January Newsletter (2) - Harding Memorial Primary School

Principal: S Cumper
Harding Memorial Primary School
105 Cregagh Road
Belfast BT6 8PZ
Telephone: 028 90458040
Fax: 028 90460917
Tuesday 19th January 2016
Dear Parent
Thank You = Board of Governors Parent/Guardian Questionnaire & School Open Evening
We are happy to report that approximately 61% of parents responded to the Bi-Annual Board of
Governors Harding Memorial Primary School Questionnaire. Obviously the administrative process of
collating the responses has taken some considerable time. Nevertheless all pertinent issues will be
brought to the attention of the Harding Memorial Primary School Board of Governors. It is intended
that a summary report of the results of the Parent Questionnaire will be issued to all Parent/Guardians
before the Half Term Vacation Period. Thank you to all those Parents who responded to this very
important survey of “stakeholder” attitudes and opinions towards School. In addition we would like
to thank all those Pupils, Parents and Friends of the School who attended our recent Open Evening.
Parent Teacher Association Quiz Evening
The Harding Memorial P.T.A. are organising a Pupil and Parents Quiz Evening on Wednesday 10th
February 2016 at 6.30pm – 8.00pm. This event is open to both adults and children alike no matter
what your quiz ability. We hope that as many friends of Harding Memorial as possible will join us in
this family event. Additional information will be issued to all P1 – P7 Parents in advance of this date.
After School Clubs
We are happy to report that over one hundred pupils will be attending After School Clubs in Harding
Memorial Primary School during Term 2. Children have been given the opportunity to attend the
following after school clubs: Hyper Pro Club, Football Club, Art Club, ICT Club, Choir Club and
Rugby Club. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our School Teaching Staff for providing
these extra curricular activities that enrich the life of our school and the lives of our children
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on the week commencing Monday 7th March 2016. P1 – P7
pupils will stop school at 2.00pm all week to facilitate these meetings. Further information about
individual parent interview times will be distributed to parents after Half Term.
Half Term Vacation Period and School Development Day
 Harding Memorial Primary School will be closed for the Half Term Vacation Period on
Monday 15th February and Tuesday 16th February 2016
 Harding Memorial Primary School will be closed for a School Development
Day/Exceptional Closure Day on Wednesday 17th February 2016. No pupils should attend
School on this date.
 Harding Memorial Primary School will re-open for all Primary 1 to Primary 7 pupils on
Thursday 18th February 2016 at 8.55am.
 We would be grateful if parents could use some time over the Half Term vacation period to
check school uniforms for missing name identification labels. We have quite a large
amount of lost property in school which we are unable to return to children when there are
no names on it.
Internet Safety
Harding Memorial Primary School Staff are very aware of the positive impact that ICT can have on
pupil learning. In school we teach children the skills they need to use ICT effectively and
appropriately, in their learning across the curriculum. We are very keen to work together with
parents to keep our children safe while using this invaluable resource. Therefore we would
encourage all parents to access the web link below
Children are increasingly accessing an adult world via the Internet in terms of websites, games
and social networking sites. These actions are leaving our children vulnerable and exposed to
genuine risk. Service providers have clear age restrictions for users, to protect children from
upsetting and inappropriate content, and from contact with those who might also be acting
inappropriately, or from false motives. Consequently for Primary School Age children to be on
social networking sites will require false dates of birth to be entered at the registration stage. As
a school it is our view that Primary School Age children should not be accessing social networking
sites as this is both against the social networking requirements and wise practice for the e-safety of
children. We hope, from a safe-guarding perspective, that the attached web link information above
will give parents a further opportunity to discuss with their children the potential dangers of such
actions. We thank parents in advance for their co-operation with this issue.
Sporting Success
We are pleased to inform parents that two Primary 7 Boys Football Teams successfully
participated in a Football Tournament at Ashfield Boys HS on Friday 15th January 2016. Both
Teams qualified from their sections and were only finally defeated in the semi-finals.
Congratulations to Thomas, Joshua, Thomas, Bobby, Mason, Christian, Mason, Adam, Thomas,
Aaron, Sam, Leon, Mitchell, Jack, Jamie and Harry. It is very pleasing to observe the promising
sporting talent at Harding Memorial Primary School and to note the enthusiasm of all our pupils
which should ensure our future sporting success.
Date Of Future Event
Wednesday 3rd February
Thursday 4th February
Wednesday 10th February
Friday 12th February
Monday 15th February
Tuesday 16th February
Wednesday 17th February
Description Of Event
Primary 1 to Primary 7 Table Tennis Demonstration Day
Primary 1 to Primary 7 Sing Up Celebration Day
PTA Quiz Evening in Assembly Hall from 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Harding Memorial School Choir in BBC Choir of the Year Semi Final
School is closed for Half Term Holiday on Monday and Tuesday
P1 – P7 pupils should not attend school on Wednesday 17th February
as it is a School Development Day/Exceptional Closure Day
Thursday 18 February
P1 – P7 pupils will return to school on Thursday 18th February
Wednesday 24th February
P6 Parent Transfer from Primary School Information Talk at 7.00pm
Wednesday 2 March to P6 pupils have the opportunity to go on a Residential Trip to
Friday 4th March
Delamont Outdoor Education Centre (Killyleagh)
Monday 7 March to Friday Parent Teacher Interview Week – School will close at 2.00pm all week
11th March
and further details will be given to parents in advance
Monday 14th March
Scholastic Book Fair Week – Further details to be distributed
Thursday 17th March
School will close at 12.15pm for P1 – P7 pupils (No School Dinners)
Friday 18 March
School will close at 12.15pm for P1 – P7 pupils (No School Dinners)