and personality.
The Stakeholder Concept
A person concerned with being ethical has a moral obligation to consider the ethical implications
of all decisions. Each person, group or institution likely to be affected by a decision is a
“stakeholder”. The stakeholder concept reinforces our obligation to make all reasonable efforts
to foresee possible consequences and take reasonable steps to avoid unjustified harm to others.
The False Notion of "Personal Ethics"
Some believe that ethics are "relative" or "personal" but this thinking usually reveals a
misunderstanding of ethics.
Many people have a wider range of values and beliefs than core, universal ethical values.
Unfortunately, some people seek to impose their personal moral judgments on others as if they
were universal values. A bigger problem is that some people adopt personal codes of conduct
that are inconsistent with universal ethical values. Actions and beliefs inconsistent with
trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship are simply not ethical.
Imposing Value Judgment on Others
Ethical thinking requires an objective examination of personal values, exposing certain beliefs
(e.g., that one race is superior to another) as wrong precisely because they conflict with core
ethical values. But while we must insist on honesty and integrity over hypocrisy and corruption,
we cannot also claim that a particular religion, political philosophy or sexual orientation is
universally superior to another. Indeed, allowing some personal choice and conscience is critical
to upholding the core ethical value of treating all with respect.
Interest Approach/Anticipatory Set
An effective and ethical leader has the following traits / characteristics:
Dignity and respectfulness: He respects others. An ethical leader should not use his followers as a medium to achieve his
personal goals. He should respect their feelings, decision and values. Respecting the followers implies listening effectively
to them, being compassionate to them, as well as being liberal in hearing opposing viewpoints. In short, it implies treating
the followers in a manner that authenticate their values and beliefs.
Serving others: He serves others. An ethical leader should place his follower’s interests ahead of his interests. He should be
humane. He must act in a manner that is always fruitful for his followers.
Justice: He is fair and just. An ethical leader must treat all his followers equally. There should be no personal bias.
Wherever some followers are treated differently, the ground for differential treatment should be fair, clear, and built on
Community building: He develops community. An ethical leader considers his own purpose as well as his followers’
purpose, while making efforts to achieve the goals suitable to both of them. He is considerate to the community interests.
He does not overlook the followers’ intentions. He works harder for the community goals.
Honesty: He is loyal and honest. Honesty is essential to be an ethical and effective leader. Honest leaders can be always
relied upon and depended upon. They always earn respect of their followers. An honest leader presents the fact and
circumstances truly and completely, no matter how critical and harmful the fact may be. He does not misrepresent any fact.
Teaching Plan and Strategy / Presentation of New Material
The importance of Workplace Ethics
The importance of Ethics
Activity/Application/ Student Engagement /Laboratory
Ethical Leadership in the Army
Ethics in the Workplace PP Presentation
A Brief Exercise on Ethics in the Workplace Quiz
Ethics vs the Law
Evaluation / Summary
ProProfs Quiz Maker - Ethics quiz
Ethics Quiz
References/Additional Materials / Extended Learning Opportunities/ Enrichment
Career Solutions Publishing
College & Career Readiness Standard
CDS I, A, 2, a
Social Studies V, A, 1, b
©Texas Education Agency, 2015