Supporting Information Appendix: Table S1: List of species exploiting PAFS documented in the scientific literature Table S2: List of taxonomic Orders of birds and mammals exploiting PAFS Table S3: Table of studies used for meta-analysis and methodological details Appendix S4: Technical considerations of Fig. 1 List of References of Table S1 Table S1 List of species exploiting PAFS documented in the scientific literature. Some of these examples are cited in the main text. NQ = effects not quantified. The list is ordered as follows: type of PAFS, biome and taxonomic groups Type of PAFS Bird feeder Species Several bird species Black-capped chickadee Several bird species Biome Terrestrial Main effects of PAFS increased survival References (Dunn & Tessaglia 1994) Terrestrial increased survival (Brittingham & Temple 1992) Terrestrial (Jones 2011) Black-capped chickadee Several bird spp Terrestrial In the USA during 2002, ~82million householders distributed over 450million kilograms of seed. In the UK, recent estimates suggest that British feeders outlay £240–290million each year on seed, dispensers and other peripherals higher overwinter survival, higher body mass (Fuller et al. 2008) Bird feeder (unintentional) Bird feeder Carcasses Carcasses Lesser short-toed lark Kakapo Fox, Golden eagles Golden eagles and ravens Terrestrial Carcasses from hunting Carcasses from hunting Cattle boneyards Griffon vulture Terrestrial increased abundance of already common species; no diversity increase spatial aggregation; low body condition; high prevalence of pox virus increased breeding frequency; increased chick survival NQ Differences in the spatial and temporal patterns of resource use may allow resource partitioning between species, thus facilitating their coexistence in sympatric area Hunting could feed 1800 vultures/6 months Capercaillie Terrestrial (Fernández-Olalla et al. 2012) Wolves Terrestrial Subsidized mesopredators may increase predation rates on capercaillie Represent an important food source during winter; attract wolves to livestock Bird feeder Bird feeder Bird feeder Bird feeder Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial (Brittingham & Temple 1988) (Carrete et al. 2009) (Elliott et al. 2001) (Hewson 1984) (Blázquez et al. 2009) (Mateo-Tomás & Olea 2009) (Morehouse & Boyce 2011) Type of PAFS Crop leftovers Species Lesser Snow geese Biome Terrestrial Dump Polar bear Terrestrial Dump Terrestrial Dump Rats and mongooses Bald Eagles Dump Egyptian vulture Terrestrial Dump Silver Gulls Terrestrial Dump Herring gulls Terrestrial Dump Yellow-legged gull Terrestrial Dump Yellow-legged gull Terrestrial Three marked population regimes: steady population growth (average 7.4% annual growth rate) over two decades (1970’s and 80’s) occurring with an increase in the number of dumps, followed by a stable phase (average 1.0% annual growth rate) and a dramatic decrease following the closure of most dumps (2006‐2011, 12.0% decline in annual growth rate) Dump Kelp gull Terrestrial 54–69% of the birds of the colony were present at the Terrestrial Main effects of PAFS Destruction of wetland habitats by increased population size of subsidized birds Nutritional benefit. No reproductive benefit. Probably no increased survival. Some individuals poisoned at dump. Increases predation rates on native taxa: rats and mongoose preying respectively on seabirds and turtle nests Dump was not a major energy source, in part because interference competition Human activities enable the maintenance of the densest population, whereas vultures provide a key regulating service by disposing ca. 22% of the organic waste annually produced in towns Males using dumps were heavier and of greater body condition than non-subsidized gulls, but no differences were detected between females After dump closure, last-laid egg size decreased significantly, more eggs were lost by predation and fertility decreased, whereas body weight of hatchlings was not reduced Gulls disperse seeds from autochthonous as well as from invasive plants References (Kerbes et al. 1990) (Lunn & Stirling 1985). (Jones et al. 2008; Leighton et al. 2011) (ELLIOTT et al. 2006) (Gangoso et al. 2013) (Auman et al. 2008) (Kilpi & Öst 1998) (Calviño-Cancela 2002; Padrón et al. 2011) (Pérez et al. 2012) (Bertellotti et al. 2001) Type of PAFS Species Biome Terrestrial Dump Kelp gull and other species, especially Rock Dove and Chimango Kelp gull Dump White Ibis Dump Sacred Ibis Dump Ravens Dump Common ravens Dump Rooks Dump Dump Dump White Stork White Stork White Stork Dump White Stork Dump/Fishing discards Yellow-legged gull Dump Terrestrial Main effects of PAFS dumps; birds preferred to forage at a fishery waste dump than in a urban waste dump Numbers present were significantly correlated with the size of human settlements Fish waste generated at three cities may support a population of between 101 000 and 209 000 gulls Terrestrial Birds partially compensated for unavailable aquatic prey with alternative urban foods Terrestrial 58% of diet composed by prey from dumps; exploitation can enhance invasive establishment of alien sacred ibis in North America Terrestrial Anthropogenic resources for ravens could indirectly lead to the suppression, decline, or even extinction of desert tortoise populations Terrestrial Number of ravens declined during the study, coinciding with a decrease in the local human population Terrestrial Between 1976 and 2003, the two population nuclei that had access to tips increased 2.1 and 3.7 times more than that without a tip nearby Terrestrial 75% of storks were breeding close to dumps Terrestrial Increase of wintering population in breeding areas Terrestrial Dump availability would diminish the importance of an early return from wintering areas Terrestrial Common use of dumps in migration routes and wintering grounds in Africa and middle-East Terrestrial/marine Increase of gull population densities increases predation rates on syntopic Audouin’s gulls and European storm References (Yorio & Giaccardi 2002) (Yorio & Caille 2004) (Dorn et al. 2011) (Calle & Gawlik 2011) (Kristan & Boarman 2003) (Restani et al. 2001) (Olea & Baglione 2008) (Tortosa et al. 2002) (Archaux et al. 2004) (Gordo et al. 2007) (Ciach & Kruszyk 2010) (Martínez-Abraín et al. 2003; Sanz-Aguilar et al. 2009) Type of PAFS Species Main effects of PAFS petrels Terrestrial/marine Large differences in dump use between populations (range 0-45% by biomass) depending on distance from the dump and the availability of alternative prey Terrestrial/marine Numbers declined as food from discards and municipal dumps became scarcer References (Wilson et al. 2004) Red deer Terrestrial/marine Population growth experienced by many subsidized seabirds has increased ammonia emissions Terrestrial Attempt to reduce damage by supplementary feeding. Only hunting reduces damage. Terrestrial Control how many individuals use supp. feeding stations. High individual variability. Not all individuals of a population used the feeding stations. Terrestrial Omnivorous black bears altered prey behaviour by increasing predation risk at feeding stations Terrestrial Detailed review of effect on body weight fecundity, antler weights, survival Terrestrial Female aggregation and mean harem size can be affected by PAFS with potential consequences at evolutionary level Terrestrial Increased body mass then increased pregnancy rate. Red deer Terrestrial (Schmidt & Hoi 2002) Dump/Fishing discards Yellow-legged gull Dump/Fishing discards Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis, Herring Gull L. argentatus, Great Black-backed Gull L. marinus, and Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla Seabirds Dump/Fishing discards Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding Wild boar Mountain hare Voles Wild red deer Red Deer Biome In their first year of life suplementary fed deer are under (Ramos et al. 2009) (Cotter et al. 2012) (Geisser & Reyer 2004) (Newey et al. 2009) (Morris 2005) (Putman & Staines 2004) (Pérez-González et al. 2010) (Rodriguez-Hidalgo et al. 2010) Type of PAFS stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Species Biome Deer Terrestrial White-tailed deer Terrestrial Feeding stations White-tailed deer Terrestrial Feeding stations Feeding stations White-tailed deer Terrestrial Elk Terrestrial Feeding stations Elk, reindeer, mountain goats, Dall's sheep, Stone's sheep and caribou Elk-bird community Terrestrial Moose Terrestrial Moose Terrestrial Moose Terrestrial Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding Terrestrial Main effects of PAFS reduced natural selection pressure. The Nutritional, Ecological, and Ethical Arguments Against Baiting and Feeding White-Tailed Deer Food supplementation reduces the core area by 50%, but does not change the total home range. Caution against long-term supplemental feeding in fixed locations because of the potential for localized range degradation around the feeders Conservation concerns that providing supplemental feed to deer in semi-arid rangeland will disrupt the ecology of the land through changes in rodent populations were not supported. White-tailed deer impact on the vegetation dynamics of a northern hardwood forest High Brucellosis levels on supplemented feeding grounds. Supplementations started in 1910 to limit elk impacts on agriculture More neonate females probably due to supplementary feeding References Changes in bird communities and willow habitats associated with fed elk. Stands close to FS lowered richness and abundances of all birds Altered moose movement, distribution and behaviour, but only at the end of migration. Browsing impact greater (gradient) near stations of supplementary feeding Moose winter browsing affects the breeding success of (Anderson 2007) (Brown & Cooper 2006) (Cooper et al. 2006) (Moseley et al. 2011) (Horsley et al. 2003) (Cross et al. 2010) (Hoefs & Nowlan 1994) (Sahlsten et al. 2010) (Gundersen et al. 2004) (Pedersen et al. 2007) Type of PAFS stations Feeding stations Species Biome Moose Terrestrial Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Moose Terrestrial Moose Terrestrial Moose Terrestrial Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Ungulates Terrestrial Ungulates Terrestrial Big-game and small-game species European Bison Terrestrial Iberian lynx Terrestrial Northern bobwhite Northern Bobwhite Bobwhites and bobcats Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Main effects of PAFS great tits. Moose density and habitat productivity affects reproduction, growth and species composition in field layer vegetation moose winter activity around feeding stations affect reproduction in great tits and pied flycatchers Both cervid activity and human management interventions influenced bird communities. Impact of simulated moose densities on abundance and richness of vegetation, herbivorous and predatory arthropods along a productivity gradient There is a trade-off between high productivity of hunted ungulate populations and retaining wild traits. Affect animal movement and habitat selection patterns within seasonal home ranges Long-Term changes in game species over a long period of transformation in the Iberian Mediterranean landscape. Intensive agriculture depletes small game species Supplementary feeding has negative effects on bison ecology and health Feeding stations allow the persistence of lynx populations during long periods in areas where wild rabbits are extremely scarce References Terrestrial Collateral effects. Other animals visit feeding stations (Morris et al. 2010) Terrestrial No effect on reproductive success. Increased winter survival in locations when food was in low supply. Supplementary feeding can result in a spatial response by predators (Doerr & Silvy 2002) Terrestrial Terrestrial (Mathisen et al. 2010) (Mathisen et al. 2012) (Mathisen & Skarpe 2011) (Suominen et al. 2008) (Mysterud 2010) (Van Beest et al. 2011) (Delibes-Mateos et al. 2009) (Kowalczyk et al. 2011) (López-Bao et al. 2008) (Godbois et al. 2004) Type of PAFS Feeding stations Feeding stations Species Bears Biome Terrestrial Main effects of PAFS Gain body mass in fed areas References (Partridge et al. 2001) Hen harriers Terrestrial (Thompson et al. 2009) Feeding stations Hen harrier Terrestrial Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Feeding stations Pheasants Terrestrial Pheasant Terrestrial Florida scrub-jays Terrestrial Florida scrub-jays Terrestrial Fishing discards Amphipods, isopods, cephalopods, ophiuroids, nine species of fish, and seven decapods Liocarcinus holsatus, Pagurus bernhardus, Asterias rubens, ophiurids, and Marine Provision of supplementary food to hen harriers greatly reduced their predatory impact on young grouse, but did not result in higher grouse densities Intended to reduce mortality in natural prey (red grouse). Larger clutches, not earlier. Females fed more than males. Females that fed once, repeated. Decreased chick mortality but not increased densities. Increased density. Equal breeding success and timing. Renesting occurred more rapidly. Supplementary feeding with grain improves pheasant body condition in winter and early spring Suburban birds fed ad libitum bred early and showed low levels of corticosterone. Weak support for unpredictability causing delay in onset of reproduction. However the artificial lab environment may limit the application to free-living organisms. NQ Marine NQ (Groenewold & Fonds 2000) Fishing discards (Redpath et al. 2001) (Hoodless et al. 1999) (Stoate 2002) (Schoech et al. 2008) (Bridge et al. 2009) (Bozzano & Sardà 2002) Type of PAFS Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Species small gadoids Hermit crab, starfish, whelk, swimming crabs, edible crab, amphipods and isopods Trachinus draco, Pagellus acarne, Scyliorhinus canicula, Raja montagui and Leucoraja naevus Liocarcinus depurator, Asterias rubens, Neptunea antiqua, Pagurus bernhardus, Carcinus maenas, Cancer pagurus and Myxine glutinosa Conger eel (Conger conger), amphipod Scopelocheirus hopei and isopod Natatolana (Cirolana) borealis Biome Main effects of PAFS References Marine NQ (Ramsay et al. 1997) Marine NQ (Olaso et al. 2007) Marine The energy available from discards could potentially provide the identified marine discard scavengers on the fishing grounds with 37 % of their energetic requirements (Catchpole et al. 2006) Marine NQ (Castro et al. 2010) Type of PAFS Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Species Hake Merluccius hubbsi, southern cod Patagononotothen ramsayi and grenadier Macrourus holotrachys Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma, and oilfish Ruvettus pretiosu Northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis Balearic shearwater Cory’s shearwater Biome Marine Main effects of PAFS Squid remains discarded by the fishery represented some 20–40% by volume of the diet References (Laptikhovsky & Fetisov 1999) Marine Discards made up between 25%-78% of the diets (Yamamura 1997) Marine (Camphuysen & Garthe 1997) Black-browed Albatross Black-browed Albatross Marine 14 species of petrels, shearwaters, Marine 50% of their energy requirement was met by offal and discards 41% of the energy obtained by the species’ world population comes from PAFS during the breeding season Bycatch in longlines dramatically increased in the absence of trawling discards The energy content of this waste is equivalent to 4.4% of the estimated total annual energy requirements The total quantity scavenged during the chick rearing period amounts to 1000–2000 tonnes per year. This is equivalent to 10–15% of the total food requirement of the breeding Black-browed Albatross population NQ Marine Marine Marine (Arcos & Oro 2002) (Laneri et al. 2010) (Thompson & Riddy 1995) (Thompson 1992) (Bugoni et al. 2010) Type of PAFS Species albatrosses and fulmar At least 12 species of albatrosses, shearwaters and petrels in New Zealand waters Cape gannets Biome Main effects of PAFS References Marine NQ (Petyt 1995) Marine (Gremillet et al. 2008) Fishing discards Cape gannets Marine Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Cape gannets Marine Audouin’s gull Marine Audouin’s gull Marine Audouin’s gull Marine Fishery wastes are beneficial to non-breeding birds: lower dispersal and foraging times, number of dives and a 46% reduction in the average time spent underwater when exploiting discards. Not beneficial to breeding birds because of being poor lipid-rich food Cape gannets depend on fishery waste when their natural prey is scarce, but revert to feeding on natural resources whenever available Birds from one declining colony foraged primarily on lowenergy fishery discards Laying dates, clutch size, egg volume, hatching success, breeding success Reduced time devoted to forage; weekly cycle in foraging activity Large increase in foraging range in the absence of PAFS Audouin’s gull Marine (Genovart et al. 2003) Fishing discards Fishing discards Lesser blackbacked gull Herring and great black-backed gulls Marine Birds breeding in a patch with higher PAFS availability had significantly larger body size and weight than gulls living in a distant patch from PAFS Egg volume, breeding success The intensity of gull predation on storm-petrels appears to depend on the availability of discards of spawning capelin (Stenhouse & Montevecchi 1999) Fishing discards Fishing discards Marine (Tew Kai et al. 2013) (Pichegru et al. 2007) (Oro et al. 1996) (Oro 1995; Mañosa et al. 2007) (Arcos & Oro 1996) (Oro 1996) Type of PAFS Species Biome Fishing discards Herring and great black-backed gulls Marine Fishing discards Fishing discards Yellow-legged gull Marine Yellow-legged gull Marine Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Common tern Fishing discards Main effects of PAFS inshore. When discards were available, ca. 85% of pellets contained discard remains and ca. 70% of all pellets consisted exclusively of these; birds had a significantly lower body mass during periods of no fishing Breeding success References (Cama et al. 2012) Marine Spatial density of trawlers at sea and the time of the day are the best explanatory variables of gull distribution; gulls concentrate in areas with vessels mainly during fish discarding time, supporting the hypothesis that gulls optimize time foraging to take advantage of fishery waste predictability Clutch size, egg volume Sandwich tern Marine Clutch size (Oro 1999) Fulmar, Northern gannet, great skua, common gull, lesser blackbacked gull, herring gull, great black-backed gull, black-legged kittiwake, common and arctic terns Audouin’s, Lesser black-backed, Marine NQ (Furness et al. 1992; Garthe et al. 1996; Walter & Becker 1997) Marine In one area discards supply with almost double the energy requirements of the local seabird community, whereas in (Oro & Ruiz 1997; MartínezAbraín 2002) (Hüppop & Wurm 2000) (Oro et al. 1995) (Oro 1999) Type of PAFS Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Species black-headed and yellow-legged gulls, common and Sandwich terns, Cory’s and Balearic shearwaters, storm-petrel and common shags Kelp Gulls, Blackbrowed Albatross, White-chinned Petrel, South American Terns Great skua Biome Main effects of PAFS another area discards represent only ca. 20% of those requirements. Trawling fishing fleet discards large amount of non-commercial fish (up to 400% of landings) References Marine The energy content of this waste is equivalent to 4.4% of the estimated total annual energy requirements of the study Black-browed Albatross population (Thompson & Riddy 1995; Gonzalez-Zevallos & Yorio 2006) Marine (Votier et al. 2008) Sterna bergii, S. dougallii, S. Anaetheta, Hydroprogne caspia, Anous stolidus, S. bengalensis, Sula leucogaster and Fregata ariel, Sterna sumatrana Yellow-legged, lesser blackbacked, black Marine % of occurrence of discards varied between years and colonies (range: 0-65%) 9 from 12 species of tropical seabirds exploit discards to different extent (range <5-70% of its diet) NQ (Valeiras 2003) Marine (Blaber et al. 1995) Type of PAFS Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing discards Fishing Species headed, Glaucous and Sabine´s gulls; little, great, sooty Manx, Cory’s and Balearic shearwaters; Arctic, Pomarine and great skuas; Leach´s and storm petrels; Arctic, Common, Sandwich and Black terns; Kittiwake; Northern gannet; Guillemot and Little auk Sharks and dolphins, common and crested terns, and lesser and greater frigates 15-16 cetacean species (including 1-2 mysticete) Dolphins Biome Main effects of PAFS References Marine NQ (Hill & Wassenberg 1990, 2000) Marine NQ (Fertl & Leatherwood 1997) Marine NQ (Leatherwood 1975) Bottlenose dolphins Bottlenose Marine NQ (Broadhurst 1998) Marine NQ (Chilvers & Corkeron 2001) Type of PAFS discards Gutpiles from hunting Species dolphins Bears Biome Main effects of PAFS References Terrestrial (Schwartz et al. 2010) Gutpiles from human hunting Golden eagles Terrestrial Gutpiles from human hunting and from wolves Gutpiles from hunting Restaurants Bald eagles, ravens, coyotes and others Terrestrial Raven Terrestrial California condor Terrestrial The presence of armed humans during autumn increased the risk of mortality by about 1.7% for a bear spending all its time in areas open to elk hunting Radiomarked golden eagles likely fed on gut piles left by hunters, became food stressed after the gut piles became unavailable (depleted or snow covered), and died when extreme winter conditions prevailed. Species diversity greater at wolf than at hunter kills but greater total number of scavengers at hunter kills. Stronger top–down effect of predation in the vicinity of highly aggregated resource pulses. Gutpiles form elk hunting influences raven population dynamics. increased productivity; avoid contaminants and junk food Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Bearded vulture Bearded vulture Bearded vulture Bearded vulture Bearded vulture Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial increased juvenile survival mating strategies unaltered pre-adult mortality Modest decreases in extinction risk Restaurant Cape Griffon vulture Griffon vulture Griffon vulture Griffon vulture Terrestrial First-year survival increased by ca. 63% after the introduction of supplementary feeding reduced scavenging efficiency increase in population growth rate vultures are able to evaluate the predation risk depending on PAFS availability, and to modify their behaviour from“natural” caution (”shyness”) towards a more tolerant Restaurant Restaurants Restaurants Terrestrial Terrestrial PAFS reduce geographic expansion and foraging movements (McIntyre et al. 2006) (Wilmers et al. 2003) (White 2006) (Wilbur et al. 1974; Mee et al. 2007) (Oro et al. 2008) (Carrete et al. 2006b) (Carrete et al. 2006a) (Bretagnolle et al. 2004) (Margalida et al. 2008, 2013) (Piper et al. 1999) (Deygout et al. 2010) (Parra & Tellería 2004) (Zuberogoitia et al. 2010) Type of PAFS Species Biome Restaurant Restaurant Egyptian vulture Vulture species Terrestrial Terrestrial Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Vulture species Vultures Vultures Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial Restaurant Griffon and Egyptian vultures Terrestrial Restaurant Endangered raptor species (California Condor and Spanish Imperial eagle) Coot; redknobbed coot Common raven, jays Corvid species Ravens, jays, red foxes Terrestrial Restaurants Restaurants Restaurant Ungulate Carcasses Main effects of PAFS (”fearless”) behaviour Changed search strategy of food resources reduced nest survival in ground-nesting birds close to restaurants NQ reduced dispersal Can be used to avoid the effects of veterinary drugs and improve demographic parameters Diet overlap was conditioned by interspecific competition and the progressive exploitation of unpredictable carcasses after cessation of PAFS Food is voluntarily provided to improve individual survival and increase population densities References (López-López et al. 2013) (Cortés-Avizanda et al. 2009) (Margalida et al. 2010) (Monsarrat et al. 2013) (Gilbert et al. 2007) (Donázar et al. 2010) (Meretsky et al. 2000; González et al. 2006) Terrestrial changed behaviour; increased mortality risk (Martínez-Abraín et al. 2007) Terrestrial spatial aggregation; increased chances of predation; decreased abundance of other species higher survival, reduced home ranges, increased density In temperate forests, ungulate carcasses are a prime resource for many species of birds and mammals. Some species do not feed on carcasses or are killed. Effects on community structure (Cortés-Avizanda et al. 2009) Terrestrial Terrestrial (Marzluff & Neatherlin 2006) (Cortés-Avizanda et al. 2009) Table S2 List of taxonomic Orders of birds and mammals exploiting PAFS Order Birds Struthioniformes—ostriches, emus, kiwis, and allies Tinamiformes—tinamous Anseriformes—waterfowl Galliformes—fowl Charadriiformes—gulls, button-quails, plovers and allies Gaviiformes—loons Podicipediformes—grebes Procellariiformes—albatrosses, petrels, and allies Sphenisciformes—penguins Pelecaniformes—pelicans and allies Phaethontiformes—tropicbirds Ciconiiformes—storks and allies Cathartiformes—New World vultures Phoenicopteriformes—flamingos Accipitriformes—falcons, eagles, vultures, hawks and allies Gruiformes—cranes and allies Pteroclidiformes—sandgrouse Columbiformes—doves and pigeons Psittaciformes—parrots and allies Cuculiformes—cuckoos and turacos Opisthocomiformes—hoatzin Dumps Fishing discards Middens and Crop restaurants residuals yes yes Bird feeders Feeding Gutpiles and stations carcasses for game from species hunting yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Order Strigiformes—owls Caprimulgiformes—nightjars and allies Apodiformes—swifts and hummingbirds Coraciiformes—kingfishers and allies Piciformes—woodpeckers and allies Trogoniformes—trogons Coliiformes—mousebirds Passeriformes—passerines Mammals Macroscelidea— elephant shrews Afrosoricida— tenrecs and golden moles Tubulidentata— aardvark Hyracoidea— hyraxes or dassies Proboscidea— elephants Sirenia— dugong and manatees Pilosa— sloths and anteaters Cingulata— armadillos Scandentia— treeshrews Dermoptera— flying lemurs or colugos Primates— lemurs, bushbabies, monkeys, apes (excluding humans) Lagomorpha— pikas, rabbits, hares Rodentia— rodents Erinaceomorpha— hedgehogs Dumps yes Fishing discards Middens and Crop restaurants residuals yes yes Bird feeders yes Feeding Gutpiles and stations carcasses for game from species hunting yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Order Soricomorpha— moles, shrews, solenodons Cetacea— whales, dolphins and porpoises Artiodactyla— even-toed ungulates Chiroptera— bats Perissodactyla— odd-toed ungulates Pholidota— pangolins or scaly anteaters Carnivora— carnivores Dumps Fishing discards Middens and Crop restaurants residuals Bird feeders Feeding Gutpiles and stations carcasses for game from species hunting yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Table S3 Association between different detrended indexes of population size (density, population growth rate, abundance) and availability of PAFS available in the literature and from our own unpublished data. These association were used for the metaanalysis (see below). Name Scientific name Audouin’s gull Larus audouinii Yellow-legged L. michahellis gull Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos Griffon Gyps fulvus Vulture Yellow-legged L. michahellis gull White stork Ciconia ciconia Lesser Black- L. fuscus backed gull Griffon Gyps fulvus Vulture Common Corvus corax Raven Griffon Gyps fulvus Vulture 2 r 0.6224 No years/sites PAFS 21 discards Ref own data 0.3526 19 discards own data 0.7296 9 0.697 17 0.212 22 carcasses from (Watson et al. 1992) hunting middens and (Parra & Tellería 2004) restaurants dumps (Duhem et al. 2008) 0.11 23 dumps own data 0.2005 10 discards own data 0.1713 13 restaurants own data 0.56 29 gutpiles (White 2006) 0.6233 26 carcasses from (Mateo-Tomás & Olea hunting 2010) We performed a random-effects meta-analysis on 10 studies reporting coefficients of determination (r2) on the relationship between population size and some estimate of annual food availability. Between studies variance was small T2=0.045; H=1.3 (95% CI 1.0, 1.9) and the test of the homogeneity of variance between studies was not found to be statistically significant (Q=15.33; df=9; p=0.082). We first transformed the extracted r2 into correlation coefficients (r) simply by taking the square root. The sample correlation coefficients were transformed to Fisher’s z scores by means of the expression z = 0.5×ln([1+r]/[1-r]) after (Borenstein 2009). We obtained overall values and 95% confidence intervals for the effect size on Fisher’s z scale by means of the R package “psychometric”. ( The overall values for z (and its 95% confidence limits) were then back-transformed by means of the expression r = e2z–1/e2z+1 (op. cit). As reflected by the attached funnel plot there is evidence of publication bias since studies were not distributed symmetrically about the mean effect size. Typically larger effect sizes are more likely to be statistically significant (because they can be detected with smaller sample sizes), and hence are more likely to be published (Martínez-Abraín 2013). This publication bias suggests that the overall effect size can be somewhat overestimated. Figure A1: Evidence of publication bias in our meta-analysis, illustrated by the lack of symmetry of the studies about the mean effect size (0.67) Appendix S4 ‘food losses and waste’ is an averaged value by country offered at, whereas human population density is at a spatial resolution of 30’’ longbow grid. The layer of human population density is adjusted for fitting the data to the one recorded by the United Nations for 2000. Considerations about symbols For a proper visualization a stretched has been applied: The Stretched renderer displays continuous raster cell values across a gradual ramp of colors. Use the Stretched renderer to draw a single band of continuous data. Standard Deviation or Percent Clip In many cases, you can assume that the majority of the pixel values fall within an upper and lower limit. Therefore, it's reasonable to trim off the extreme values. You can do this statistically by defining either a standard deviation or clipping percent. The Standard Deviation stretch type applies a linear stretch between the values defined by the standard deviation (n) value. The Percent Clip stretch type applies a linear stretch between the percent clip minimum and percent clip maximum pixel values defined. When you use either of these stretch types, all the values in the histogram falling outside the values defined will be pushed to the ends. In our case, we have used a standard deviation of value = 1. Gamma Gamma refers to the degree of contrast between the midlevel gray values of a raster dataset. Gamma does not affect the black or white values in a raster dataset, only the middle values. By applying a gamma correction, you can control the overall brightness of a raster dataset. Additionally, gamma changes not only the brightness but also the ratios of red to green to blue. Gamma values lower than one decrease the contrast in the darker areas and increase the contrast in the lighter areas. This darkens the image without saturating the dark or light areas of the image. This helps bring out details in lighter features, such as building tops. Conversely, gamma values greater than one increase the contrast in darker areas, such as shadows from buildings. Gamma values greater than one can also help bring out details in lower elevation areas when working with elevation data. In our case we have used a gamma value of 5. References used on population density Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); the World Bank; and Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). 2011. 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