Shadbolt Park House Surgery “The Surgery in the Park” Patients’ Participation Group Meeting Monday 25th January 2016, 7.00 pm 1. Attendees: Frank Brown (Chair) Victor Sibley (Joint Chair) Kate Laws (Partner) Gareth Bowen-Perkins (Partner) Nicky Goulter (Practice Manager) Jean Shrubb (Minutes) Sue Brown James Shrubb Maureen Grimwood Ann Turner Ken Robinson Colin Petley Carole Brough Sue Armstrong Apologies: Lesley Merson (Assistant Practice Manager/Reception Manager) Pam Keane Eileen Cosgrove c.c. Lynne Bristo (Head Nurse) MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate account of the meeting, signed off by the Chairman which will be kept at the surgery for safekeeping. 2. FB Complete NG End March CC/ Partners ASAP AGM and PATIENT SURVEY 11th April 2016 at 7.00 p.m. is the date of the PPG AGM meeting. Prior to this meeting the annual patient survey will be conducted. It is a short one page questionnaire which has already been sourced. Communications Committee and Partners to meet to finalise logistics and date for the survey, and members of the PPG who have volunteered to administer the questionnaire are: Jean Shrubb Victor Sibley Maureen Grimwood 4. BY WHEN MATTERS ARISING KL met with Heather Patel regarding article in residents’ publication giving advice to patients, and it was felt that together with the Newsletter and the Practice Leaflet, that a lot of information was already being communicated. NG confirmed there is now 2800 email address registered on the surgery database, which will enable the Newsletter to be emailed out to them in future. 3. ACTION Ann Turner Ken Robinson Carole Brough PPG Area Group VS confirmed a meeting had taken place with the local PPG Area Group but he was unable to attend and as yet no minutes had been issued. He mentioned the initiative of direct referral via Ophthalmologists, KL confirmed that this service was about to happen in the very near future. This would save a lot of time and man hours for the surgery. 5. NAPP UPDATE VS circulated the latest NAPP publication. The main item for discussion was this item below: 2. Reducing missed appointments (DNAs) The Department of Health has published results of a trial of a system of text message reminders to reduce missed hospital outpatient appointments. DNAs (Did Not Attend) are a significant problem in most GP practices and some have used text reminders. Results of this randomised controlled trial of the reminder message sent to outpatients showed that if the message included the specific cost to the NHS of not attending, the patient was more likely to attend or rearrange their appointment – rather than miss it. Read the report here GB-P commented he would see if it was possible to add a sentence, showing the cost of DNA appointments on the reminders at Shadbolt. 4. Patient Choice: Outpatient appointment - your right to choose Research shows that patients referred for outpatient appointments are often unaware of their right to choose where the appointment takes place and which consultant’s team treats them. NHS England’s Patient Choice Unit invites the public, patients and carers to regional patient engagement events between 18th February and 3rd March in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Southampton, Bristol, Newcastle on Tyne to find out what patients know about their legal rights to choice and how they would like to receive information about outpatient appointment options. Findings will inform improvements to the national patient choice programme and help to shape an awareness raising campaign. You can register at this link and choose “Patient choice engagement events” All reasonable travel expenses will be covered and lunch provided. Further information from Oliver Wilkinson / 0113 825 1448 GB-P When Possible ALL He mentioned anyone wishing to attend is very welcome. If so, please can they inform fellow members of the PPG if they are attending. 8. Patient Online: Getting more patients online Thanks to those PPGs who responded to the item on this topic in December’s e-bulletin to tell us about how a PPG has supported the practice in improving patients' access to online services. If your PPG is actively engaged in introducing these services, explaining the process to other patients, demonstrating the facilities in a practice computer, organising classes for those who have not used computers or have language or other access barriers, or in any other way, please contact Edith Todd at who is collating these experiences to pass on to others. SPHS are well up to speed with this requirement. 10. Antiviral medicines for prophylaxis and treatment of ‘flu: NICE guidance On 8th January the Department of Health issued a letter, advising that GPs and other prescribers working in primary care in England may now prescribe at NHS expense antiviral medicines for the prophylaxis and treatment of influenza, in accordance with NICE guidance. GB-P confirmed it is now OK to prescribe antiviral medicines where necessary. GB-P When Possible FLU VACCINES VIA PHARMCISTS Pharmacies are now injecting risk groups with the flu vaccine, while this is a very good service, it is unfortunate that not all the information on who, why, when, is being fed through to the surgery. GB-P to check with admin staff if in fact this information is being passed through, and whether it is being entered onto the database. 6. HEALTHWATCH UPDATE VS confirmed that the patient survey had been carried out, and results published, but SPHS were not included in this. No reason has been obtained, VS to investigate further. He had however added his and Frank Brown’s contact details to their database. Healthwatch Surrey are keen to visit functioning PPGs to see how they work, and SPHS has been identified as one of the most successful. Congratulations were given to both the PPG and the Surgery. 7. CQC INSPECTION DAY The practice was inspected for the whole of Tuesday 12th January. The whole surgery worked very hard prior to this date to ensure everything was in place for the inspection. The informal feedback was positive and they were certainly extremely VS Next Meeting impressed with the PPG. They couldn't fault the clinical care given by the practice which was really satisfying. They also said the general atmosphere of the practice and the teamwork and respect shown between the staff was excellent. There were the odd admin protocols that were in need to attention, but overall a very positive and satisfying outcome. The final score will be given in 6-8 weeks time, but congratulations were given to all the staff for their hard work in achieving this. Once published the link will be circulated to all members for their info. 8. SURGERY UPDATE The CQC Inspection has taken all the practice energies but the surgery did have the staff Away Day last week where several topics were discussed, amongst those were: The new protocols Chaperones – reception staff to be trained for when nurses not available Carers Policy – referrals to Surrey Independent Living Council How to improve/make more efficient back office running of surgery One of the HCA has broken her ankle so the surgery is one person down. Missed appointments are an issue – a good number each month are being logged. Surgery confirmed when a family has missed 3 in a row then a letter is issued. If this continues, then discussion as to whether to allow further appointments to be booked will be made. Surgery As Necesary KL reinforced the initiative whereby SPHS has joined with 20 other practices in the area to offer extended surgery opening hours, so a GP can be seen at another practice, during the anti social hours via the surgery. These are mainly used for non-urgent cases/everyday cases. Hours 18.30 – 21.30 Monday to Friday: 09.00 – 13.00 Saturday. Bookings via PRACTICE STAFF if appointments are needed during these times so if normal SPHS surgery hours are not possible, then these can be offered. Hopefully this will stop no shows, and this item to be added to the next Newsletter, along with the possibility of adding something about the cost involved of DNA’s to text reminders. Patient Numbers – GB-P confirmed the surgery is now at almost capacity levels with patients – 8050 in total. Therefore going forward priority will be given to those within the catchment area. CADU at Epsom Hospital is a fast track diagnosis facility whereby patients can be referred there for immediate testing, thereby alleviating the need for hospital admissions. 9. FUND RAISING The Christmas Tombola day raised £230, and together with a donation of £50 from a patient, the total sum raised is £280. KL Confirmed receiving an anonymous donation of enough money to purchase the new ECG machine which is wonderful. A big thank you to the donor for the very generous offer was made by the PPG. This means the money raised via the tombola, and the £200 in the PPG fund can now go towards two new pieces of equipment for the surgery: Foetal Heart Monitor Spirometer To this end, AT kindly agreed to contact Eber Kington to see if there was any chance of additional funding for these pieces of equipment. It was felt beneficial to produce publication posters for the surgery around the fundraising, i.e. AT ASAP Thermometer showing progress Articles in the newsletter Etc. AT kindly offered the surgery a stall at the Big Day Out at Shadbolt Park on 18th June. Tombola, cake sale etc. to be included – any additional suggestions for ways to raise more funds greatly received. 10. ALL Next Meeting ALL ASAP COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE The next newsletter is to be around Easter time – end March. The content of which will include, in no particular order: CQC score results AGM Date Patient Choice website link DNA patients – numbers and costs involved Thank you to everyone for the fundraising Fundraising for the FHM – majoring on baby pictures Out of Hours GP appointments via Ebbisham Centre CADU – Epsom Hospital Request for emails to receive Newsletter Request for Tombola for Big Day Out AGE UK phone in facility Quote of the day 11. WEBSITE GB-P confirmed the new Website is now live. A lot of hard work and frustration has gone into achieving this new website and the whole group congratulated Gareth B-P for his outstanding role in achieving this. All updates and additions are now being handled in house and members of staff are being trained to update this on a regular basis. The whole PPG were very impressed and praised everyone involved for the tremendous new website. 12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS AGE UK VS informed the group of the AGE UK initiative of Telephone Befriending, whereby those living alone/lonely have a phone line they can call at any time. GB-P mentioned a patient who is already taking advantage of this. This item to be included in the next Newsletter, together with the website link – see below: 13. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting is the AGM Monday 11th April 2016 at 7.00 p.m. at Shadbolt Park House Surgery. The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m. I confirm this is a true and accurate account of the meeting. ………………………………………. (CHAIR) ……………………………………………… (DATE)