Reason for delegation: The objection received was not sufficient to

Reg 3 - Delegated Report
Development Proposed:
Section 73 application to amend the plans for application R3.0005/12 for erection of
extension to provide wheelchair access to rear of Library building, including: creation of a
platform lift; accessible wc; a new door opening between the existing Library building and
new entrance and other associated works.
Division Affected: Headington and Quarry
Contact Officer: Kevin Broughton
Tel: 01865 815272
Bury Knowle House, North Place, Headington, Oxford, Oxfordshire,
Oxfordshire County Council
Application No:
Application Received Date: 12th June 2013
Consultation Period: 20th June 2013 to 11th July 2013
Last Consultation Response Date: 9th July 2013
District Council Area: Oxford City Council
Recommendation Summary: APPROVAL
I consider that this application should be delegated to the Deputy Director (Strategy &
Infrastructure Planning).
Reason for delegation:
The objection received was not sufficient to be required to
be determined by Planning and Regulation Committee.
Details of the Development and Site Location
Headington Library is located in the east of Oxford City within Headington. The
library building is located off North Place and to the north of Bury Knowle Park. The
nearest residential properties are located immediately to the north and north-west.
The library is located within the Headington Conservation Area.
Planning permission was granted in March last year for the erection of an extension
to provide wheelchair access. The applicants were unable to carry out the internal
works as proposed and have applied for internal changes to the listed building.
Those changes include the change in the type of disabled access lift. The internal
changes have resulted in minor but material alterations to the exterior of the
The changes are a new window in the rear elevation of the extension, and changes
to front elevation to provide clear glazing to and above the lift shaft entrance.
There were 33 representations.
 27 Supported the application. Some of these registered as objecting but
the comments were clearly supportive.
 5 Comments were registered as phone comments but there was no
indication as to whether this was in support of or objecting to the
 1 objection was received that had no further comment to say on what
grounds the objection was made.
Stoke Place Residents association - No objection, they welcome disabled access.
Oxford City Council - Raised no objection.
English Heritage - No comments.
Environment Agency - No comments.
Highway Authority - No objections.
Policy Background
Oxford Core Strategy Policies: CS16 (Access to Education), CS18 (Urban design)
and CS20 (Community Development).
Oxford City Local Plan 2016 Policies: CP1 (Development Proposals), CP8 (Design
in relation to context), HE3 (Listed Buildings and their setting), HE7 (Conservation
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is also relevant.
Planning Analysis
The only issue with the application is whether the change in the design would
adversely affect the local amenity. The principle of disabled access has had
widespread local support. Although this is not directly relevant to the application,
because the principle of disabled access has already been permitted, it does show
public support for the development. The NPPF says that decisions should take local
circumstances into account, and it talks about empowering local people to shape
their surroundings. The application should therefore be viewed in a positive light.
Policy CS16 of the Oxford Core Strategy seeks to improve access to education
facilities, and policy CS20 of the Core Strategy seeks to protect community facilities.
This application would enable disabled access arrangements to be put in place and
enable the continued functioning of the library.
Policy CS 18 of the Core Strategy sets out urban design principles, policy CP1 of
the Local Plan sets out the criteria for the design of buildings, including the need for
it to respect the character and appearance of the area, and policy CP8 of the Local
Plan states that development should be designed to relate to its context. The only
effect the change would have is the inclusion of glazing on the rear elevation which
would be more in keeping with the elevation of the listed building than the existing
blank wall of the extension and clear glazing to the lift shaft entrance on the front
elevation which would similarly be in keeping. The proposal therefore complies with
policy CP18 of the Core Strategy and policies CP1 and CP8 of the Local Plan.
Policy HE3 of the Local Plan seeks to protect Listed Buildings, HE7 seeks to protect
Conservation Areas. It is my view that the minor changes to the elevations will not
have a significant adverse impact on either the Listed Building or the Conservation
The permission will need to comply with the existing listed building consent which is
now dealt with by application to the District Council who have taken the view that
further consent is not required. It is therefore recommended that rather than
duplicate the conditions in the Listed Building Consent that the conditions
concerning the render and materials be removed and an informative added to say
that the Listed Building Consent needs to be complied with. Other than that the
same conditions as the existing permission should be kept, so as to preserve
consistency between the two permissions. The only exception will be the changes
to the elevation and the removal of the "unless otherwise agreed" clause in the
detailed compliant condition.
The proposed development would enable the construction of a facility that has
widespread local support. There are no negative effects to the local amenity. The
application complies with the development plan and should be granted planning
It is RECOMMENDED that planning permission be approved for Application
R3.0075/13 subject to conditions to be determined by the Deputy Director
(Strategy & Infrastructure Planning) but to include the following:
1. Development to be built in accordance with the plans and details of the
2. Development to be built within 3 years of the date of permission.
3. That final details of the location of the permanent vehicle bollards to be
located in front of the proposed extension are submitted to and approved
in writing by the Deputy Director (Strategy and Infrastructure Planning)
prior to the commencement of the development.
4. Tree protection.
5. No trees shall be topped, lopped or cut down, and no shrubs or hedges
shall be cut down without prior written consent of the Deputy Director
(Strategy and Infrastructure Planning).
6. That the location of any contractor's compound to be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Deputy Director (Strategy and Infrastructure
Planning) prior to the commencement of the development.
Materials Informative
The materials used must comply with the listed building consent for the
proposal. Advice on that compliance should be sought from Oxford City
Reasons for Approval
The proposed development would enable the provision of a sought after local
facility with no significant amenity disbenefit in accordance with development plan
policies CS16 and CS20 of the Oxford Core Strategy.
Compliance with National Planning Policy Framework
In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF Oxfordshire County
Council take a positive and proactive approach to decision making focused on
solutions and fostering the delivery of sustainable development. We work with
applicants in a positive and proactive manner by;
 offering a pre-application advice service,
 updating applicants and agents of any issues that may arise in the
processing of their application and where possible suggesting solutions
No issues arose with this application requiring updating of the applicant or their
Standard approval for Delegated Reports for Reg 3 and Minerals & Waste
Signed ……
…………………………… ( Case Officer)
Date ……6th August 2013………………………….
Report approved by ………………………………………… (Officer)
On behalf of the Deputy Director (Growth & Infrastructure)
Date ……………………………….