(HB4001) that would remove the requirement for ethanol in gasoline.

The Florida House is considering a new law (HB4001) that would remove the
requirement for ethanol in gasoline. It is not the first time they have attempted this ill-conceived
notion. The Senate version (SB320) does not harm the renewable fuels industry in Florida.
Those offering this law say that they want to ensure that consumers can get “pure” unblended gasoline. But
this product already exists. You can find ethanol-free gas anywhere in Florida. There’s an app for that:
Florida’s renewable fuel standard like the Federal law provides for blended gasoline—10 percent ethanol.
Just as the Feds are considering moving to 15 percent ethanol, Florida is considering repeal of the 10
percent blend.
So what’s driving this? Who knows, but here’s the message it sends:
Florida is an importer of transportation fuel. Our small biofuels market is growing. Companies like DuPont
have invested here working closely with the University of Florida to develop the next-generation ethanol.
Produced here. Creating jobs. Leading the way.
Hundreds of millions of dollars have already been invested. Hundreds of people are employed in research,
production, delivery and sale of bioenergy produced in Florida for Florida.
There are approximately six commercial scale advanced ethanol plant projects in development in Florida,
which when built, will generate thousands of new jobs. These six projects represent over $1 billion in
investment in the state. Repealing Florida's Renewable Fuel Standard will create investor uncertainty.
House Bill 4001 sends a message to investors: Don’t bother, Florida isn’t interested. Florida would rather
spend billions of dollars on transportation fuel produced elsewhere and shipped to the state than to
develop its own industry.
This won’t just affect bioenergy. The larger biotechnology sector is watching this closely.
It also sends a message to Floridians employed in this sector: we don’t care about your jobs.
The House Bill will stifle the biofuels and biotechnology industry in Florida, ensuring that these good
paying jobs will go elsewhere.
Florida’s agriculture sector is poised to provide reliable feedstocks—year round—to produce Florida
ethanol for Florida motorists.
Ethanol reduces the cost of gas. Ethanol is less costly, so as gas is blended with ethanol, the overall cost is
reduced—by more than $1 in some cases.
Ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 59 percent compared to gasoline. Ethanol reduces the
carbon discharged into the environment. Cellulosic ethanol will do even more.
Ethanol produces 67 percent more energy than it takes to make it.
Please support the Senate version of the bill.