Year: 8 Subject: English Task: Teen Issues in a Novel Name ................................................................. Purpose of assessment: To assess comprehension of the story ‘Hating Alison Ashley’ and application of knowledge of narrative structure to own writing. Ideas and information in texts Language features Ideas and information in texts Text structures Language features Receptive Mode (Listening, Reading, Viewing) Productive modes (evidence of speaking, writing and creating) Understanding and skills A Understanding and skills C D Comprehends at a literal and inferential level in response to a novel. Explanation is supported by evidence Identified characters, events and perspectives of the story clearly and accurately Justified statements very well with quotes from the text Explained with very high level of detail Comprehended very well at the literal, inferential and evaluative level. Identified characters, events and perspectives of the story well Justified statements well with quotes from the text Explained with high level of detail Comprehended well at the literal, inferential and evaluative level Identified characters, events and perspectives of the story at a satisfactory level Justified statements at a satisfactory level with quotes from the text Explained with satisfactory level of detail Comprehended at a satisfactory level the literal, inferential and evaluative meanings Identified characters, events and perspectives of the story at a limited level Justified statements at a limited level with quotes from the text Explained with limited level of detail Comprehended at a limited level the literal, inferential and evaluative meanings Identified characters, events and perspectives of the story at a very limited level Justified statements at a very limited level with quotes from the text Explained with very limited level of detail Comprehended at a very limited level the literal, inferential and evaluative meanings Comprehends the language features of the novel. Identified, understood and applied metaphors and similes from the novel at a very high level. Identified, understood and applied metaphors and similes from the novel at a high level. Identified, understood and applied metaphors and similes from the novel at a sound level. Identified, understood and applied metaphors and similes from the novel at a limited level. Identified, understood and applied metaphors and similes from the novel at a very limited level. Wrote a limited entertaining story Designed a limited structured plot based on the experience of the chosen marginalised character. Wrote a very limited entertaining story Designed a very limited structured plot based on the experience of the chosen marginalised character. Creates a story Wrote a very entertaining and and characters engaging story. Designed a very strongly that entertains and engages structured plot based on the the audience experience of the chosen Follows the generic structure of the story B Wrote an entertaining and Wrote a satisfactory, engaging story. entertaining and engaging Designed a strongly structured story. plot based on the experience Designed a satisfactory of the chosen marginalised structured plot based on the marginalised character. character. experience of the chosen marginalised character. Sequenced story satisfactory Sequenced story very well Sequenced story well and and made satisfactory and made very good made good organised use of organised use of the organised use of the the orientation, complication orientation, complication and orientation, complication and and resolution structure. resolution structure. resolution structure. Sequenced story at a limited level and made limited use of the orientation, complication and resolution structure. Developed the mood and voice Developed the mood and voice Developed the mood and voice Developed the mood and Uses of chosen marginalised of chosen marginalised of chosen marginalised voice of chosen marginalised appropriate character very well character well character satisfactorily. character at a limited level. language features for the Used very high, effective Used high level, effective written Used satisfactory, effective Used limited written features purpose of the written features such as simile, features such as simile, written features such as simile, such as simile, metaphor, text metaphor, dialogue. metaphor, dialogue. metaphor, dialogue. dialogue. Demonstrated very high control Demonstrated high control .Demonstrated limited control Demonstrated satisfactory over spelling, grammar and over spelling, grammar and over spelling, grammar and control over spelling, punctuation. punctuation punctuation grammar and punctuation E Sequenced story very limited and made very limited use of the orientation, complication and resolution structure. Developed the mood and voice of chosen marginalised character at a very limited level. Used very limited written features such as simile, metaphor, dialogue. .Demonstrated very limited control over spelling, grammar and punctuation. Feedback: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall: Receptive Productive ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________