MARS MA TRAVEL AND WRITING IN THE MIDDLE AGES Wednesdays (fortnightly), 11.00-1.00 Venue: tbc Autumn Term, 2015 7th Oct. Introduction to the course Dr. Corrie 21st Oct. Travel to the Holy Land: chronicles of the Crusades Dr. Corrie 4th Nov. Crusading romances Dr. Jones READING WEEK 25th Nov. The knight on his quest 9th Dec. Crossing boundaries in medieval lais and other fantastical narratives Dr. Dearnley Dr. Jones Spring Term, 2016 13th Jan. Travel to the East: Mandeville’s Travels Dr. Corrie 27th Jan. Pilgrimage Dr. Jones 10th Feb. Travelling towards God: medieval mysticism Dr. Jones READING WEEK 2nd March Travel out of the mortal world: visions of heaven and hell Dr. Corrie 16th March The travels of books Dr. Dearnley