MCLOUD CITY COUNCILSPECIAL MEETING and PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES October 9, 2014 @ 7:00 pm – 408 W Broadway, McLoud, OK 74851 ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. 2. Mayor Phil Solinger called the McLoud City Council and Public Hearing to order at 7:06 pm. Roll call; Members present: Phil Solinger, Thomas Morris and James Woods. Members absent: Stan Jackson and Tim McGuinness. 3. Mike Taylor, City Manager, gave the Invocation. 4. Flag salute. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing(s) on an application for a LOT SPLIT of the following described property within the city limits of McLoud: A part of the NW/4 of Section 21, T11N, R2E of the Indian Meridian, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, described as beginning 2180.75 feet East of the NW/C of said NW/4; thence South 1648.5 feet, thence East 436.15 feet, thence North 1018.5 feet, thence West 420 feet, thence North 630 feet, thence West 16.15 feet to the point of beginning containing 10.50 acres more or less. The owners, Chandrea Epperley or Brian Heath Epperley wish to split the above property, located at 31415 Redskin (between McLoud Road and Arena Road) into two (2) tracts to be used for a single family dwelling to be located on Tract B: Tract A – Beginning at a point 2180.75 feet East of the NW/C of the NW/4 of Section 21, T11N, R2E of the Indian Meridian, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma; thence South 1149.13 feet, thence East 436.15 feet; thence North 519.13 feet; thence West 420.00 feet; thence North 630.00 feet; thence West 16.15 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 5.40 ac mol. Tract B – Beginning at a point 2180.75 feet East and 1149.13 feet South of the NW/C of the NW/4 of Section 21, T11N, R2E of the Indian Meridian, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma; thence South 449.37 feet, thence East 436.15 feet, thence North 499.37 feet; thence West 436.15 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 5.0 ac mol. No Comments or protests were registered with City Clerk or signed in for meeting. Seven letters were mailed, 5 guests were listed, and non protests, per City Clerk. NUISANCE PUBLIC HEARING: PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PROPERTY AT 602 WEST HINCHLEY, MCLOUD, OK 74851 CONSTITUTES A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND IS DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC AS A RESULT OF THE DILAPIDATED TRAILER LOCATED ON SAID PROPERTY AND THE WEEDS, GRASS, JUNK AND OTHER DEBRIS ON THE PROPERTY, AND IF SAID NUISANCE IS FOUND TO EXIST WHETHER SUCH NUISANCE SHOULD BE ABATED. Code Enforcement Officer Todd Beesley reported some progress on the demolition of to the trailer has been made; mobile home has not been occupied for several years and ceased to be used for proposed use; the Woodul’s hope to get the mobile home removed by end of the month. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the consent agenda are deemed non-controversial and routine in nature by the governing body. They will be approved by one motion of the governing body. The items on the consent agenda will not be discussed. Any member of the governing body desiring to discuss an item on the consent agenda may request that it be removed from the consent agenda and placed in its proper order on the regular agenda. It will then be considered at that time. a. b. Approval of claims. Approval of Treasurer’s report through August 31, 2014 1 McLoud City Council Special Meeting Agenda c. d. e. f. g. Approval of meeting minutes from August 28, 2014 Payrolls paid: September: Total $57,475.14 Set October 17, 18 and 19th for Citywide Garage Sale weekend – no fees. Pay City of Shawnee for McLoud dispatching – July – September, 2014 - $16,377.45. Declare October 31, 2014 Trick R Treat night from 6-9 pm. A motion was made by James, second by Thomas to approve consent agenda as presented. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. 5. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda. NONE 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK TO THE COUNCIL ARE REQUIRED TO SIGN IN AND IDENTIFY THEMSELVES BY NAME. If you are commenting on an Agenda Item, INDICATE WHICH AGENDA ITEM THEY WISH TO DISCUSS. THE MAYOR, IN HIS DISCRETION, WILL INVITE SUCH PERSONS TO SPEAK AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME. COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS ARE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES PER SPEAKER. IN THE EVENT IT APPEARS THAT SEVERAL PERSONS WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON THE SAME OR SIMILAR MATTER, THE MAYOR MAY REDUCE THE TIME ALLOTED PER PERSON OR REQUIRE THE PERSONS TO SELECT A SPOKESPERSON. Mrs. Stacy inquired about speed limit postings along McLoud Road. City Manager advised her to contact City Hall and they would give her the number for ODOT. 7. Discussion and action on ORDINANCES: a. Ord. 2014-09 – Amend OMRF Employee Retirement plan redefining definition of ‘spouse’. This ordinance is mandatory for Employee Employee Retirement plan to be in compliance, based on Supreme Court decision. A motion was made by Phil, second by James to approve Ord. 2014-09. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. b. Declare ORD. 2014-09 an emergency for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. A motion was made by Thomas, second by Phil declaring ORD. 2014-09 an emergency. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. c. Ord. 2014-10 - Lot Split on a tract of land at 31415 Redskin into 2 separate lots with easement. A motion was made by Phil, second by James to approve Ord. 2014-10 lot split at 31415 Redskin into 2 (two) lots. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. d. Declare ORD. 2014-10 an emergency for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. A motion was made by Phil, second by Thomas declaring Ord.. 2014-10 an emergency. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. e. Ord. 2014-11 – Amend Open Burning Ordinance. A motion was made by James, second by Thomas to approve Ord. 2014-11 amending burning procedures. VOTE: Fill out application Contact City Hall prior to burning Have accountability Permit good for only 15 days. Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. f. Declare Ord. 2014-11 an emergency for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 2 McLoud City Council Special Meeting Agenda A motion was made by Phil, second by James declaring Ord. 2014-11 an emergency. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. 8. Discussion and action on RESOLUTIONS : NONE 9. BUSINESS- Discussion and/or action on the following: a. Discussion and action to determine whether the dilapidated trailer, weeds, grass, junk and other debris at the property at 610 (not 602) W. Hinchley constitute a public nuisance detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the general public and should be abated, fixing a timeline for the abatement of said nuisance by the property owner(s), authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the abatement at the owner(s) expense should the owner(s) fail to abate the nuisance within the time allotted, and authorizing the City Clerk to file a lien for the cost of abatement as provided by state statute and City Ordinance. A motion was made by Phil, second by Thomas to declare 610 W Hinchley a nuisance, if not cleared up in 30 days. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. b. Review and or approve reimbursement of current PCDA insurance premium to be paid by City of McLoud on Wes Watkins and North Deer Creek Reservoir property. City still waiting for PCDA to confirm items on insurance premium which should not be considered part of the lake management coverage. Phil made a motion to TABLE, second by James. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. c. Siren replacement options. Paul Duane Foster, Emergency Management Director, stated 911 is setting up radio at Shawnee too set off McLoud Siren emergency system. McLoud will have to replace the radio soon but in the meantime, there will be control once the programming is completed. Out of pocket expense to McLoud should be less than $7,000. Current control of McLoud Sirens remains in McLoud, someone has to physically set off the siren in dispatch office. d. Approve purchase of gravel and rock to be used by Pottawatomie County Commissioners to rock one mile stretch of road (Parkwood – 74th street) from McLoud Road, East 1 mile. Mike will speak with Commissioner Melissa Dennis regarding this request. A motion was made by Phil, second by Thomas to TABLE this item. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. e. Discuss Park Maintenance. Parks and Cemetery Director Cody Roe reported on recent park maintenance: Weedeating Clearing out walking trails Clearing out around wetlands (not directly on wetlands but surrounding areas) Mowing 10. NEW BUSINESS: NONE. 11. REPORTS – a. Fire Marshal/Code Enforcement – See Public Hearing item on Nuisance for WOODUL property decision plus (2) two new commercial inspections (2 dental offices opening up mid October). b. Fire Department – Fire Chief Rhett Banks reported balance of Building fund over $5,000 to date; fire dept 3 McLoud City Council Special Meeting Agenda received an80/20 grant for upgrading the current fire department, with funds coming from County for matching $17,000; Fire Prevention Program this week at the Dale and McLoud schools. c. Lake and Recreational Department – Parks and Cemetery Director Cody Roe reported on the Lake: 198 fishing permits 162 boating permits 211 RV site rentals 70 Tent site rentals 16 deer and 7 duck blinds permits (no complaints from surrounding neighbors) Labor Day issued: 78 fishing, 66 boating, 50 RV and 53 Tents rentals. Volunteers will be assisting in mowing and clearing of fence lines during the fall. Splash Park has been closed before Labor Day due to vandalism which will be fixed this fall. d. Maintenance/Streets – City Manager Mike Taylor reported East Redskin about ½ mile from McLoud had a bad hole, phone company truck was stuck in it earlier, Billie did some dirt work and filled in the hole; grading Moran road – received calls complimenting city on the grading; painted school cross walks and placing a gate across street on campus on the road between Oklahoma and Park Streets. e. Police Department – Major Monk introduced new Chief of Police Tom Pringle. He was recently retired from Shawnee police, has worked with dispatch and came with a high recommendation from the DA and Sheriff. He hopes to bring good experience to the community with a start date of November 1, 2014. Major Monk said they are working on Homecoming Parade (Friday); Chili Cook Off (18th) closing off North Main Street and said the Lake Ranger had been able to bring in six (6) events to the Lake during this season. 12. CITY MANAGER REPORT ON City Activities for September 2014 See City Manager report 13. REMARKS, REPORTS AND INQUIRIES BY GOVERNING BODY MEMBERS. NONE 14. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the Council a motion was made by Phil, second by James to adjourn at 8:06 pm. VOTE: Voter box: Ayes: Thomas, Phil and James. Nays: None. Motion carried. ATTEST: APPROVED: ________________________________ A. Kay Heinz, City Clerk __________________________ Mayor Phil Solinger 4