Green Green Week of 11/17-11/21 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Psalms 3:18 Psalms 3:18 Psalms 3:18 Psalms 3:18 Psalms 3:18 Standard(s) Foundations for Functions Foundations for Functions Foundations for Functions Foundations for Functions Foundations for Functions Essential Question(s) Are students able to multiply and divide monomials? Are students able to apply their knowledge about exponents and apply what they know to the scientific notation? Properly use scientific notation to whole numbers in expanded form. Are students able to apply their knowledge about factoring and apply it to fractions and monomials? Are students able to simplify and factor monomials and algebraic fractions? Scripture/ Passage Are students able to apply their knowledge about fractions to algebraic expressions? Thursday Friday Complete the problems Students will Multiply and divide Simplify algebraic to prove their mastery of be able to: monomials. fractions and monomials. factoring monomials and algebraic fractions. -Do Now -Pass back work -Do Now -Do Now (collect) -Do Now -Review 4-4 Study Guide -Do Now -Review 4-5 Skills - Pass back and correct -Scientific Notation notes -Pass out review of -Review Factoring Mixed Practice sheet the using PPT algebraic fractions, Review -Review Fractions PPT -Clear off desk and take a Lesson - Hand out Scientific factoring monomials & -Review multiplying and and Notes quiz on the algebraic Outline Notation worksheet scientific notation. dividing exponents. -Hand in notes for fractions and factoring -Hand everything in at -Small group work to -4-5 Study Guide and grading monomials. the end of class. complete the work Skills Practice sheet - 4-4 Study Guide & Skills -Hand in by end of the -Hand in at the end of Practice class class Properly define and simplify algebraic fractions. Assessment Exit Ticket- 58 (56 ) Evidence Exit TicketDefine and give two example of an algebraic fractions. Exponents, Fractions and Monomials Quiz.