Acceptance Guidelines for Colleges - Services

Acceptance of 2015 Linkage Projects
First of all may I congratulate you on your success. This document is
designed to provide advice to you in the steps you and the ANU need to
take to accept and start the Project.
How to accept your Linkage Project Grant
The first step is to make an appointment with your College Research Office. If you are based
away from Canberra then we would suggest you first make email contact and then where
possible set up a Skype call.
If you are unsure who to contact the list of College Research Offices is available at
As part of the acceptance process for a Linkage Project Grant the College Research Office will
advise you and ensure that you are aware of the appropriate arrangements which have to be
put in place (we attach for information the guidance note we issue to Colleges).
Please read the Funding Agreement for LP15 and familiarize yourself with the Important
Conditions of Award in preparation for this meeting.
The Funding Agreement outlines the responsibilities of the Administering Organisation and the
Chief and Partner Investigators, including details relating to: use of funding, obligations of
personnel, reporting requirements and variations which require ARC approval. The document is
fairly detailed but it is important that you read and understand this fully in order to ensure that
you can run the award effectively. If there are points you do not understand please discuss
these with your College Research Office.
As the Lead Investigator you are also responsible for ensuring that ALL participants on your
project understand their commitments and responsibilities (i.e. anyone who is named on a subcontract/Multi Institutional Agreement associated with the Linkage Project).
Acceptance of a 2015 Linkage Project
Guidance for College Research Office Staff
The Lead Investigator will make an appointment with the College Research Office to accept the Grant and
be informed of their commitments under the Funding Agreement, and the grants management timeline and
processes that need to be put in place. A single point of contact will be established to ensure the different
areas of the University involved in the management of the Grant are involved. It is recommended that at
minimum a representative of College Finance and Human Resources, and the relevant area’s business
manager should be in attendance. Representatives from College Marketing and Communications and the
College HDR officer should also be included where relevant
It is important that this meeting takes place even if the Lead Investigator is overseas (a Skype
meeting may be necessary).
The following essential acceptance and management documentation should be provided to the Fellow and
1. ARC Funding Agreement for Linkage Projects for funding commencing in 2015
2. Agreement to Manage ARC/ NHMRC Grants form
3. Important conditions of this Grant (you will need to include any Special Conditions that were listed
on the Letter of Award)
4. LP15 Partner Agreement
In addition, there are a several scheme-specific matters that you may wish to discuss with each Lead
Investigator, to assist them in the smooth commencement and management of their project:
Project re-scoping and revised budget (if required):
 If the project has been granted a lesser amount of funding than was requested, a revised budget
needs to be put in place.
 Does a revised project plan need to be put in place to account for reduced ARC funding?
 Exchange rate fluctuations (even relatively small movements) and bank fees can greatly affect the
value of foreign fund contributions. In cases where internal PO exists consideration should be given
to managing and mitigating the consequences of exchange rate fluctuations. Budget changes may
impact on the delivery of research outcomes.
 Will the (non-fieldwork) travel budget for the project remain within the specified limit?
 Will there be a major variation in budget items? – VFA may be required.
 Will there be a change in the equipment requested? – VFA may be required.
 Will there be funds crossing budget lines? – VFA will be required.
Project timeline & activities:
 When does the Lead Investigator intend to commence the Project?
o Requests for deferment of commencement beyond 30 June 2016 will not be considered. It
is best if any issues arise which make starting difficult are identified at this stage.
o Projects that do not commence on time may be terminated by the ARC.
 Discuss a timeline for recruitment for RAs and PhD students
 Will there be fieldwork activity/ international conference attendance?
o Discuss time limits (the CI must reside predominately in Australia) and review budget items
o Discuss process for obtaining insurance and approval (including approx. timeline)
 Travel/overseas activities – the CI needs to be aware of time limits and the eligible costs that will be
covered by the ARC.
 Exchange rates may have a significant influence on the budget.
Employment conditions:
 Is the Lead Investigator aware of the award conditions covered by both the Funding Agreement and
the ANU (for example, in the case of maternity leave, the ARC will provide 14 weeks maternity
leave, and the ANU will provide a further 6 weeks with the option of a further 6 weeks leave to
facilitate a graduated return to work).
Acceptance of a 2015 Linkage Project
Have all visa requirements been met or are in-hand (for non-Australian citizens only)? Is a deferral
of start date required to allow visa processes to be completed?
Is there a PhD student mentioned in the application?
o Ensure the stipend is increased annually as per ARC guidelines
o Ensure that local support is available should the PhD student wish to extend their time on
the project (6mth additional stipend no longer provided by ARC)
Contracts with third parties:
 Do any multi-institutional agreements need to be executed prior to commencement of the Project?
Agreements have to be in place to ensure that the project can be completed.
o Discuss the process for establishing contract/MIA.
 Are there any IP agreements (including background IP) that need to be put in place for the research
to be conducted on the Fellowship?
o A further meeting with the Technology Transfer Office may need to be arranged.
 Do any sub-agreements dealing with Material Transfer need to be put in place for the duration of the
Linkage Project?
o A further meeting with the Technology Transfer Office may need to be arranged.
 Will any expert third party services be needed on the project?
o Discuss the ANU Procurement policy and provide a copy to the Fellow
 Develop a timeline of regular meetings with the Partner Organisational representatives to discuss
project activities, with a clear understanding from both parties of their expectations of these
meetings. Partners should be kept informed on progress towards objectives in these meetings.
 Agree to the expected outcomes to be delivered by postdocs or doctoral candidates employed to
work on the project.
 Ensure that the executed Funding Agreement, agreed timelines, revised budget and schedules are
provided as an attachment in any multi-institutional agreements.
Ethics and Integrity:
 Has the researcher obtained the relevant statutory or ethics clearances required for this Project,
which must be obtained prior to commencement
o Guidelines and legislation for Ethics:
 Human Ethics:
 Animal Ethics:
 Recombinant DNA monitoring:
 Data management/storage plan?
 Are there any potential Conflicts of Interest that need to be managed?
 Discuss Progress Reporting by Exception and Final Reports.
Open Access:
 Please ensure that the Lead Investigator is aware of the Open Access Policy of ARC.
Financial Management:
 Will ARC and Partner Funds be spent evenly throughout the project duration, in accordance to the
approved Project schedule?
o The ARC will consider the project completed once all ARC funds are expended, regardless
of how much Partner Organisation funds remain on the project.
 Will there be budget splitting?
 Relocation expenses?
 Discuss ANU and ARC Financial Reporting requirements and procedures.
Marketing and Communication:
 Will there be a project website?
o How will this be developed/ maintained?
 Is there a marketing plan for the project?
Acceptance of a 2015 Linkage Project
o Who are the key contacts?
Is the Lead Investigator aware of their obligations under the LP15 Funding Agreement?
Research Impact
 Research publication and dissemination plan – discuss intentions and responsibilities.
August 2015
Acceptance of a 2015 Linkage Project
Important Conditions of this Award
Projects MUST commence by 30 June 2016. The ARC will not allow extensions beyond this date and will
terminate the project.
Use of Funding
If there are any substantial changes to the budget or the project plan approval must be sought from the ARC.
ARC Assessments
By accepting this grant you agree to assess up to 20 new proposals for ARC funding per annum for each year of
funding. Failure to do so may result in the Linkage Project being terminated.
Progress Reports: You are required to report on your Linkage Project activities through a Progress Report by
Exception, which will only be required if you have experience significant delays or changes to the project. You
will be sent an email towards the end of the year so that you can consider whether a Progress Report is required
for the year’s activities.
Financial Reports: You are required to confirm the financial expenditure of the project each year, which will be
submitted to the ARC on your behalf. You will be contacted by either the College Research Office or the College
Finance Office when this report is required (usually in Dec-Feb each year)
Final Report: The Final Report is due 1 year after the completion of the project, and is submitted to the ARC
through the ARC Research Management System (RMS).
 The Final Report cannot be completed if there are still ARC funds remaining.