EAL Weblist - School of Education

EAL Resources Weblist by Language Jan 13
General Information
Posters (places in school, subject area, months,days colours, numbers and basic vocabulary
http://www.schoolslinks.co.uk/resources dl.htm
Word mats and subject words http://www.schoolportal.co.uk/GroupWorkspaces.asp?GroupId=922202&WorkspaceId=1566908
Translated letters from school about welcome, information, accident, illness, closure, trips, holidays, head
lice, detentions etc in 30 languages
Letters about free school meals translated into 15 languages (Arabic,
and Yoruba) http://www.schoolfoodtrust.org.uk (search for translated resources)
Information for parents and staff about immigration issues, language profiles and explanation of the UK
education system in multiple languages
http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk (follow multilingual information)
http://www.englishdaily.com a series of English grammar/conversation exercises (mainly American)
Curriculum resources
Website for Australian teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (as they call EAL) with useful
http://www.hvec.org.uk Hounslow Virtual Education Centre for a range of resources in different languages
A range of resources in different languages with a language of the month highlighted. Good for first words
in different languages.
Innovative and creative resources
general learning activities for English as a Second Language including games, quizzes etc to
develop grammar and vocabulary.
http://www.school-portal.co.uk/GroupWorkspaces.asp?GroupId=922202&WorkspaceId=1566908 for range
of resources in different languages including signs, language mats and basic vocabulary
Immigrants stories
www.theredcard.org good resources and assembly ideas
Buying resources
www.mantralingua.com for multilingual books and Talking Pens
www.milet.com range of books (largely primary)
www.grantandcutler.com bilingual dictionaries – good for academic/exam purposes
www.oup.com range of EAL teaching programmes
Resources Listed by Language
Afrikaans 1 of the 11 official languages of S Africa
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for activities
http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
Albanian spoken in Albania and Kosova and minorities in S Greece and S Italy
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
www.emas4success.org/TeachingMaterials/MultilingualMaterials/index.htm Science vocabulary
Arabic Modern standard Arabic is the official form used in written form but Arabic speakers have varied forms which
may not be mutually intelligible across the Arabic speaking world
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art words
http://www.school-portal.co.uk/GroupWorkspaces.asp?GroupId=922202&WorkspaceId=1566908 for range
of resources
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama,Geog,Maths,Mus,PE,Science
Bengali spoken in Bangladesh and W.Bengal in India
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art words
http://www.school-portal.co.uk/GroupWorkspaces.asp?GroupId=922202&WorkspaceId=1566908 for range
of resources
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama, maths, Music, PE, Geog and
Basic Science words
Bulgarian spoken in Bulgaria and a minority language in Serbia, Ukraine and Romania
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Cebuano one of the languages of the Philippines
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
Chinese Mandarin is the most widely spoken and Standard Chinese is based on the Beijing dialect of Mandarin.
Cantonese is spoken in Hong Kong.
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for a range of Science
and Maths curriculum resources
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
www.emas4success.org/TeachingMaterials/MultilingualMaterials/index.htm Science vocabulary
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art words
http://www.school-portal.co.uk/GroupWorkspaces.asp?GroupId=922202&WorkspaceId=1566908 for range
of resources
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools language learning in KS2-4
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama, Geog, Maths,Music, PE and
Science words
Croatian spoken in Croatia
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
Czech major language in Czech Republic and mutually intelligible with Slovak/Polish
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Science Tech and
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
http://emtras.newcastlelea.org/refugee.htm welcome to new arrivals booklet
Danish also spoken in Greenland/N Germany
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
Dari One of two official languages of Afghanistan (Pashto is the other) and a dialect of Persian/Farsi so worth looking
under these names
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Farsi Persian spoken in Iran and Afghanistan
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art words
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama, Geog, Maths ,Music and basic
Science words
Finnish spoken in Finland and the second language of Sweden
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
French Is an official language in 29 countries (France, Switz. Belgium, Canada, Mauritius, Senegal, Cote
d’Ivoire,Cameroon, Algeria, Morocco etc)
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools language learning in KS2-4
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools language learning in KS2-4
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Gujerati spoken in India, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Pakistan
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
Hindi spoken in parts of India and intelligible to other Indian languages eg Urdu
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art words
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama, Geog,Music and PE words
Hungarian spoken in Hungary, and as a minority language in Romania, Slovakia, & Ukraine
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Science and key
vocabulary words
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Italian also spoken in Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Libya & Eritrea
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://www.ema.online.org.uk (Main Menu – EAL & Bilingual Resources) FDN Stage – KS4 resources
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Maths, Science,
Hist, Drama,Music and English key words
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
http://www.lingolex.com/jap/index.htm variety of exercises for Japanese learners of English
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://www.emaths.co.uk for a range of maths vocabulary/numbers
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama, geog,PE, Chem & Physics
Kurdish an official language in Iraq and a regional language in Iran and Armenia. Large population in Turkey
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art, Drama, Geog, Maths, Music ,PE,
Science words
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Latvian all Latvians are expected to speak Latvian
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Tech and Science
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Geog,PE,Chemistry and Physics words
Lingala spoken in Congo, Angola and Central African Republic
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Lithuanian a Baltic language closely related to Latvian although not mutually intelligible
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Numeracy and
http://www.humanitas.lt for Baltic languages resources to buy
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
Malay spoken in Indonesia and one of the official languages in Singapore
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Malayalam spoken in S. India and one of India’s official language
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
Mirpuri spoken in Pakistan and Kasmir
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Panjabi most common language of Pakistan also spoken in N.India
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http://emtras.newcastlelea.org/refugee.htm welcome to new arrivals booklet
http://www.emaths.co.uk for a range of maths vocabulary/numbers
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
www.emas4success.org/TeachingMaterials/MultilingualMaterials/index.htm Science vocabulary
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art words
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Numeracy and
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
www.irespect.net/CIRCLE/EMAS/index.htm - Gloucestershire County Council site with some Polish
http://www.polskamacierz.org/ a Polish Educational Society supporting Polish children in the UK with their
education in Polish
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for a range of secondary curriculum words
Portugese spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola and other ex colonies
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Numeracy and
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
www.emas4success.org/TeachingMaterials/MultilingualMaterials/index.htm Science vocabulary
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama curriculum words
Russian spoken in Russia and widely spoken in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Latvia, Estonia
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
http://emtras.newcastlelea.org/refugee.htm welcome to new arrivals booklet
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Tech, Maths and
Sesotho one of the 11 official languages of S Africa
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Serbo-Croat Bosnian Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Montenegro
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
Shona Zimbabwe and also spoken in Zambia, Botswana and Mozambique
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
Slovakian spoken in Slovakia but Czechs and Slovaks can understand each other
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for Maths and Science
http://www.heartofeurope.co.uk (Lets Learn Slovak section) for range of vocabulary and grammar
Slovenian official language of Slovenia but Italian and Hungarian is also a minority language
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
www.emas4success.org/TeachingMaterials/MultilingualMaterials/index.htm Science vocabulary
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Spanish also spoken in Chile, Peru, Columbia, Mexico and other S American/ Caribbean countries. Commonly
spoken in USA/Brazil
www.emas4success.org/TeachingMaterials/MultilingualMaterials/index.htm Science vocabulary
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
http://emtras.newcastlelea.org/refugee.htm welcome to new arrivals booklet
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools language learning in KS2-4
Swahili Mozambique and E African countries including Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
www.emas4success.org/TeachingMaterials/MultilingualMaterials/index.htm Science vocabulary
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Tagalog spoken by ¼ of the population of the Phippines
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://c9f.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/c9f/homepage/HTML%20Home/index.html for numeracy and
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
Tamil in Sri Lanka and S India
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
Telugu spoken in SE India
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www.bfinclusion.org.uk excellent resources in a variety of languages
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Drama, Geog, Biol and Physics words
Tshiluba spoken in Democratic Republic of Congo
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Turkish also spoken in N Cyprus
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art, Drama, Geog, Maths, Music, PE
and Science words
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
http://emtras.newcastlelea.org/refugee.htm welcome to new arrivals booklet
http://www.bedavaingilizce.net/ a learn English site for Turkish speakers
Ukrainian majority of Ukrainians also speak Russian
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Urdu national language of Pakistan also spoken in Urdu
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
www.emaths.co.uk/teachers/index.php/eal.html for numbers and maths vocabulary
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Art words
http://www.ase.org.uk/resources/becta-legacy-science-resources/ Variety of translated resources and
advice on Science – apparatus and safety
www3.hants.gov.uk/education/ema good resources and advice for a fee
http://www.ema.online.org.uk for a variety of curriculum resources
http:www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5088 for KS3 & maths wordlist
http://www.ealedinburgh.org.uk/cms/childrenhomelanguage.php for Geog, Drama, Maths, Music, PE, basic
http://www.digitaldialects.com/index.htm for varied activities
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
Yoruba W Africa including Nigeria, Benin and Togo
http://www.newbury park.redbridge.sch.uk/langofmonth/index.html - for children teaching home language
Zulu one of the 11 S African official languages
http://www.ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html for water cycle
http://a4esl.org/ bilingual quizzes and language activities
On-Line Translation services
Please use with caution. These websites may be useful for translating individual words and phrases, but
the can be quite literal, so longer sentences/important information is best carried out by a human translator!
Googletranslate.com - free online translation service
http://www.logosdictionary.org/ online dictionary that can translate words/phrases into a large range of
www.omniglot.com/links/translation.htm - contains links to online translation services – many of which are
listed below.
Translation Booth
Free translation between Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Welsh. Paid translation services
also available.
Text and webpage translation between English and Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese,
Norwegian, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.
Babel Fish Translation
Text and webpage translation between English and Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Spanish or Russian.
Webpage translation between English and Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch,
French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian or Spanish.