index of presenters - Eastern Road Language Centre

Alphabetical index of TELC presenters
Paul Black, 2014; last adjusted 2 Nov.
Entries are presented in the following format:
Presenter year/month/date (with Co-presenters, if any) Title [abstract, if any]
Adachi, Chie 2011/10/05 A gendered speech act? - Complimenting among young
Adachi-Robertson, Chie 2013/05/14 (with Therese Carr) Learning about Arrernte –
Arrernte units development
Adone, Dany 2008/08/15 Is there convergence in bilingual grammars? [with abstract]
Adone, Dany 2009/09/04 Substrate vs. universals: Reference-tracking in Ngukurr Kriol
Adone, Dany 2009/09/21 (with Anastasia Bauer) What home signers tell us about
language [cancelled]
Adone, Dany 2012/03/22 (with Elaine Lawurrpa Maypilama) The sociolinguistics of
Yolngu sign language
Adone, Dany 2012/08/03 (with Elaine L. Maypilama) Yolngu sign language: An
alternate sign language?
Adone, Dany 2013/09/12 What makes a sign language an alternate sign language?
Aikhenvald, Alexandra (Sasha) 1995/11/03 Linguistic diffusion in the north-west
Amazon area
Akerman, Kim 1997/08/22 book launch of McConvell and Evans (eds), Archaeology
and Linguistics: Aboriginal Australia in Global Perspective
Alexander, Ian 1995/11/03 NT language centres committee meeting: A short report
Alexander, Ian 1996/06/22 Report on the Murrinh-patha program; Report on ATSILIP
Alexander, Ian 1996/08/17 (with Jackie Vincent) Report on progress/developments on
the Needs Survey
Alior, Luningning 2009/09/04 Reading comprehension enhancement program: An
evaluation of outcomes
Amery, Rob 1990/10/12 What can you do with a dead language?
Amery, Rob 1999/06/22 The formulaic method for reviving so-called 'dead' languages
Angelo, Denise 1996/03/23 ‘Elasticity’ of Kriol
Angelo, Denise 1997/07/04 (with Erika Charola & Jen Munro) Update on school-based
language programs in the Katherine region
Angelo, Denise 1997/07/04 (with Eva Schultze-Berndt) Typology of compound verbs
in the Katherine region
Babia, Mariana 1996/06/22 Use of KKY and English in Saibai
Baird, Louise 2007/09/20 Causation in Klon
Baker, Brett 1996/03/23 Demonstration of Top End languages database
Baker, Brett 1996/03/23 Morphophonology in Ngalakgan
Baker, Brett 1996/06/22 (with Rebecca Green) Fortis/lenis opposition as a prosodic
Basham, Charley 1994/06/03 Language revitalization: academic and community
Bauer, Anastasia 2009/09/21 (with Dany Adone) What home signers tell us about
language [cancelled]
Bird, Steven 2009/06/30 on his recent work on ‘basic oral language documentation’
(BOLD) and about his new book on natural language processing.
Black, Paul 1989/06/27 Schema theory as a basis for rethinking linguistics
Black, Paul 1995/07/21 A collaborative narrative in Koko-Bera
Black, Paul 1996/08/17 Koko-Bera text project: A progress report
Black, Paul 1996/11/08 A computer interlingua: Language lessons for the World Wide
Black, Paul 1997/12/12 Why don’t tertiary students write good academic papers?
Black, Paul 2000/06/16 (with Zane Goebel) Online teaching of code choice in
Indonesia: A concept proposal
Black, Paul 2001/11/30 Catering for non-native English teachers
Black, Paul 2002/09/13 Ethnoreconstruction in Kok-Papónk
Black, Paul 2004/04/30 What can we learn from Japanese signs?
Black, Paul 2004/12/09 Lexicostatistics involving massive borrowing: The case of
Jingulu and Mudburra
Black, Paul 2007/11/02 Renewing linguistics: Observations on construction grammar
Black, Paul 2009?/09/04? An alphabet for Chinese characters
Black, Paul 2014/11/06 The history of the Top End Linguistic Circle
Booth, Sara 2009/07/29 (with Margaret Sharpe, Tim Denham & Mark Donohue)
presenting a Powerpoint presentation by Re-assessing the long-term history of
plant use in northern Australia: Hypotheses for the future [with abstract]
Bow, Cathy 2012/03/22 (with Michael Christie & Brian Devlin) Living Archive of
Aboriginal Languages
Bow, Cathy 2013/05/14 The search and rescue plans – LAAL
Bow, Cathy 2013/05/14 Tyikim Revitalisation Language Planning project
Bow, Cathy 2014/07/10 (with Michael Christie) Report on the workshop for the Living
Archive and CALL archive at Batchelor, July 8-9
Bowern, Claire 2005/07/14 Yolngu and Pama-Nyungan
Bowern, Claire 2007/11/02 Computational modelling in Australian historical linguistics
Brown, Daudai 1995/11/03 Loan words, new concepts and ideas in KKY
Bubb, Paul 1997/08/01 introducing Welsh Educators: Indigenous Whitefellas? - the
Welsh Language Situation
Budd, Yoshi 2014/11/06 Framing Identity, Language and Culture
Butcher, Andy 1996/08/17 Buggers in evidence: covert recording, transcription and
Butcher, Andy 1996/11/08 Some connected speech processes in Australian languages:
Universals and idiosyncrasies
Caffery, Jo 2006/08/18 Training, societal and governance factors that affect language
work by Indigenous language researchers
Carr, Therese 2013/05/14 (with Chie Adachi-Robertson) Learning about Arrernte –
Arrernte units development
Carroll, Peter 1989/06/28 Kunwinjku stories
Carroll, Peter 1994/06/03 Kunwinjku Stories and the question of genre
Carroll, Peter 1994/10/28 on recent moves towards establishing Aboriginal interpreting
in the Top End,
Carroll, Peter 1996/03/23 A western Arnhem Land fishing expedition: The organisation
of information within Kunwinjku stories
Carroll, Peter 1996/11/08 The Aboriginal story project
Carroll, Peter 1997/08/01 Language and cultural revitalisation in a time of rapid social
change: the Kunwinjku example
Carroll, Peter 1999/06/22 User friendly dictionaries for native speakers of Australia's
Carroll, Peter 2002/09/13 Translation and culture: A progress report on ongoing
Carroll, Peter 2006/08/18 Language at the cultural interface: Reflections on 40 years in
the Territory
Carroll, Peter 2007/09/20 Changing oral tradition: Some Kunwinjku examples
Carroll, Peter 2010/05/07 Mimih of Western Arnhem Land, who were they? Evidence
from Kunwinjku oral traditions about the movement of people in western Arnhem
Land [with abstract]
Chadwick, Neil 1989/06/27 The usefulness of linguistics in north Australia
Chadwick, Neil 1990/11/23 The good health of linguistics at NTU
Chadwick, Neil 1994/10/28 The public face of linguistics
Chadwick, Neil 1995/07/21 Accreditation of language workers
Chadwick, Neil 2001/11/30 Written language — spoken language: Which one is prior?
Chadwick, Neil 2002/09/13 User friendly dictionaries
Chadwick, Neil 2004/12/09 Benedict's Austro-Thai hypothesis
Chadwick, Neil 2007/11/02 Marketing linguistics
Chadwick, Neil 2009/09/04 The Mirndi hypothesis and its potential ramifications
[rescheduled or repeated on 2009/09/21]
Chadwick, Neil 2009/09/21 The Mirndi hypothesis and its potential ramifications
Chadwick, Neil 2010/05/07 The origins of Thai and Kra-Dai: Opinions from scholars in
continental Europe
Chadwick, Neil 2013/08/30 David Zorc’s life experience of linguistics
Chakravarti, Prith 1994/06/03 Diglossia in Bengali media
Chan, Judy 2014/11/06 Is the use of Singlish a threat to Singapore’s position in the
global market place?
Charola, Erika 1997/07/04 (with Jen Munro & Denise Angelo) Update on school-based
language programs in the Katherine region
Christie, Michael 1994/10/28 Teaching Yolngu Matha at NTU
Christie, Michael 1994/10/29 Dictionary Interface Project Workshop
Christie, Michael J. 1996/11/08 Yolngu languages and culture at NTU
Christie, Michael J. 1999/06/22 Developments in teaching Yolngu languages and
culture at NTU
Christie, Michael 2000/06/16 Emic analysis of Yolngu verbs
Christie, Michael 2001/11/30 Yolngu studies on-line: A look at the resources, a report
on the trial offering of the introductory unit on line, and the reactions of the
Yolngu advisers
Christie, Michael 2004/04/30 Thinking about voice recognition software for Aboriginal
Christie, Michael 2005/07/14 Fuzzy text searching for a Yolngu database
Christie, Michael 2009/05/29 Teaching from country
Christie, Michael 2012/03/22 (with Cathy Bow & Brian Devlin) Living Archive of
Aboriginal Languages
Christie, Michael 2014/07/10 (with Cathy Bow) Report on the workshop for the Living
Archive and CALL archive at Batchelor, July 8-9
Chung, Jeremiah 1998/04/24 A thread of categories in Merei (of Vanuatu)
Clendon, Mark 2004/04/30 Social and structural contexts of Omaha skewing in the
north Kimberley, as evidenced by Worora kinship terminologies
Coleman, Caroline 1989/06/28 Issues in Ndjebbana vocabulary analysis
Coleman, Caroline 1990/11/23 chairing discussion of the possible establishment of a
centre for Aboriginal and Islander languages in the Northern Territory
Coleman, Caroline 1990/11/23 How Aboriginal schools can help with language and
culture maintenance
Coleman, Caroline 1994/06/03 Ethnobiological studies and their relevance to
Aboriginal education
Coleman, Caroline 1996/03/23 Implicational hierarchies in SLA
Coleman, Caroline 1997/08/01 introducing and facilitating a forum on Language
Maintenance & language planning - Issues and implementation
Coleman, Caroline 1997/08/01 Language change: English convergence in Ndjebbana
Cooke, Michael 1990/10/12 Explaining Western mathematical concepts in a Yolngu
language and kinship context
Costin, Graham 1989/06/27 undertook a survey of delegates’ use of computers
Denham, Tim 2009/07/29 (with Margaret Sharpe, Sara Booth & Mark Donohue) Reassessing the long-term history of plant use in northern Australia: Hypotheses for
the future [with abstract]
Devlin, Brian 1999/06/22 Bilingual education 1999 and beyond
Devlin, Brian 2007/09/20 Language teaching policy and Indigenous Catholic
community schools in the NT
Devlin, Brian 2010/09/09 Evidence? Achievement? Performance? Official data from
the MySchool site, Government and NT Parliament on Model 1 bilingual
Devlin, Brian 2012/03/22 (with Cathy Bow & Michael Christie) Living Archive of
Aboriginal Languages
Devlin, Brian 2013/05/14 TELC – An introduction
Dewar, Jillian 1994/06/03 Nyungah/Nyoongar language
Dickson, Greg 2009/09/21 Delivering Indigenous language literacy training in the
Katherine region
Dickson, Greg 2011/06/02 An update on kinterms in Roper River Kriol
Dickson, Greg 2014/11/06 Rethinking the substrate influences of Roper Kriol: the case
of Marra
Dixon, Bob 1989/06/27 Are some languages better than others?
Donohue, Mark 2009/07/29 (with Margaret Sharpe, Sara Booth & Tim Denham) Reassessing the long-term history of plant use in northern Australia: Hypotheses for
the future [with abstract]
Edmonds-Wathen, Cris 2011/06/02 Language Shift at Minjilang
Edmonds-Wathen, Cris 2012/08/03 False friends in the multilingual mathematics
Etherington, Paul 2001/11/30 ‘We used to cut ourselves with one word’ — An
overview of Nggem verb morphology [cf. Etherinton 2002]
Etherington, Steve 1995/07/21 Kunwinjku texts on education: Work in progress
Evans, Nick 1995/07/21 Towards a typology of subjective knowability in grammar and
pragmatics [with abstract]
Fletcher, John 1996/06/22 Towards a visual-semantic interface for a lexical database
(with software demonstration)
Florey, Margaret 1990/10/12 Language shift in Central Maluku
Ford, Kevin 1989/06/28 (with Dana Ober) Ergativity in Kalaw Kawaw Ya
Ford, Kevin 1990/10/12 Some Australian accent systems
Ford, Kevin 1990/11/23 A common variety of Aboriginal English
Ford, Kevin 2002/09/13 The semantics of English adverbials
Ford, Kevin 2005/07/14 Two short papers: 1. International English. 2. Language
Ford, Kevin 2014/07/10 Developing literacy
Ford, Lys 1989/06/28 Phonology of Badjamal
Ford, Lys 1990/10/12 Some morphophonemic rules in Bachamal
Ford, Lys 2000/09/29 (with Aloysius Kunggul) Language shift at Port Keats
Ford, Lys 2009/09/21 Report: Educational impact of Aboriginal English on ACT
Ford, Lys 2012/08/03 Silence as a mode of resistance
Garde, Murray 1996/11/08 Pragmatics of joking relationship interjections
Goebel, Zane 1995/11/03 Communicative competence in Indonesian: Language choice
in Semarang
Goebel, Zane 2000/06/16 (with Paul Black) Online teaching of code choice in
Indonesia: A concept proposal [essentially published as Black & Goebel 2001]
Green, Ian 1995/07/21 Genes or cognition? Disentangling diffusion and genetics in the
prehistory of Australian prefixing
Green, Ian 1995/11/03 Gene vs. contagion: Methods for distinguishing genetics from
diffusion in the history of Australian prefixing
Green, Ian 1996/06/22 Towards a typology of ‘prefixing’
Green, Ian 1997/07/04 Update on interpreter training
Green, Ian 1998/04/24 Cognitive processes in classifier grammaticisation?
Green, Rebecca 1996/06/22 (with Brett Baker) Fortis/lenis opposition as a prosodic
Grimes, Barbara 2000/06/16 Bad Indonesian or what? The creolization of local Malays
in Eastern Indonesia
Grimes, Chuck 2000/06/16 Keeping track of who's who in Ndao (West Timor)
Grimes, Chuck 2000/09/29 The politics of language choice in East Timor
Grimes, Chuck 2006/08/18 Looking toward the future: Unicode fonts for Aboriginal
languages [with abstract]
Grimes, Chuck 2009/09/21 Indigenous languages in education: What the research
actually shows
Grimes, Charles 2009/10/27 Indigenous languages in education in the NT: The Chief
Minister's ‘house of cards’
Grimes, Chuck 2011/10/05 Revisiting Austronesian Subgrouping: What does it look
like in 2011?
Grimes, Chuck 2012/08/03 Number and plurality in the grammar of Amarasi (West
Grimes, Chuck 2013/09/12 Towards bottom-up subgrouping in the Timor region
Hargrave, Suzanne 1994/10/28 The Certificate of Translation course (SIL)
Harper, Helen 2004/04/30 (with Ailsa Purdon) Teaching in NT bilingual contexts
Harper, Helen 2005/07/14 (with Ailsa Purdon) Text types, Secret English and the
Northern Territory Curriculum Framework
Harper, Helen 2011/06/02 The manufacture of non-speakers: Pedagogical implications
of constructing Aboriginal children as linguistically 'other' [with abstract]
Harper, Helen 2013/05/14 (with Mary Laughren) OzClo NT competitions
Harris, Salome 2007/09/20 Clues in the text: A Yan-nhangu narrative
Harvey, Mark 1989/06/28 Warray body parts
Harvey, Mark 1996/11/08 Reconstruction of non-Pama-Nyungan pronouns
Heggarty, Paul 2010/02/08 Archaeology, language and genes: Towards a more coherent
human prehistory [with abstract]
Henderson, John 1994/10/28 (with Mary Laughren) Dictionaries for central Australian
Aboriginal languages
Henderson, John 1994/10/28 Arrernte complex verbs
Hodgson, Robin 1990/11/23 (with Patrick McConvell) Aboriginal vernacular literature
Hooganraad, Robert 1989/06/27 on the design of dictionaries for different purposes
Hooganraad, Robert 1990/11/23 (with Mary Laughren) Teaching spelling in central
Australian languages
Humbert, Helga 1996/12/06 How to exploit monovalent features and struture in
segmental representations
Jefferies, Tony 1997/08/22 Subject number agreement in Nyungar verbs (South-west
Kawano, Mikiko 2007/11/02 English learning experiences and its influence on teaching
Kawano, Mikiko 2009/09/04 What I want to know about English for Academic
Kilgariff, Claire 2013/05/14 Centre for Australian Language and Linguistics – An
Kilham, Chris 1989/06/27 The training of Aboriginal translators
Kilham, Chris 1990/10/12 Snippits from the Solomon Islands Translation/Discourse
Workshop, 21 Aug.-17 Sept. at Honiara
Kilpatrick, Paul 1997/07/05 Simultaneous speech in conversation: Evidence of
simultaneous processing
Kirton, Jean 1990/10/12 Yanyuwa discourse particles i... i, barra and mili
Klamer, Marian 1996/12/06 Pronominal clitics and thematic roles in Kambera
(Austronesian language of Sumba)
Koch, Harold 2004/12/09 Top-down vs. bottom-up approaches to linguistic
reconstruction and classification
Kofod, Frances 1994/06/03 Transitivity and indefiniteness in the Jarragan languages
Kofod, Frances 1995/07/21 Verbs of speech in Jarragan languages
Kofod, Frances 1996/06/22 Jarragan Verb Stems (or Jarragan gender/number)
Kofod, Frances 1996/08/17 Inverse with second person objects in Jarragan languages
Kofod, Frances 1997/08/22 Middle verbs in Jarragan languages (E. Kimberley)
Kofod, Frances 1998/04/24 Gender and number in Jarragan languages (North Australia)
Kolo, Clemes 1995/07/21 (with Patrick McConvell) Metathesis and
complete/incomplete pronominal infixes in Dawan [with abstract]
Koramannil, Ganesh 2013/05/14 Bachelor of Indigenous Language and Linguistics – A
Kosonen, Kimmo 2009/10/27 First language-based education for non-dominant
language speakers: Issues and challenges
Kroeger, Paul 1997/07/05 Clitic placement in Tagalog
Kroeger, Paul 1997/08/22 Reduplication in Malay
Kroeger, Paul 1999/06/22 Orthography issues in Biatah (Land Dayak)
Kunggul Aloysius 200,0/09/29 (with Lys Ford) Language shift at Port Keats
Laughren, Mary 1990/11/23 (with Robert Hoogenraad) Teaching spelling in central
Australian languages
Laughren, Mary 1994/10/28 (with John Henderson) Dictionaries for central Australian
Aboriginal languages
Laughren, Mary 1994/10/28 The big one and the little one — from different points of
Laughren, Mary 1997/12/12 On the trail of the morpheme *-ra in Australian languages:
Its forms, functions and meanings
Laughren, Mary 2011/06/02 (with Myfany Turpin) Edge effects in Warlpiri Yawulyu
songs: resyllabification, epenthesis, final vowel modification
Laughren, Mary 2011/10/05 Reconstructing first and second singular pronouns across
Northern Pama-Nyungan languages
Laughren, Mary 2012/03/22 Information on the Ozclo competition [postponed]
Laughren, Mary 2012/07/02 Information on the Ozclo competition
Laughren, Mary 2012/07/02 Serial verb constructions in Waanyi
Laughren, Mary 2013/05/14 (with Helen Harper) OzClo NT competitions
Law, Rence 1998/04/24 The affix pa- and movement in Romblomanon (Philippines)
Lee, Jason 2009/05/29 The Online Community Access program [abstract below]
Lee, Jennie 1989/06/27 session on computational linguistics
Lee, Jennie 1989/06/28 Noun categories in Tiwi
Lee, Jennie 1994/10/28 The Tiwi Dictionary Project
Lee, Jennie 2000/09/29 Sociolinguistic implications of the Gospel selection in Tiwi
Li, Cheng 2011/10/05 Indirectness and politeness: A study of requestive speech act in
Lindenlaub-Kabisch, Julie 2009/09/04 Revitalizing language and cultural knowledge by
re-activating texts
Lindenlaub-Kabisch, Julie 2011/06/02 Researching the Golpa Language.
Lo Bianco, Joseph 2010/09/09 Rights? Closing the gap? Culture? Data? What can
break the deadlock on an Indigenous national language policy for Australia?
Mandowen, Welly 1998/04/24 Taboo as sociolinguistic shadow among Biak speakers
(Irian Jaya, Indonesia)
Maypilama, Elaine Lawurrpa 2012/03/22 (with Dany Adone) The sociolinguistics of
Yolngu sign language
Maypilama, Elaine L. 2012/08/03 (with Dany Adone) Yolngu sign language: An
alternate sign language?
McClelland, Clive 2000/06/16 Comparison of prosodic, pragmatic and syntactic
features of two VSO languages - Agta of the Philippines and Berber of North
McClelland, Clive 2002/06/11 Discussion session on SIL’s contributions to linguistics
McConvell, Patrick 1990/11/23 (with Robin Hodgson) Aboriginal vernacular literature
McConvell, Patrick 1994/10/28 The rise of compound verbs: An areal code-switching
scenario [with abstract]
McConvell, Patrick 1995/07/21 (with Clemes Kolo) Metathesis and
complete/incomplete pronominal infixes in Dawan [with abstract]
McConvell, Patrick 1996/03/23 Proto-Nyungic kin terms
McConvell, Patrick 1996/08/17 Historical syntax of Nyungic pronominal clitics: The
second position origin hypothesis
McConvell, Patrick 1996/11/08 Pama-Nyungan expansion: Movement of people or
popular movement?
McConvell, Patrick 1996/11/08 The Meto Dictionary Workshop
McConvell, Patrick 1997/07/05 Hello cocky! The prehistory of bird names in Central
McConvell, Patrick 1997/08/22 Hello Cocky! Bird names and central Australian
McConvell, Patrick 1997/12/12 Early Austronesian contacts with Australia??
McConvell, Patrick 2002/09/13 Onomastics and native title [cf. McConvell 2002]
McConvell, Patrick 2002/09/13 The endangered languages documentation project
McConvell, Patrick 2007/09/20 (with Paul Trilsbeek) Indigenous language
documentation and on-line community access: DoBeS regional archives and the
OLCAP project
McConvell, Patrick 2011/10/05 Patterns of lexical borrowing among hunter-gatherers
[with abstract]
McConvell, Patrick 2013/08/30 Recent publications
McConvell, Patrick 2013/08/30 Soft in the middle: Medial consonant lenition as
evidence for Kimberley prehistory
McConvell, Patrick 2014/07/10 Languages encroaching from the desert in northern
Australia (see below for an abstract) [cancelled, but with abstract]
McGregor, Bill 1984/10/31 Mood and subordination in Kuniyanti
McGuire, Peter 1990/10/12 Communicative praxis and second language learning
McLaughlin, Prudy 1996/03/23 Macquarie Dictionary Aboriginal English Project
McLaughlin, Prudy 1997/07/04 Nomo humbug! Training users of interpreters
McLellan, Marilyn 1994/06/03 Realis and irrealis in Wangurri
Muamaroh 2011/06/02 The impact of Indonesian culture on cooperative learning for
improving Indonesian students' oral proficiency in English
Munro, Jen 1997/07/04 (with Erika Charola & Denise Angelo) Update on school-based
language programs in the Katherine region
Nagai, Yasuko 2000/06/16 Speaking Maiwala language properly: The role of a
vernacular elementary school in Papua New Guinea [cf. Nagai 1999]
Nash, David 1989/06/27 on the National Lexicography Program of AIAS
Nash, David 1996/08/17 Damin phonotactics
Nash, David 1997/07/05 Patterns in grog terminology
Nicholls, Anthea 2011/06/02 A proposed project to digitise the literature produced in
LPCs during the bilingual era of education in the NT
Ober, Dana 1989/06/28 (with Kevin Ford) Ergativity in Kalaw Kawaw Ya
O'Herin, Brian 2000/06/16 Optimality theory and pragmatics
Oliver, Nola 1990/10/12 (with Margaret Palmer) Report on the Working Party for a
Literacy Action Plan
O’Shannessy, Carmel 1996/03/23 Client-barrister interaction
O’Shannessy, Carmel 2006/08/18 Children's acquisition of Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri
(a new mixed language) in Lajamanu
Palmer, Margaret 1990/10/12 (with Nola Oliver) Report on the Working Party for a
Literacy Action Plan
Parkhill, Lindsay 1999/06/22 This thing called 50/50 bilingual education
Purdon, Ailsa 2002/09/13 Discussion session on using Indigenous languages in
Purdon, Ailsa 2004/04/30 (with Helen Harper) Teaching in NT bilingual contexts
Purdon, Ailsa 2005/07/14 (with Helen Harper) Text types, Secret English and the
Northern Territory Curriculum Framework
Reid, Nick 1986/07/?? Phrasal verb to polysynthetic verb: Restructuring the verb
complex in Ngan’gikurunggurr
Reid, Nick 1996/08/17 Developing polysynthesis
Richards, Norvin 1996/08/17 What is syntactic ergativity?
Rosas, Colleen 1997/07/04 chairing a session on interpreting issues
Rosas, Colleen 1997/07/04 Report of trial Aboriginal interpreting service
Rumbewas, Henk 1994/06/03 The possibility of the disappearance of the Biak language,
Irian Jaya
Sayers, Barbara 1989/06/27 A communicative dilemma: Some contrasting orders of
Sayers, Barbara 1990/10/12 Wik-Mungkan verbs: A reanalysis in relation to realisation
rather than time
Schultz-Berndt, Eva 1995/07/21 Verbs of motion in Jaminjung
Schultz-Berndt, Eva 1997/07/04 Co-verbs as co-predicates
Schultz-Berndt, Eva 1997/07/04 (with Denise Angelo) Typology of compound verbs in
the Katherine region
Seneviratne, Swarnamali 2002/06/11 Discussion session on approaches to teaching
Sharpe, Margaret 1995/07/21 The evolution of Alawa - internal and external evidence
[with abstract]
Sharpe, Margaret 2000/09/29 Update on the Alawa dictionary project [cf. Sharpe 2001]
Sharpe, Margaret 2004/04/30 Aspect, mood and tense in Yugambeh-Bundjalung verbal
Sharpe, Margaret 2009/07/29 (with Sara Booth, Tim Denham & Mark Donohue) Reassessing the long-term history of plant use in northern Australia: Hypotheses for
the future [with abstract]
Sharpe, Margaret 2012/07/02 If you ask the right question, the answer is simpler: Verbs
have no tense marking in Ngalia and Wangkatja
Si, Aung 2013/08/30 Documenting folk science – Solega honeybee knowledge as a case
Simpson, Jane 1996/08/17 Preferred word order in Warlpiri
Simpson, Jane 1997/07/05 [title to be advised]
Simpson, Jane 2014/07/10 Two new language initiatives
Stanton, Sue 2013/05/14 Welcome to a joint meeting with the Centre for Australian
Languages and Linguistics (CALL) of Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary
Education (BIITE)
Swartz, Steve 1984/07/18 Perfectivity vs. imperfectivity in Warlpiri
Tamelan, Thersia 2008/08/15 An overview of Dela-Oenale verb morphology: A
language spoken in western Rote [with abstract]
Thieberger, Nicholas 1985/??/?? Transitivity and grounding: A textual example
Thieberger, Nick 1994/10/28 Report on the Dictionary Interface Project
Triffitt, Geraldine 1995/07/21 Information and the law: AIATSIS and Native Title
Trilsbeek, Paul 2007/09/20 (with Patrick McConvell) Indigenous language
documentation and on-line community access: DoBeS regional archives and the
OLCAP project
Turpin, Myfany 2011/06/02 (with Mary Laughren) Edge effects in Warlpiri Yawulyu
songs: resyllabification, epenthesis, final vowel modification
van den Berg, René 1998/04/24 The definiteness shift in Muna (Sulawesi, Indonesia): A
counterexample to the transitivity hypothesis
van den Berg, René 1999/06/22 Spatial semantics in Muna (Sulawesi)
van den Berg, René 2001/11/30 The place of Tukangbesi and the Muna-Buton
Vincent, Jackie 1996/08/17 (with Ian Alexander) Report on progress/developments on
the Needs Survey
Waddy, Julie 1997/07/04 Case marking in Anindilyakwa
Walsh, Michael 1996/03/23 Communal versus dyadic communication in Aboriginal
Walsh, Mike 1996/06/22 Indigenous grammatical traditions
Walsh, Michael 1996/11/08 Mapping and Australian Languages
Walsh, Michael 2014/11/06 Grappling with granularity: The challenge of the Australian
Languages Framework within the Australian Curriculum – Languages
Wang, Li 1996/11/08 Sense, sound, and form in Chinese poetry
Wang, Li 2006/08/18 Han Yu characters in change
White, Ely 1994/06/03 Adopting/adapting new concepts in Aboriginal languages
Wilkinson, Melanie 1997/07/05 How to get language maintenance beyond the linguist?
Wilkinson, Melanie 2012/08/03 Talking Namba
Williams, Gail 2010/09/09 opened a forum on Indigenous languages in education: Do
current policies match our needs?
Wimbish, John 2004/12/09 The FieldWorks Data Notebook software for the analysis of
cultural data
Yonezawa, Yoko 2007/11/02 Roles of first and second person pronouns in Japanese
Yunupingu, Mandawuy 2010/09/09 provided some first hand perspective on Indigenous
languages in education: Do current policies match our needs?
Zorc, David — cf. Neil Chadwick 2013/08/30 David Zorc’s life experience of
Zorc, David 1979/11/?? Functor analysis of Yolngu
Zorc, David 1980/11/?? Northern Territory languages and communities / communities
and languages
Zorc, David 1982/03/06 Survey of Yolngu-Matha names
Zorc, David 1982/03/06 Yolngu-Matha verb stem classification
Zorc, David 1984/10/31 Discourse verbs (ideophones) in Yolngu-Matha