Name _______________________ Social Studies—Period _________ Date ___________________ Teacher ________________ Reader’s Guide Chapter Seven: Ancient China Lesson One: China’s First Civilizations (Pages 224-231) Directions: Define the following vocabulary terms, people, and places in your vocabulary notebook. Vocabulary/People/Places Definitions 1. Huang He Yellow River, flows across China for 2,900 mi. from Mongolia to Pacific Ocean, deposits rich soil (loess) 2. Chang Jiang Yangtze River, flows for 3,400 mi. across central China, empties into the Yellow Sea, deposits rich soil 3. loess Light fluffy yellow silt 4. Gobi Desert Cold, rocky desert spreading east from the western mountains, in northern China 5. Anyang China’s first capital city built by the Shang dynasty 6. dynasty Line of rulers who belong to the same family 7. Shang Kings who ruled from about 1750 B.C. to 1045 B.C.(c. 700 years) 8. aristocrats Nobles whose wealth comes from the land they own, usually passing power and land from one generation to the next 9. Fu Hao China’s first female general, wife of King Wu Ding. Tomb discovered with many artifacts 10. oracles priests 11. Oracle bones Bones on which questions were asked, burned, and read from the cracks 12. pictographs Characters that stand for objects 13. ideographs Two or more pictographs that represent an idea 14. alphabet Characters that stand for sounds 15. Wu Wang Chinese aristocrat who rebelled against the Shang and started the Zhou dynasty 16. Zhou Dynasty following the Shang, lasted for more than 800 years 17. Bureaucracy Group of appointed officials who are responsible for different areas (bureaucrats) of government 18. mandate Formal order 19. Mandate of Heaven Formal order that stated the King was chosen by heavenly order because of his talent and virtue and therefore he would rule with goodness and wisdom 20. Dao Proper “Way” to rule 21. levee Walls built to prevent rivers from flooding Directions: Complete the Reader’s Guide Outline as you read pages 225-231. Part I. China’s Geography (pages 225-226) 1. What are the two main rivers in China? Huang He River Change Jiange River 2. Why is the Huang He called “China’s sorrow.”? When it flooded it destroyed crops and Homes and killed people and animals. 3. Why is the flooding of the Huang He River both a good thing and a bad thing? Good---_Left behind fertile soil so people could settle in the Huang He Valley. ( Loess) 1. Bad----- When it flooded it destroyed crops Homes and killed people and animals. 3. Why does China have very little farmland? It is surrounded by many mountains and deserts. Name the mountains: Himalaya Mountains, Kunlun Shan Mountains, Tian Shan Mountains Name the desert: Gobi Desert What did these mountains and desert do? Created a wall around China and protected it. 5. What did the Chinese call their homeland once they united to form one kingdom? Middle Kingdom Part II. The Shang Dynasty (page 226-229) I. Introduction A. Archeologists believe the Huang He valley was the center of Chinese civilization. B. The first rulers were probably part of the Xia dynasty, a line of rulers who belong to the same family. C. The Shang kings ruled from about 1750 B.C. – 1122 B.C. D. Anyang was China’s first capital, built during the Shang dynasty. II. Who Were the Shang? A. People of the Shang were divided into groups: 1. Kings and their families 2. Warlords & Royal officials(aristocrats) 3. Traders & Artisans 4. Farmers 5. Enslaved people B. Who was Fu Hao and for what was she famous during her lifetime? China’s first female general, wife of king Wu Ding, military strategies, ran her own town, archaeologists discovered her tomb with writing in it, able to learn about Shang dynasty from her tomb (artifacts found were bronze vessels, jade objects, & bones with Chinese characters carved on them). C. List the artifacts found in Fu Hao’s tomb. Tell what they might reveal about life during that time. bronze vessels, jade objects, & bones with Chinese characters carved on them II. III. Spirits and Ancestors. A. People worshiped gods and spirits that lived in mountains, rivers, and seas. B. It was necessary to keep the gods and spirits happy by making offerings of food and other goods because if they were angry the farmers might have a poor harvest or armies would lose a battle. C. People also honored their ancestors, or departed family members by making offerings so that they would help and bring good luck. Telling the Future A. Shang kings believed they got power and wisdom from the gods, spirits and ancestors. B. Shang kings asked for the gods’ help using oracle bones. C. Describe how the oracle bones could predict the future. Kings asked questions to the gods Priests places hot metal rods to the bones The bones cracked The answer was written on cracks IV. The Chinese Language A. Early Chinese writing used pictographs, or characters that stand for objects. B. Ideographs represented an idea and were a combination of two or more pictographs. C. Chinese writing today still uses these pictographs and ideographs, rather than an alphabet like we do in which each letter represents a sound. D. It is written in a vertical column and read from top to bottom. V. Shang Artists A. Farmers produced silk that was woven into colorful clothes. B. Vases and dishes were made from fine white clay. C. Statues were carved from ivory and jade. D. Shang are best known for their sculptures, vases, drinking cups, and urns made of bronze. Part III. The Zhou Dynasty (ruled for 800 years) (page 229-231) I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction—During the rule of the Shang, people began to object to the cruelty of the rulers and the gap between the rich and poor. Wu Wang, an aristocrat, defeated the Shang and started the Zhou dynasty. The Zhou Government A. Zhou King head of the government, in charge of defending the kingdom and carrying out religious rituals. B. Bureaucracy of appointed officials were responsible for different areas of government. Kingdom divided into smaller territories. Positions were hereditary. C. Believed king link between heaven and earth. What Was the Mandate of Heaven? A. According to the Mandate of Heaven, Kings were chosen by heavenly order because of talent and virtue(goodness) and would therefore rule with virtue and wisdom. B. People expected king to rule according to the proper “Way”, called Dao and keep the gods happy. C. Mandate of Heaven also gave people rights, such as the ability to overthrow the dynasty if the king were dishonest or evil. New Tools and Trade A. Developed irrigation and flood-control systems (levees or walls) B. Developed iron plows to replace the wooden plows C. Trade and manufacturing grew—silk, which was traded throughout Asia and as far west as Greece The Zhou Empire Falls A. Different territories fought for almost 200 years—known as “Period of the Warring States” B. Invented crossbows, saddle and stirrup during Period of Warring States. C. In 221 B.C., ruler of Qin region defeated other states and set up a new dynasty. Main Ideas: c. 1750 B.C. Shang dynasty begins 1045 B.C. Wu Wang starts Zhou dynasty 221 B.C. Qin dynasty begins China’s first civilizations formed in river valleys. The Chinese were isolated from other people by mountains and deserts. The rulers of the Shang dynasty controlled the area around the Huang He valley. The Zhou dynasty replaced the Shang and claimed to rule with the Mandate of Heaven. During the Zhou dynasty, farming methods improved and trade increased. What Did You Learn? 1. What is a dynasty? A line of rulers from the same family. 2. What were oracle bones and how were they used? Used to predict the future and to write symbols on. 3. How did the Mandate of Heaven allow for the overthrow of kings in ancient China? If the kings were cruel dishonest or evil they could be overthrown. 4. Describe members of Shang society. Enslaved people King and Family Traders & Artisans Shang dynasty Farmers Warlords or aristocrats 5. What were some important technological changes during the Zhou dynasty, and how did they lead to a larger population? Iron plow = more food = increase population Irrigation canals = more food = increase population 6. How did ancient Chinese kings maintain control of their dynasties? Mandate of heaven kings had to rule with virtue and wisdom Strict rules and consequences 7. How were the Chinese able to become successful farmers in a land that is surrounded by mountains and deserts? Levee or walls to control rivers Irrigation canals and flood control systems Huang He and Chang rivers left behind much silt used for farming 8. Complete the following chart summarizing the characteristics of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty 1750 B.C. – 1045 B.C. 1045 B.C. -221 B.C. Fu Hao Wu Ding Wu Wang Dates Leadership Accomplishments First capital-Anyang First Chinese cities Written language Silk trade Bronze statues, vases, urns -Developed irrigation and flood-control systems (levees or walls) -Developed iron plows to replace the wooden plows -Trade and manufacturing grew—silk, which was traded throughout Asia and as far west as Greece 9. What factors influenced the rise of China’s first civilization? Huang He River and Chang Rivers provided fertile land to farm on. The floods left fertile silt (loess) behind which provided a moist soil for good crops. Technological improvements also contributed to the rise of this civilization-irrigation system, levees, iron plow, & the growth of the silk trade. Loess Good-provided fertile soil Bad-lightweight and easily carried away by wind- it clogged irrigation canals when it got wet. 10. Why were China’s rulers so powerful? -strong army, Mandate of Heaven (they were the link between heaven and earth). Shang oracle bones Bronze Vessel From Fu Hao’s Tomb Fu Hao’s tomb Animals in tomb