Raspberry Pi Surrey Amateur Radio Club November 12, 2014 AN INTRODUCTION TO THIS NON-EDIBLE DELIGHT What is Raspberry Pi? A single-board microcomputer developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in the UK to promote the teaching of basic computer science to students. About the size of a credit card Three manufacturers are licensed to produce 3 configurations (Newark element14/Premier Farnell, RS Components & Egoman Broadcom BCM2835 system on a chip (SoC) that includes an ARM1176JZF-S 700 MHz processor & a VideoCore IV GPU Originally a Model A with 256MB of RAM now called Model B B+ Has 512MB of RAM Price difference was about $10-$15 only (B+ = $45-55) Picture It… RPi Connections GPIO Interface Example (LED Project) Radio Interface SSTV Beacon Project Operating System – LINUX The Foundation Provides… Operating Systems: Debian and Arch Linux ARM distributions for free download www.raspberrypi.org Other OS’s include: Raspbian, GNU/Linux, Fedora, FreeBSD & more Programming languages include: Python (main programming language) Scratch, Mathematica, Sonic (music), Minecraft, C, Java, Perl & Ruby Where To Buy Your Pi Best Deal: CANAKIT – (North Vancouver) www.canakit.com For other ideas see www.fraservalleyraspberrypi.wordpress.com Google search will reveal many more options What You Need – The Basics A Raspberry Pi (B+) 5V Micro USB 1.2A (2.5A better to power USB ports) Minimum 8 GB SD Card (best with NOOBS – New Out Of Box Software) Raspberry Pi Case to protect unit – Many Types –See Amazon, Ebay, etc. Case with GPIO access is great for Ham Radio projects WiFi Dongle or use Ethernet Port (Model B and B+) Keyboard – Small wireless w/dongle is best Projects What You Can Do With a Raspberry Pi… Pi HF Software Defined Radio (SDR) Pi TNC-X VE7LTD RPi IRLP Node Raspberry Pi DVAP(D-Star) Non-Amateur Radio Projects Raspberry Pi Media Centre XBMC Movies, TV Shows & More RPi Cluster Web Server RPi Supercomputer PiFace Home Automation Home Alarm System & Automation Arduino Uno And Other Models Arduino – Programmable Microcontroller Raspberry Pi – Micro Computer Comparison Q&A Joe Zaccaria – VE7TOL Langley, Maple Ridge, Blaine ACS & Surrey Repeaters www.fraservalleyraspberrypi.com