Meeting Title: Responsible TBAP Leadership team member: Prepared By : TBAP HRFM Committee Date Item Number TBAP(15)3 Minor reorganisation of the TBAP executive leadership function Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher 1. 1.1 Purpose This report outlines proposals to change the executive leadership structure of the TBAP MultiAcademy Trust. 1.2 The proposal is to create a new tier of TBAP executive leadership with both new and redesignated executive senior leadership posts to fully support the expanding structure of the TBAP MAT. 2 2.1 Background The strategic TBAP leadership team currently consists of all Heads of School, Heads of Services, Executive PA, TBAP Student Services Managers’ Lead, and Head of Business Development and Operations: all of whom report to the Executive Headteacher. The Executive Headteacher directly line manages 10 staff at present. As the Trust grows, more direct lines would be created leading to an unsustainable management structure. 2.2 This year’s planned growth of the TBAP Trust into the AP sector within Cambridgeshire and the East of England provides a good opportunity to build an executive structure that can support ‘growth and build’ capacity. In addition, we need to maximise any future opportunities to be able to solidly grow the business and copyright the TBAP models and brand, resulting in the generation of significant income possibly through the creation of a TBAP Trading arm. 2.3 We propose the establishment of two new Executive Head positions which will mirror the Regional Schools Commissioner structure; we are currently working with both the ‘North West London and South Central’ and ‘East of England and North East London’ commissioners. We plan to add additional Executive Head positions, as needed, to reflect expansion into additional RSC regions as the TBAP Trust grows during the next 5 years. 2.4 We also propose the establishment of a Chief Operating Officer position to lead and further develop the twin strands of operational delivery and business development. 2.5 The communications strategy of the Trust is increasingly important and it is crucial that the CEO maintains a direct overview and retains day-to-day control alongside key TBAP-wide projects. Therefore we propose a new position of TBAP Senior Executive Officer to reflect the varied and extensive role of the current Executive PA 2.6 The roles of Head of CSS and Head of the Teaching School Alliance will both be uplifted to Executive roles to reflect the increasing breadth and strategic importance of the roles to the growth of the Trust. 2.7 The current role of TBAP Head of Student Services will be re-designated as TBAB Lead for Safeguarding and Children’s Welfare and line management of this position will move into CSS. If agreed this will create a vacancy for a student services manager at BAPA. 3 3.1 Structure Charts and Staffing Implications The current and proposed staffing structure for TBAP Executive Leadership is summarised in appendices 1 and 2. 3.3 The two new Executive Headteacher positions will be based in an existing TBAP academy and will have up to 6 Heads of School reporting directly to them. The positions will be paid on the Headteacher range L30-40. The Executive Heads will report directly to the CEO and be responsible and accountable for the performance of the AP Academies in their region. They will report to the Trust Board on their academies’ performance. Key accountabilities for the Executive Heads will include: Line management and support of Heads of School Recruitment of staff Implementation of the TBAP way and TBAP systems Challenge Partner and Ofsted inspections of the TBAP Academies 3.4 The new position of Chief Operating Officer (COO) will be paid at an executive level on the SMG pay range for senior managers SMG2 - The COO will report directly to the CEO. The COO will hold strategic responsibility for the following areas across the TBAP Trust: Line management and support of the 5 Business Hub Managers Line management of a new position of Head of Product development Development of TBAP regional hubs Sponsorship growth Developing innovation and new ways of working Developing new business models Delivering TBAP 2020 Trust finance Trust income generation Producing reports for the Board and Committees TBAP Trust Company Secretary Page 2 of 7 Capital projects Trust buildings and assets ICT infrastructure and support Contracts and procurement 3.5 The new position of TBAP Senior Executive Officer will be paid at a NJC middle management level at PO 4/5 The post holder will report directly to the CEO and will be responsible for PA support, TBAP Communications and marketing, and TBAP Projects. Key responsibilities will include PA support to the CEO Delivery of TBAP projects Development and co-ordination of the TBAP communications strategy Line management of TBAP projects interns Line management of a communications BSP Contributing to the TBAP vision and long term development Horizon scanning and identifying new models of AP 3.6 The new position of Head of Product Development will be phased in as the Trust grows over the next 5 years 3.7 The current Head of CSS and Head of the Teaching School Alliance will both be uplifted to Executive Head status and form part of the TBAP Executive leadership team. The Exec Head of CSS will take on additional strategic responsibility for SEN across TBAP in addition to line management of the TBAP lead for Safeguarding and Children’s Welfare. The Exec Head of the Teaching School Alliance will play a lead role in developing the TBAP CPD offer and model of school to school support. Both roles will be expected to make a significant contribution to the development of the TBAP trading services arm. 4. Financial Implications 4.1 This proposal creates 8 new positions: the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, TBAP Lead for Safeguarding and Welfare, Exec Head of CSS, Exec Head of TBAP TSA and Senior Executive Officer posts will be assimilated from existing positions with an approximate total annual cost of £36,544. The creation of two additional Executive Head posts will have a total maximum additional cost £251,222. The creation of the additional post of TBAP lead Safeguarding and Welfare will cost £61,186. This gives a total expected additional annual cost of £348,962. We anticipate accessing the following funding to build this capacity into the Trust: Income Capacity grant Additional Academies East Additional Academies west Business support grants TOTAL 2015/16 £100,000 £32,000 £58,400 £35,000 £225,400 Page 3 of 7 2016 /17 0nwards £0 £179,200 £170,400 £35,000 £384,600 5. Indicative Timetable 5.1 Informal consultation has already taken place on the proposed reorganisation with the respective members of staff from within the organisation. 5.2 Formal consultation regarding the new executive structure will be undertaken with all staff in December 2015. 5.3 It is anticipated that the successful applicants for the new positions will be recruited between January and March 201 Page 4 of 7 Appendix 1 Current Structure Executive Headteacher Heads of School x6 TBAP SLT TBAP SSM lead Head of TSA Extended SLT Head of Business Development and Operations Local Leadership team Heads of Service x 4 Head of CSS Executive PA Chief Executive Officer TBAP Executive LT Exec Head of CSS Chief Operating Officer TBAP Extended Executive Heads of Business Hub X4 Head of Exec Head of TSA TBAP Lead Safeguarding and welfare Product and Delivery Local Leadership Team TBAP Extended SLT Page 6 of 7 Executive Headteacher West Heads of School x6 Local Leadership Teams Executive Headteacher East Senior Executive Officer Heads of School x6 Local Leadership Teams Communications BSP / TBAP Intern