5 February 2014 - The International Biometric Society

IBS Officer Notes
5 Feb 2014
John Hinde, James Carpenter, Clarice Demétrio, and Dee Ann Walker met via Skype for an hour to
discuss the following.
The notes from the previous meeting were reviewed and all tasks were on track.
Abstracts have been assigned.
Invited session abstracts will be uploaded and handed by Brian Cullis and Al Baggett.
We are waiting for a few more responses from Executive Board members about hotel accommodations
and Dee Ann will remind everyone and then book hotel rooms.
Dee Ann is still exploring the availability of a videographer to capture content at the IBC.
The governance meeting schedule was reviewed and board members were slotted as liaison to each of
the committees. There was no overlap in schedules, although it was decided that Vicente had too many
committees to cover and that another board member should be approached to be liaison to
The deadline has been extended to 28 February and regional officers have been notified. Staff will ask
Andrea to notify Rep. Council.
Next Executive Board Call
Dee Ann will poll the board to identify a date for a call during the month of April. April 7, 8, 9, 22, & 23
are possibilities. The call will focus on committee responsibilities and tasks prior to IBC.
John has identified a Chair for the EAC and Conference Advisory. Others have been invited to chair
Budget & Finance and Education and we’re awaiting acceptance. John would like to get all the chairs in
place before appointing committee members. The Executive Board will approve all appointees at one
time. ENAR has still not appointed Representative Council members and the Japanese Region
established terms that don’t follow Society rules. The office will communicate with the JR and notify
them that terms much end on 2015 or 2017.
James is working on a year-long calendar so that dates can be inserted to keep the officers on schedule.
Dee Ann will populate tasks once the calendar is ready.
Membership 2013 was reviewed and Melissa will update the list and highlight the regions that did not
pay dues. This will be posted in the Board Room.
Clarice asked staff to determine how many members are living in a developed country but join and hold
membership solely in a developing country. By doing so, these members are receiving reduced dues and
conference registration fees. Melissa will search the database to identify these people to see how large
the problem is.
StatProb - Bernoulli Society request
A while ago, IBS (with a number of other societies including Bernoulli) joined Springer in the STATPROB
project (open access and moderated input web encyclopedia on Statistics). Springer pulled out, for
various reasons, and for some time now Bernoulli Society has been exploring a way forward to ensure
that the material already collected in the STATPROB project is made available again. After, considering
various options, Bernoulli Society has concluded that the only viable prospect has turned out to be to
seek a way of incorporating the articles within a joint project of Springer and the European
Mathematical Society (EMS), entitled Encyclopedia of Mathematics (EoM) and also freely available.
However, this is not with problems as the EoM currently consists of 8000 articles, while the StatProb
material currently amounts to just 190 articles (some from IBS members) so the statistical content will
be rather dwarfed. Also, the EMS will not consider a name change to EoM to reflect the statistical
content, basically because the project is relatively young and they want to preserve the brand name.
Despite the drawbacks, Bernoulli (and ISI) sees no real feasible alternative and, so as not to lose this
material, it is proposing to go along with the EoM proposal. The Officers share this view and have given
IBS support to this decision.
IBC 2018
Dee Ann will work with the Barcelona convention bureau on developing a proposal for IBC 2018.
There was discussion about the need for Wiley to solve the delivery problems with print subscriptions to
our members in the Indian Region. Dee Ann will write to Marc Strauss at Wiley requesting that some
action be taken to resolve the problem.
John plans to appoint a Publications Taskforce later in the year to begin a thorough review of the IBS
Next call is 12 Feb.