
ECE 477
Digital Systems Senior Design Project
Rev 9/12
Homework 9: Software Design Considerations
Team Code Name: Team Hex Me, Baby! Group No. 3
Team Member Completing This Homework: Spencer Julian
E-mail Address of Team Member:
Software Design Considerations
Software Design Narrative
List of References
App A
Flowchart/Pseudo-code for Main Program
App B
Hierarchical Block Diagram of Code Organization
ECE 477
Digital Systems Senior Design Project
Rev 9/12
“Hackers of Catron” is an electronically enhanced version of the popular Settlers of
Catan board game. Game setup will be automated, placement of physical pieces on the board
will be tracked, and resource trading will be handled through handheld devices. These
enhancements to the game will make the game easier to set up and play, resulting in a much
improved game play experience.
The economy and game board are handled by a Raspberry Pi and a microcontroller,
respectively. The Raspberry Pi is running an apache web server with a series of Python CGI's
that are served to a device with Wi-Fi access as simple web pages. The microcontroller
communicates with the Raspberry Pi using a two-wire interface, and controls the board display
and piece sensing using a state machine.
While the Raspberry Pi has little to deal with as far as external peripherals go, other than
Wi-Fi and I2C, the microcontroller has to communicate with 38 RGB LEDs to display resource
information, 19 seven segment displays to display scarcity information, and 145 hall effect
sensors to read where pieces are on the board. The next section (Section 2.0) will elaborate on
these considerations, among others, while Section 3.0 will talk about the specifics of the software
we are developing.
Software Design Considerations
As indicated in the introduction, the program is primarily a state machine; however the
microcontroller will be performing some polling in many of the states. A state machine was
chosen as it is the most appropriate for emulating the physical game's turn-based system. The
majority of states will poll the current status of the Hall Effect sensors, however, in order to
check for invalid pieces or updates to valid pieces, such as additional pieces placed or pieces
removed. Appendix A has a high-level flowchart of the game flow.
While no data will be stored on the microcontroller in any sort of semi-permanent form,
such as Flash, we will be storing game status on the microcontroller in SRAM with the program
itself. Most of the game information will be stored in structs and arrays, so there are few special
considerations that need to be made for memory.
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Digital Systems Senior Design Project
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Within the game itself, the microcontroller needs to be able to keep track of the current
board state as well as the current players' turn, while the Raspberry Pi needs to keep track of the
economy and related information. Specifically, the microcontroller will keep a map, likely in an
array or a struct, of every hexagon's resource and scarcity. Additionally, the microcontroller will
keep a multi-dimensional array of the status of each of the Hall Effect sensor's states. Since each
sensor can only have one or two kinds of pieces placed on it, it is quite simple to store a 2dimensional array of the state of every sensor on the board. Finally, an array of positions owned
by each player will need to be kept as well, to determine what piece is owned by what player. As
mentioned earlier, since none of the information needs to be stored after the micro has shut
down, and there isn't a large amount of data to store, it can all be stored live with the program in
The Raspberry Pi will be keeping track of the economy and some basic player
information. This basically entails each player's available resources, development cards, and
score. For each player, it will also store their name and a timeout value. Additionally, it needs to
store the deck of development cards. Because it uses an asynchronous, non-persistent connection
with the connected devices, these are stored in JSON files in a “players” directory. Because the
JSON store will be available even after the Raspberry Pi has been rebooted, a combination of a
timeout on the JSON files and cookies on the connected devices will ensure the files are valid
and do not need replaced.
The microcontroller only requires a few integrated peripherals. By default, the
microcontroller clocks at a relatively slow speed of 100 kHz, however in order for reasonable
speeds on I2C and SPI, we need the microcontroller to clock faster. We do this by clocking
against an external oscillator which runs at 12 MHz. We additionally need the DSP, as this
microcontroller's random number generator functions are included in the DSP module. We will
need I2C and SPI to communicate with our Raspberry Pi and 7 segment displays, respectively.
The I2C will be running at 100 kHz with the Raspberry Pi as the master. This is simply because it
is much easier to get the microcontroller to work as a slave than it is to get the Raspberry Pi to do
the same. There appears to be little to no documentation on getting the Raspberry Pi to work as
an I2C slave. The SPI will be running in 8-bit Mode 0, as that is what the 7 segment display
drivers require. The SPI will run at 2 MHz. Finally, we will need the GPIO Module to
communicate with the LED drivers and the Hall Effect Sensor multiplexers, and the Delay
module for wait functions. The LED Drivers communicate using a non-standard protocol that is
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Digital Systems Senior Design Project
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vaguely reminiscent of SPI, however it deviates just enough from the protocol that we need to
manually communicate with the drivers using some custom functions that communicate over
pins 10 and 11 of Port B. The hall effect sensors are connected to 8 to 1 multiplexers, 1 to a
hexagon, that are oriented in a logical table, with each hexagon being a column. The GPIO
Module will select a row and scan for changes in each column using a mask on Port A, where all
of the multiplexers are attached.
Finally, various debug routines are already developed. We have developed a basic LED
Heartbeat test, which simply blinks an LED, an RGB LED Color Test that cycles through various
colors, a Hall Effect Selection Test that will select a specific column (that is, a hexagon), and
watch each hall effect for a change, a 7-Segment display test that lights each segment, an I2C
EEPROM test, where the microcontroller acts as a simple EEPROM, and an I2C Terminal on the
Raspberry Pi, that allows for communication to the microcontroller through I2C through a highly
simplified telnet-style terminal. Many of these can be included as routines in the final product as
self-test functions. Additionally, during the Raspberry Pi's boot up, the RGB LEDs will be
displaying in some visually interesting fashion that will also serve as a self-test.
Software Design Narrative
Appendix B shows a high-level diagram of our code modules. After powering on, we
move directly into the microcontroller initialization phase. This module simply calls Atmel
functions for initializing the system clock [1], the various GPIO Pins [2], the I2C Interface [3],
the SPI Interface [4], the random number generator [5], and the delay function [6].
The next phase is the Initial Board Generation phase. This is the phase that generates the
board setup. It effectively contains 2 modules, resource generation and scarcity generation. The
resource generation module selects a random resource out of the resource pool (that is, the
resources that are currently available but not assigned) and assigns it to a particular hexagon.
This generates a map of the available resources on the playing field. The scarcity generation
module selects a random hexagon on the edge of the playing surface that is not a desert, and sets
each hexagon's scarcity from a list of available scarcities in a circular, spiraling fashion. It is
done this way instead of completely randomly so that common numbers are not placed very
close to one another, so the game does not get any points that are “too strong” or “too weak” on
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Digital Systems Senior Design Project
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At this point, the Raspberry Pi will boot, so here's a brief overview of the software
running on it. It uses an apache web server using a few python CGIs, extensive HTML 5 and
CSS 3, and a small bit of AJAX [7] for constant communication. The main display shows the
current resources available and the number of development cards available, along with the
player's current score. Each button calls an external CGI that performs some action. Among these
are the Player Name CGI, that simply changes the player's name. The Trading CGI asks the
player what resources he wishes to trade and with whom, requests a confirmation or modification
on the given player, and returns the confirmation to the requesting player. The Purchasing CGI
asks the player what he wishes to purchase and then removes the resources from his available
resources after confirmation and piece placement. The End Turn CGI ends the turn after a
confirmation. The Game Status CGI returns the scores of all of the current players and their
awards. Finally, there's the Error CGI which will prevent any other action from happening while
there is an error on the playing surface, such as a misplaced piece. Each CGI shows in a modal
dialog box that then communicates its results using simple query strings back to the index page.
The index page calls yet another CGI, which does not have a modal dialog, that simply returns a
1 if the page needs refreshed (that is, there is new information for the given player), or a 0 if it
does not.
After the Raspberry Pi has booted, we enter the initial piece placement stage. This stage
calls modified versions of the Place Road and Place Settlement modules from the game loop
phase for each player, twice (once in forward order, once in reverse order). The Place Settlement
module waits for the player to place a settlement at any given intersection of three hexagons and
stores its position, while the Place Road module waits for the player to place a road at any of the
three lines radiating from the position of the last placed Settlement, which can be done by simply
passing the location of the settlement to the module and checking around it. Additionally, it will
run a procedure to check for the longest road, which will be done via a lookup table, containing
all possible adjacent positions.
At last, the system enters the game loop. This loop goes through each player's turn and
repeats the same five checks until the player's turn has ended. These checks are mostly looking at
I2C registers for communication from the Raspberry Pi. The first check is the Dice Roll. If the
dice is rolled, it will roll the dice by selecting 2 random numbers between 1 and 6, and adding
them together. This is slightly different then selecting a single random number between 1 and 12,
as the odds are slightly different of rolling any given number (for example, there are 6 different
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ways to make a seven with 2 6-sided dice, but only 1 with a 12-sided die). If the roll was a seven,
it will tell the Raspberry Pi to force the players to discard half of their available resources, should
they have more than 7 available, and will then wait for the thief to be moved to a different
position on the board, and will randomly take one resource from any effected player. If the roll
was not a 7, it will simply assign resources based on whatever the roll was. It will then set a flag
to prevent the dice from being rolled again.
The next check is the Development Card check. If a development card is played, it will
check if the card was a knight card, and if so, it will run the move thief routine. If it was not, it
will run the place road routine twice, with the modification in this stage of the game that the road
must be next to a road, settlement, or city owned by the same player. Other than that, the place
road routine is the same as described earlier. If a different sort of development card has been
played, that is, a monopoly card, then the raspberry pi will handle it with no interaction from the
microcontroller. If it is a monopoly card, then all resources of a certain type will go to a player,
which can be done by simply moving numbers around in the json store.
Now the microcontroller will check if a piece has been purchased. If a piece has been
purchased, then the microcontroller will enter the appropriate “place routine”. The place road
routine is the same as described in the Development card check, and the place settlement routine
has the added requirement that the settlement be attached to one of the player's existing roads.
The place city routine will first check for a settlement to be removed, and will then require the
city to be placed in that location.
After that, the microcontroller will enter the Update Board State routine. This routine
checks each position on the board to ensure that there has been no change. If there has been a
change, then it checks if it was a legal change. Legal changes at this point are changes that will
launch the Raspberry Pi into the purchasing CGI, which are limited to placing a road at particular
locations, placing a settlement at particular locations, or removing existing settlements with the
intent to place a city. If any other event occurs, or if a player cancels an event that was initiated
physically, then the board and pi will enter an error state that notifies the player of the error using
the RGB LEDs and the Raspberry Pi's interface and wait until the error is corrected before it will
allow the game to continue.
The final check in a player's turn is simply if the player has ended the game. If they have,
this actually initiates a small module of its own that clears the 'dice rolled' flag and moves to the
next player.
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Finally, after the game is complete, the Raspberry Pi will run a CGI that displays the final
game status and asks if they players wish to play again. If so, it will loop back to the initial board
generation state, and if not, it will begin the shutdown sequence. The shutdown module will
basically have the board running something similar to the startup wait display while the
Raspberry Pi shuts down, and after the Pi has shutdown, notify in some way that it's ready to be
powered off.
The majority of the Raspberry Pi code is complete, with the exception of I2C
communication and the trading CGI, which has yet to be started. The majority of the
microcontroller code has been made into a flowchart, but has not yet been implemented in code.
There are a few minor subroutines that have not yet been made into a flowchart.
The software for the Hackers of Catron is making progress. While most of the Raspberry
Pi code is complete, the microcontroller's code hasn't yet moved past the test functions stage.
However, the test functions have us communicating with the hardware successfully, and most of
the microcontroller functions have been developed in various flowcharts, which will make
implementation in code relatively simple.
While we do need several modules, SPI, I2C, ADC, GPIO, and Delay, we don't need
anything terribly difficult to set up or that needs much fine tuning, like PWM. All of the modules
have been tested and are working successfully on the Raspberry Pi and the Microcontroller.
Within the next couple weeks, the various code modules that need implemented on the
microcontroller will be completed, which allow us to enter the final testing phase.
ECE 477
5.0 List of References
Digital Systems Senior Design Project
Rev 9/12
Atmel, “System Clock Management,” 26 2 2013. [Online]. Available:
sclk__group.html#ga242399e48a97739c88b4d0c00f6101de. [Accessed 21 3 2013].
Atmel, “GPIO - General-Purpose Input/Output,” 26 2 2013. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 21 3 2013].
Atmel, “Quickstart guide for Common service TWI,” 26 2 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 21 3 2013].
Atmel, “SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface,” 26 2 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed
21 3 2013].
Atmel, “op_fix_rand.c,” [Online]. Available:
ix__rand_8c_source.html. [Accessed 21 3 2013].
Atmel, “Busy-Wait Delay Routines,” 26 2 2013. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 21 3 2013].
AjaxPatterns, “Periodic Refresh,” 20 2 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 21 3 2013].
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Digital Systems Senior Design Project
Appendix A: Flowchart for Main Program
Figure 1. Main Program Flowchart
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Digital Systems Senior Design Project
Appendix B: Hierarchical Block Diagram of Code Organization
Figure 2. Hierarchical block diagram of Microcontroller Code Organization
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Digital Systems Senior Design Project
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Figure 3. Hierarchical block diagram of Raspberry Pi Code Organization in Web Interface