Therapeutic Recreation Services Participant Registration Form 2015 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Program Fee Cash Chk Check # Receipt Number Date Received / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Participant Information Name of Participant: DOB: Last First / / M.I. Address: Street Address Apartment/Unit # City Phone: ( ) State ZIP Code E-mail Address: - Does participant live in the City of Chattanooga? YES If no which county/area: NO Name of Parent/Guardian (if under 18 years of age): Last Are you a veteran? YES First M.I. NO Medical Information Please provide us with the most current and thorough information pertaining to participant: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ADD/ADHD Allergies Bowel/Bladder Catheter Catheter Colostomy Bag Other: Multiple Sclerosis Muscular Dystrophy Specify: Cerebral Palsy Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Arthritis Cognitive/Intellectual Disability Spina Bifida Asperger’s Syndrome Diabetes Spinal Cord Injury Asthma Down Syndrome Injury Level: Autism Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder Stroke Describe: Type: Traumatic Brain Injury Behavioral Health Needs Hearing Impairment Describe: Bi-Polar Disorder Partial Frequency: Total Heart Condition Visual Impairment Partial Total OTHER: Describe: Please describe further details of any of the “checked” conditions above, including behavior needs, accommodations and/or additional medical information: Therapeutic Recreation Services Participant Registration Form 2015 Mobility: Ambulatory Uses Walker Uses Wheelchair Braces/AFO Cane Other: Allergies: Please list all medications participant is currently taking: Additional Information: Emergency Contact Name: Primary Phone: ( Relationship: Alternative Phone: ( Name: Primary Phone: ( Relationship: Alternative Phone: ( ) ) ) ) Home Cell Work Home Cell Work - Medical and Media Release In this section, you will be required to enter a digital signature which will be binding as your actual signature. Your electronic signature below indicates your agreement with the following Medical Release and Media Release Statements: Permission is herby granted for myself/son/daughter/ward, named above, to participate in the activities associated with the Therapeutic Recreation Program. I understand that these activities will be supervised by employees and/or volunteers of the City of Chattanooga Youth and Family Development Department. As Parent/Guardian/Participant, I hereby release from liability from injury incurred by myself/son/daughter/ward; and, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the following parties: Chattanooga Youth and Family Development, City of Chattanooga and the respective and collected elected and appointed officers, community partners (including, but not limited to: Creative Discovery Museum, The Little Gym, SPARC, DS-USA, US Youth Soccer, Sunshine Ambassadors, Redoubt Soccer Complex, Chattanooga Zoo, Sunshine Ambassadors, US Paralympic Committee, and all other partners involved with the City of Chattanooga’s Therapeutic Recreation Services ) employees, agents and servants of said parties from all claims, demands and judgments arising out of myself/son/daughter/ward during participation in such an activity. I hereby authorize the City of Chattanooga Youth and Family Development Department representative permission to seek medical treatment for myself/my child should any emergency situation occur during participation in the Therapeutic Recreation program. Medical Release: By placing my signature below, I certify that I have read this form and the terms and conditions set forth herein; and I agree to abide by said conditions and terms, and certify that all information in this form is true, current and correct and may be relied upon by the Therapeutic Recreation Program Personnel. Participant Name: Date: / / Parent/Guardian Name (if under18): By typing my name on the following Signature line, I certify that I agree to the terms explained in the Medical Release above. Participant/Parent/Guardian/Signature: I, the undersigned, give permission for the use of photographs or images of myself/son/daughter/ward by any newspaper, City of Chattanooga Representative or other publication. These photographs or images will be used for the sole purpose of promoting or reporting on the Chattanooga Youth and Family Development Department’s Therapeutic Recreation Services Division. Media Release By placing my signature below, I hereby authorize and give my full consent to the City of Chattanooga’s Therapeutic Recreation services to copyright and/or publish any and all photographs, videotapes and/or film in which myself/son/daughter/ward appears while attending this Therapeutic Recreation Services event. I further agree that Therapeutic Recreation Services may transfer, use or cause to be used, these photographs, videotapes, or films for any exhibitions, public displays, publications, commercials, art and advertising purposes, and television programs without limitations or reservations Participant Name: Date: / / Parent/Guardian Name (if under18): By typing my name on the following Signature line, I certify that I agree to the terms explained in the Media Release above. Participant/Parent/Guardian/Signature: Therapeutic Recreation Services 1254 East Third Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404