ACTS Revised Students Notes 09 Lecture 8-11

Lecture Eight – Acts 7
I. STEPHEN BEFORE THE ____________. (vs.1)
a. The Reason He was There.
1. Accused of ____________ (vs.13)
2. Accused of ____________ (vs.14)
II. STEPHEN’S ____________. (vs.2-50)
Stephen preached the ________! His sermon covered just about the entire
____________________, which God used to bring great conviction in the
hearts of the religious crowd.
III. THE ________________ OF STEPHEN’S SERMON.
Stephen leveled a five-fold charge against these religious men:
1. They were ____________________. (vs.51)
They were proud, and refused to ______ their hearts to God.
2. They were Spiritually ________________. (vs.51)
Spiritual circumcision is ______________. (Col.2:11)
3. They were _____________ the Holy Spirit. (vs.51)
Their hearts were hardened. (Hebrews 3:7, 8)
4. They had _________ the Prophets. (vs.52)
5. They had ____________ The Son of God. (vs.52)
a. It brought _______________. (vs.54)
b. It created __________. (vs.54)
A person under conviction of sin will either be ______ or glad. He will
resist the gospel or _________ to God.
When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on
him with their teeth. Acts 7:54
c. It brought ____________. (vs.57)
V. THE _______________ OF STEPHEN.
a. Stephen looked to the __________. (vs.55)
Even in the greatest of trials, we can look to the Lord.
b. Introducing _________. (vs.58)
Saul was a zealous Jew in charge of the lynch mob. It was this ONE
sermon of Stephen’s that the Lord used to bring deep _____________
and ultimately salvation to Saul.
Lecture Nine – Acts 8
a. The Ring-leader of the Persecution.
_________, the young Pharisee. (Acts 22:3; Philippians 3:5)
b. The ___________ of the Persecution. (vs.1)
The ___________ at Jerusalem.
c. The ___________ of the Persecution. (vs.3)
It was widespread – every __________.
Paul described his own _______________ against the ____________ in
Acts 26:11 And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them
to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad [a fierce rage] against them, I
persecuted them even unto strange cities.
d. The _________ of the Persecution.
1. The church membership was _______________. (vs.1)
a) It is possible that God was ___________ this persecution to
come about in order to accomplish that which the
__________ had thus far failed to do -- __________ the
Gospel into the world. (Acts 1:8)
b) This is one way in which the Lord can get people to do His
________ - especially if they are ____________. (Hebrews
2. The Gospel was ___________. (vs.4)
a) The _________ of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
b) It was the “lay people” of the church which became the
__________________ and ________________. The apostles
were still in Jerusalem. Every member of a church has a
responsibility to _______ souls.
c) This chapter begins the next section of the Book of Acts –
“And in _________ and in all ____________.”
a. Philip’s _____________. (vs.5)
He ‘preached Christ.’ This is the ONLY message.
b. Philip’s _____________.
Philip preached to the ______________.
1. Samaritans were ______________ Jews.
2. Samaritans were ____________ by the Jews.
c. The Results of Philip’s _____________. (vs.6-8)
1. A Great _____________.
The Lord Himself had sown ________ here some years earlier.
And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying
of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did. So when
the Samaritans were come unto him, they besought him that he would
tarry with them: and he abode there two days. And many more
believed because of his own word; And said unto the woman, Now we
believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves,
and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.
John 4:39-42
2. A Great Demonstration of God’s ___________. (vs.7)
3. A Great ________. (vs.8)
d. The Next Step After _______________. (vs.12)
Baptism follows salvation. In this verse we observe the following
points about baptism:
1. Baptism is a statement of ________________.
Baptism is a ___________ for the ‘right,’ it is a declaration
of ________________. These people ____________ their
former ways.
2. Baptism requires ___________ first.
3. Baptism is not the New Testament equivalent, or continuance
of the Old Testament rite of _________________.
Only boys were circumcised, and here males and females
were baptized, and they were ______________!
We are introduced to Simon Magus, the ‘Judas Iscariot of the Book of Acts.’
He was a man who professed to be saved but who had not ____________ the
a. Who was Simon? (vs.9-11)
He was Satan’s man in _____________. He was a sorcerer given to
demonic practices and the use of _________.
He was a great and _____________ man in the area. The belief of the
people in him was based on what they ________. The belief of the
people concerning Christ was based upon what they ___________.
b. Simon’s Real _____________ Revealed. (vs.18-20)
When Simon made his move it revealed a two-fold misunderstanding
of the Holy Spirit:
1. That the Gift of God could be ____________.
2. That the power of God is something which could be used,
rather than being _______ of the Holy Spirit.
a. The Samaritans Had Not Received The Spirit at ________________.
Why did God withhold His Spirit? For 500 years there had been rival
religions. Had the Holy Spirit fallen ________________ upon these
Samaritans, this rivalry may have spilled over into the Christian realm
and continued on.
By having the _____________ come from Jerusalem, the Lord
demonstrated the __________ between these two groups in Christ.
b. The Samaritan Christians Receive the Holy Spirit.
This was preceded by ___________ (vs.15) and the laying on of _______
(vs.17), which is a token of __________________.
Apart from this __________________ period in Acts 2-10, the gift of the
Holy Spirit is the _____________ possession of every believer.
V. PHILIP AND THE ________________.
a. Why God Used Philip.
Philip was a spirit-filled Christian, a ____________ member of the
church at Jerusalem, and a deacon.
1. Philip was _____________ to the Lord’s leading. (vs.26, 29)
2. Philip was always ready to __________.
3. Philip was _______________ in what he preached. (vs.5, 35)
4. Philip was ____________ in his service for the Lord.
b. The Ethiopian.
He was an _______________ and ___________ man that was also a
___________. He came to Jerusalem to try to find _______, and
searched the Bible to try to find Him.
c. The Ethiopian’s Search.
He was reading from ________________.
d. Philip – The Example of a ____________________.
1. He sought the ____________ leading. (vs.29)
2. He used a _____________ to lead into spiritual things. (vs.30)
3. He _______________ the Lord Jesus. (vs.35)
He used ______________, not arguments or reason.
e. The __________ of the Ethiopian Eunuch. (vs.36-39)
1. Scriptural ______________ - A Believer (vs.37)
2. Scriptural Mode - _______________ In Water.
Vs. 38 & 39 indicate that both men went down _______ the
water and came up ______ of the water.
The word ‘baptize’ () means to ______, _________, or
Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ
were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by
baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by
the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
Romans 6:3-4
3. Scriptural Motive – Symbolic of Christ’s _________, ________, and
resurrection, not a ______________.
4. Scriptural Authority – A New Testament ____________.
a. Philip was not rebuked by Peter and John. He was a
___________ of their church.
b. Philip held two church-related ministries: ___________
and evangelist. It is most probable that he was acting
with church authority.
c. Even if he did not have church authority to baptize, he
certainly had Holy Spirit authority. (vs.29)
Lecture Ten – Acts 9
I. THE _________________ OF SAUL OF TARSUS.
a. Saul the _______________. (vs.1, 2)
Saul went to extreme lengths in _____________ the Gospel. Having
scattered the church at Jerusalem, he sought _____________ to continue
his quest farther. Damascus was a ______ day journey.
1. An early ‘nickname’ for the disciples. (vs.2)
“This _______”
2. The vehemence of Saul’s persecuting zeal. (vs.2)
Men and Women.
b. Saul on the Road to ________________.
Salvation is based upon the ________ of God’s Word, not the ________
arising from circumstances.
There are four characteristics seen here found in every true conversion:
1. The ___________. (vs.3)
All who receive Christ must come to the Light of the
World. (John 3:19-21; 8:12)
2. The ___________. (vs.4)
Today, God speaks to man through His ________.
Notice the phrase, “. . . why persecutest ME . . .?” Those
who persecute the saints of God, are effectively
persecuting the Lord __________.
3. The ________________. (vs.5)
A man cannot be saved unless he is ____________ of his
sins – but a man may ‘________ against’ conviction and
reject Christ.
And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am
Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against
the pricks.
Acts 9:5
This is a __________ expression rooted in Hebrew
_____________________ life. The Greek word means
‘goads’ with any __________ point. An ox goad was used
to __________ oxen to _________. At times, they would
“kick back against the pricks.”
4. The Act of _________. (vs.6)
It is at this point that Saul received Christ as his personal
a) Saul called Jesus _________.
b) Saul was ‘born’ at the time he ________ Christ.
c) Saul was a ____________ ‘before’ he was saved.
His language in vs.6 is far from blasphemy!
What Thou Must Do!
Determine your ________ value – what you are living for?
Don’t be ______________ by chaff – what weighs you down?
Stay ________________ in your commitment – your calling?
_____________ others in the ___________ of Christ – enlist them?
Die _____________ - don’t retire!
II. THE MINISTRY OF _____________.
a. The _______________ of Ananias. (vs.10)
Ananias was possibly the pastor of the church at ____________. He
was in touch with the Lord, and was ready to obey.
b. The ____________ of Ananias. (vs.13, 14)
Many times Christians begin to think God will never save ___________
people. Paul was the ‘____________ of sinners’ and Jesus Christ saved
c. Ananias Ministers to Saul. (vs.17)
Here the Lord prepares Saul:
1. _____________ - he would receive his sight
2. _____________ - he would be filled with the Spirit.
d. Saul’s Immediate ______________ to the Lord. (vs.18, 19)
1. Be ____________. (vs.18)
Note that Ananias addressed him as ____________ Saul.
2. _________ with a Real Church. (vs.19)
Paul was baptized into the church at Damascus and remained
with them for some time.
a. Saul’s ______________ Service.
A man with the call of God upon his life must take immediate steps to
_________ that call:
1. The ___________ of his message. (vs.20)
He ‘preached Christ’.
2. The ___________ of his message. (vs.20)
That ‘He is the ______ of God.’
3. The ____________ of his message. (vs.20)
Paul went to his own first – the ______ in the synagogue.
4. The ____________ of his message. (vs.21)
He had a ___________ life.
In Acts 1 there was just one church in existence. In Acts 9 we see the word
The areas covered with the Gospel were: _________,
___________ and ____________.
a. The _________________ of Churches. (vs.31)
Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria,
and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the
Holy Ghost, were multiplied.
Acts 9:31
There was peace, or the ____________ of hostility.
b. The Ministry among _______ and _______________.
V. THE ______________ MINISTRY OF PETER.
a. The Ministry of __________.
1. The Healing of _________.
It appears that Peter had become somewhat of an ___________
a) The Miracle. (vs.33, 34)
Aeneas had been _____________ for 8 years. He was
______________, but Jesus Christ can make him whole.
b) The Outcome of the Miracle. (vs.35)
A Great ___________ followed with many being saved.
Here again we see the ___________ of miracles:
1) One healed, many __________.
2) Miracles ___________________ the Gospel.
3) The miracle was in a __________ town.
2. The Raising of ____________.
a) The Ministry of Tabitha. (vs.36, 39)
1) She lived at _________ - a sea-side town.
2) She was a _______________ church member.
“Tabitha” is the Aramaic-Hebrew
“_______” is the Greek name, both of which mean
‘female gazelle.’ This was a name of endearment.
3) She served the Lord by _________.
Dorcas was a woman of _______. She used her
dress-making talents to ___________ the work of
the Lord.
b) The Death of Tabitha. (vs.37)
Evidently her friends did not expect her to be __________
to life because they prepared her for burial.
a) The _______ for Peter and Restoration of Tabitha. (vs.38-41)
Lecture Eleven – Acts 10
I. THE __________ OF CORNELIUS.
a. The Gospel Opens Up to the ______________.
b. The _______________ of Cornelius. (vs.2)
1. __________ - religious
2. ___________ - God-fearing
3. __________ - giving much alms
4. ____________
Here we have an example of a ________ lost man. He did everything a
Christians ought to do, but wasn’t ________. Sincerity and _______ do
not save, only believing and receiving Christ will save a man.
c. Cornelius Sends for ___________. (vs.5-8)
II. THE ___________ OF PETER.
a. Peter’s Time of ___________. (vs.9)
He was seeking God’s ___________ for his next phase of service. While
he prayed, the messengers of Cornelius were coming.
b. Peter’s __________. (vs.10)
c. Peter’s ___________.
The trance was not the answer to his prayer, it was to __________ him
for his next duty. Peter was labouring under the burden of
___________. As a Jew, he naturally ___________ the Gentiles, and like
other Christian Jews of the time, thought the Gospel was
________________ for them.
d. Peter’s Vision. (vs.11-13)
This ________ contained wildlife considered ___________ to the Jews.
See Leviticus 11.
e. Peter’s __________________. (vs.14)
Having been bid to _______, Peter’s reply was a contradiction of terms.
“NOT SO, LORD!” To call Jesus Lord, yet not ________ His
commands is a contradiction.
f. Peter’s ___________. (vs.14-16)
The Lord was teaching him that ___________ were included in his
sphere of _____________.
a. The _________________ Call. (vs.19, 20)
1. The Need _____________. (vs.17b)
2. A Spirit’s ____________. (vs.19)
3. A _____________ Call. (vs.20)
Arise and go.
4. An ________________ Obedience. (vs.20)
Peter didn’t understand, but he went anyway. This is called
________ -- acting upon the Word of God!
5. A Step of _________.
Peter was beginning to see the great plan of God __________.
IV. THE ________________ OF CORNELIUS.
a. Peter’s _________________. (vs.34, 35)
Peter finally realized the importance of his vision.
b. Peter’s Sermon. (vs.36-43)
1. The Gospel was to the Jew first.
2. The Gospel is ________ by Jesus Christ.
3. The Gospel Era began with ___________________.
4. The Gospel is preached through ____________.
Baptism illustrates or symbolizes the Gospel.
c. Peter’s Witness to the _______________.
1. He saw _______. (vs.40b)
2. He _____ and _________ with Him. (vs.41)
3. He __________ Him. (vs.42)
d. Peter’s _________________ to Cornelius. (vs.43)
Whenever the Gospel is preached, an invitation to __________ Christ
ought to be included. God’s invitation is for “whosoever will.”