Evaluation of the President Form INSTRUCTIONS: Each member of the Board of Regents is requested to individually rate the University President by utilizing the ratings scores provided. The evaluation instrument should be submitted to the Board Vice Chair who, in turn, will combine all scores to reflect a composite evaluation of the President. Individual evaluations will be discarded by the Board Vice Chair. The composite evaluation will be placed in the President’s human resources file. From the menu select the evaluation period: Choose an item. RATING SCORES: 5 = Outstanding - Means exceptional work approaching the best possible for the job. 4 = Very Good - Means work is above the level required for satisfactory rating. 3 = Satisfactory - Means good performance. This is the level of acceptable performance that each employee must eventually meet. 2 = Fair - Means that work in this area must improve to become satisfactory. 1 = Unsatisfactory - Means that an employee’s work in that particular area is poor enough for dismissal if not improved. N/A = Not Applicable BOARD RELATIONS Keeps the Board adequately informed of university operations. Provides background information sufficiently in advance of board meetings to enable the Board to study and make informed decisions. Responds positively to directions, recommendations, and constructive criticism from the Board. Relations with the Board are professional, honest, and forthright. Keeps the Board apprised of major issues and challenges confronting the University on the state, regional, national, and international levels. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Directs the overall operation of the University in accord with the Statutes (policies) established by the Board of Regents. Understands and successfully implements the mission and goals of the University. Effectively delegates appropriate authority to administrative staff. Keeps up-to-date on new ideas and concepts in education Organizes the University to effectively accomplish its purpose. 1 FORM 30 (05/31/07; Rev. 07/01/13) ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A VISION AND INSTITUTIONAL LEADERSHIP Has a clear vision of the future for Living University and communicates it effectively. Effectively positions LU in the community and with students and educational partners with which it interacts. Establishes clear, easily understood plans for Living University, regularly updated and reviewed by the Board of Regents. Provides effective leadership and counsel concerning donor development and other institutional advancement endeavors of Living University. Encourages and supports innovation including new services and the creative application of new technology to LU operations. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A FISCAL OPERATIONS AND PHYICAL PLANT Develops and recommends a sound budget and operates the University in a fiscally prudent manner. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Provides the Board with monthly financial reports in sufficient detail so as to keep the Board apprised of the financial condition of the University. Strives to maximize the financial resources of the University without compromising the quality of programs and services. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Insures the business and financial operations of the University function in a way that results in few or no audit exceptions. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Provides well-maintained university facilities and seeks needed funding for deferred maintenance and future construction and renovation projects. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS Contributes to positive University morale and is consistent and fair in dealing with employees. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Shows concern for well-being and advancement of staff. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Recognizes and shares with Board the accomplishments of University employees. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Inspires others to excel. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Incorporates the ideas of others in the decision-making process. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS Effectively represents the University to its publics. 2 FORM 30 (05/31/07; Rev. 07/01/13) ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Participates in community organizations and activities. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Maintains appropriate involvement and contact with legislative matters and legislators at the State level. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Maintains appropriate affiliations and involvement with agencies vital to the well-being of the University (i.e., University of North Carolina General Administration, Distance Education and Training Council DETC), and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Promotes positive relationships with area colleges and universities. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES Maintains and supports high academic standards. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Strives to build and maintain a strong system of educational support services (i.e., distance learning, library, and advisement services). ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Supports a strong student activities program (i.e., student government, intramurals, social functions, etc.). ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Insists upon an environment where effective teaching and learning are emphasized. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A Supports the needs of industry and business through a strong workforce and continuing education program. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A PERSONAL Communicates effectively using both written and oral communication. Is congenial with and respectful of others Possesses vision and work ethic essential for leading the development of an emerging university. Maintains high ethical standards. Maintains a professional image befitting the position of President of Living University. ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A ☐5 ☐4 ☐3 ☐2 ☐1 ☐N/A FOR OFFICE USE ONLY GRAND TOTAL OF ALL AREAS: ________ AVERAGE OF ALL AREAS: ___________ The following is optional (use reverse side if needed): A. Areas of strength: Click here to enter text. 3 FORM 30 (05/31/07; Rev. 07/01/13) B. Areas of concern or needing improvement (specificity will enable President to strive for improvement): Click here to enter text. The above evaluation by me as a member of the Board of Regents of Living University reflects my assessment of the performance and attributes of the President of the University, for the period indicated. Please print your completed form, sign it below and send it to Dr. Douglas Winnail (Board Vice Chair). ____________________ Date 4 __________________________________________________ Signature of Board Member FORM 30 (05/31/07; Rev. 07/01/13)